275 results found
Errors in transparency when Print to PDF from PPT
There is a bug in transparency when printing a PPT to a PDF. See PrintToPDF.jpg. The resolution is also not 1200 DPI as specified in the settings.
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This concerns the setting of the resolution when exporting a PDF as an image file.
I would be grateful if the resolution could be displayed in dpi, regardless of whether the unit of length is set to inch or cm.In Japan, the unit of length is usually cm, but dpi is used for resolution.
Currently, when the unit of length is set to cm, the resolution setting is also displayed in pixel per cm, which needs to be converted to dpi.1 vote -
Wrong conversion of letters "ti" from PDF to Word 2021
When exporting a PDF document in French to Word 2021 WIndows 11 with Acrobat Pro DC 64, all lowercase grouped letters "ti" are replaced with a "P". Example of result: "Andréas Stauder et Pascal Vernus (...) nous ont reçus au Département des AnPquités égypPennes du Musée du Louvre pour un échange capPvant concernant les condiPons d’appariPon de l’écriture en Égypte"
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New feature: in the drop down menu of a pdf file select Save low resolution
Dear support team,
I would like to propose a new feature of Acrobat: in the drop down menu when I right click on one or more pdf files I would like to directly select Save low resolution version/optimised version, and maybe also Export as image and other formats. This would require just one/two more buttons in the drop down menu (with subcommands of course): Save as and eventually also "export as" if you can't put all these under the Save as command.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Matteo Lanfranchi
in riga edizioni
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compressing file deletes comments
The last two times I have tried to compress a pdf to share, it has deleted all of my comments on the file. I have now lost hours of work redoing the same markup twice.
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Save as Adobe PDF in word does not convert graphs or alt-texts on images
When exporting from word using the option "Save as Adobe PDF" none of my alt-texts on my images follows to the PDF and all graphs are marked as artefacts.
Artefacts are also still present in the order-tab wich makes remediation for accessibility more dificult.
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Cant convert the sanskrit or devanagiri pdf to word
I have the sanskrit or devanagiri pdf, I want to convert to docx, it jus doesnt allow you to convert
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JPG Export
Not sure if this is a Windows issue (just updated this morning) or a recent Adobe update, but I am now not able to export as JPG. It goes through the motions, but no file is visible after it's done. PNG export appears to be fine.
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您好,我使用新電腦後,無法如常將caj檔轉成pdf檔,轉檔後文件是完全空白的,應該有bug。我電腦是lenovo yoga slim 7x gen9,用windows11系統。
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View your Zimbra Files as Acrobat PDF Format - Recommendation
Here's an easy solution to view your Zimbra files as a PDF:
Export: Export your desired Zimbra files (emails, contacts, etc.) into a compatible format like TGZ.
Use a trusted Zimbra to PDF converter, such as WebbyAcad Zimbra Converter.
View: Open the PDF files in Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF viewer.WebbyAcad Zimbra Converter can prove to be great at this work. It is user-friendly and offers efficient conversion.
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Need to be able to drag and drop pages from the Page Thumbnails pane to email.
Need to be able to drag Page Thumbnails to email. We can drag themto the desktop then to email but its an extra step Foxit doesnt require us to do.
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Export a PDF Menu
Export a PDF Menu is not working don't popup anything
the only way to access this option is when a file is opened and the Convert menu is available2 votes -
Extract pages not preserving number
I use the italian version, so maybe the commands I write here are not the exact name of the command in English, please forgive me for that.
i have a pdf of a technical handbook, with some initial pages with latin number and then from chapter 1 there are the normal pages with arabic numbers.
In Organize pages I select some pages and right click, then Extract pages. Unfortunately, there is no way to preserve the original number of the pages: they are renumbered in the new file starting from 1.
I wonder if you can implement at least a…
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Acrobat Pro Word->PDF silently omits vector images created on Word for Mac
A figure created in PowerPoint for Mac is pasted into a Microsoft Word for Mac document, but then a Windows based colleague with Adobe Pro and Word for Windows creates a PDF from the docx.
Problem: The figure is silently omitted (blank space on the page, no warning).
(a) BUG: even if you can't render it, doing so without warning is very poor as it means we need to check ALL the figures in a big report to make sure they have come out.
(b) PAIN POINT: there is no obvious vector format for the Mac user to use that…2 votes -
Acrobat page transitions unfortunately do not work
The functions of the Acrobat page transitions unfortunately do not work on the MAC. Acrobat does not display page transitions, regardless of whether they are created in Indesign or in Acrobat itself. It would be nice if this problem could be fixed soon. Among other things, I use a Macbook Pro M3 Max under Sequoia with the latest Adobe applications.
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Silently convert into PDF files and merge
When converting many files, like we have 170 excel files that we want to convert into pdf files, every single file is opened in a new tab, making pop up the windows o acrobat. Like that its not possible to use the computer, as any open window gets unfocused by acrobat. It would be great the have it running in the background
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Print to PDF bug - Top border of table is missing
Longstanding bug: When printing a Word document to PDF or using Save As Adobe PDF, if the document contains a table with table borders displayed, the top border of the table is not rendered in the PDF. See the attached image.
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Menu, Export a PDF does not work.
Windows PC. Stopped working a few weeks ago. Ran update. Reinstalled. No effect.
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Header copy not converting correctly from WORD doc to PDF
part of Header copy is not converting correctly from Word document to PDF? WHY??
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DOCX export with comments that MS Word recognises
The export to DOCX with comments generates a DOCX file that when viewed in MS Word has highlighted text and overlaid text boxes with the comment text for all of the PDF comments, but they are not recognised by Word as comments and as such do not integrate with its comment tool features.
Please export the PDF comments in a DOCX format that MS Word recognises as comments. Thank-you.
1 vote
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