430 results found
BUG: Combine files into single PDF does not work
Acrobat Pro DC 2017, Mac running Sierra 10.12.6. Starting with three single-page PDFs created out of Illustrator. Create>Combine files into single PDF, Add open files creates a single page file of the second file added, ignoring the additional two files. If I do not have the files open and use Create>Combine files and navigate to the files in the Finder, nothing happens at all. No error messages, no crash. As always, these commands work fine in Acrobat Pro XI.
1 voteThanks for confirmation. We are closing this case from our end.
Feel free to open a new case, if you face any issues.Thanks
Tanvi -
BUG: Date field in Word not converting to PDF correctly.
I created a date field, called VersionDate, as a Custom Document Property in Word. The field is displayed in the document footer. When I converted the document to PDF, the date changes from July 25, 2017 to July 24, 2017. I tried converting from Word plugin, Acrobat DC, and the Adobe PDF Services website, and each one sets the date back one day, but the Microsoft plugin also changes the format (from July 25, 2017 to 7/24/2017 (especially annoying since Australia does not use the U.S. date format).
1 voteHi Gabreille,
If you open your Word document and go to Print Preview mode (Word→Print, select any printer and check the preview), you can see that the date changes to one day back. Adobe Acrobat has not come into picture till this point. It is the custom date field that is behaving incorrectly in Word.
-amboo -
More Options for Combine Files tool
There needs to be more options in the combine files tool, such as having multiple images per single page.
1 voteHi
We have taken your feature request. It is under review.
Tanvi -
Export to PDF with no Dialogue Box from Automated Process
I need a way to create a PDF using an automated process that does not cause a popup window to appear. If there were a way to set the file location and file name without the dialogue box it would be very valuable to us.
There is an application called Bullzip that provides this functionality and charges a great deal of money to provide it.
I am attempting to use an application called Bartender to produce label images that I want saved to a file location as a pdf. The only way that I have seen it done is with…
1 voteHi
You can achieve this via Actions or Create Multiple PDF files option in a non-interactive way.
You can also achieve that via a script or refer to the Acrobat SDK for some API to do that.Thanks
Tanvi -
1. Default Order when combining PDF Files
I suppose this is a new idea, because it's not really a bug. Here's the summation of my problem/idea:
I scan files to my email using our copy machine/scanner. I then open and combine these files into single binders using AA Pro DC. To do this, I use the "Create PDF" tool from the tools menu, and then, from the "Create a PDF from any format" menu that appears, I select the "Multiple Files" and "Combine Files" option. When I click on the "NEXT" box, I can then choose to "Add Open Files," which is the option I use most…
1 voteHi Jeff
You can simply sort them in increasing or decreasing order by switching to List View instead of Thumbnail View while combining the documents in Acrobat.
You can refer the following link to know which button is for List View.https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/merging-files-single-pdf.html
Let us know if that solves your purpose.
Tanvi -
Wider Outlook Portfolio Creation Tools
The current Adobe plugin for Outlook 2016 works very well when creating portfolios from a group of emails. I'm able to add as many emails as I want to a single portfolio and the ability to append them when more emails come in is excellent. But these portfolios can only be added to from Outlook. It is important that I am able to add files to these Outlook portfolios without having to email them to myself first.
1 voteHi
Thanks for your request. But this is as designed behavior because non-email PDF files won’t have fields like To:, From:, etc. which will create inconsistency in the PDF Portfolio.
So the workaround would be to email those files and convert/append to portfolios.Thanks
Tanvi -
Add format support for Dassault CATIA V5 past R18 (CATPRODUCT, CATPART)
Add format support for Dassault CATIA V5 past R18 (CATPRODUCT, CATPART)
1 vote -
Please make it possible to 1.) import a word doc with images that remain at 300 dpi 2.) check the dpi of images in a PDF
Just to expand the thought above. Many people are online searching for ways to do this. I was told in an Adobe chat that it was not possible. You all are brilliant -- can't you make it possible?
1 vote -
Tried to create a PDF off a web page. If the first word of the page title is with a colon, it couldn't get it save to local
Tried to create a PDF off a web page. If the first word of the page title is with a colon, it couldn't get it save to local. Instead, seems my Adobe Acrobat DC is looking for the network drive and save it there. If the first word named "Making: steps to make a cake", then Acrobat will try to save the created PDF from the web page to the network drive "Making:", which basically doesn't exist. I am not sure if this will open up any risk for hackers trying to get onto anyone network drive (doesn't sound like…
0 votes -
combine files thumbnails not in proportion
I've just noticed that in the Combine Files panel, the thumbnails of the files I pull in are squished out of proportion. The thumbnails of the finished file (after I click "Combine") are just fine though - no issues with those. But the squished thumbs are very strange.
0 votesHi
Can you share a screenshot of the issue that you are facing?
- Don't see your idea?