316 results found
Please add tamil language in OCR
Kindly add tamil language support in ocr and other tools
13 votes -
Shortcut for Create PDF from Scan
Create shortcut on Home page to "Create PDF from Scan". A lot of users primarily use Acrobat to create pdfs from paper. It shouldn't take 4 mouse clicks to get this done. Also, there is now no way to use keyboard shortcuts to effect a scan. Alt-F-R-S is as far as one can go because the new blue Scan button does not have a keyboard shortcut.
29 votes -
Deskew only works with compression on
I'm trying to deskew a PDF in Acrobat Pro DC, but it will only work when compression is on at the 3rd lowest setting.
When trying to go higher or turn compression off the deskew fails.PDF is attached and also here:
https://forums.adobe.com/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fopen%3Fid%3D0B4cPyQRFPy9JdkFJYjljbmlWcWsSettings attached as image.
Acrobat Pro DC v. 2017.012.20098
Is this a bug or a feature? :-)
5 votes -
Acrobat Pro XI crashes during scan
A patch is urgently needed for Adobe Acrobat Pro XI and DC to overcome Windows' misbehavior vs. Acrobat after the latest update. Acrobat crashes during scan under Windows 10 latest update, often when one scans the first page, but sometimes only after one page or maximum two. I verified that by installing a fresh Windows 10 Enterprise, checked that Acrobat works; then Windows 10 was updated to the latest version and Acrobat scan stopped working on TWO different computers.
2 votesWe are glad to hear that the issue is resolved. Please get back to us if you face any other issue.
Thanks. -
I need to darken the text for a light object, but that is apparently impossible.
Adobe Acrobat used to have a feature to darken text. What happened?
4 votes -
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI vs. Adobe Acrobat DC
Can we get the Acrobat XI version of the Scanning stuff back? This multiple page setup in order to get to scanning a document is horrendous. When you update things, try to avoid bloating them into more steps, more bells and whistles that are just eye candy and do little to enhance anything....I like when we go update and find out that the newer version has less garbage on it, less junk added to it for overall performance gain instead of the industry standard of new versions = more bloated programming = less productivity and horrible GUI - Why does…
123 votes -
Please add Bengali language support for OCR
With over 250 million speakers, Bengali is the seventh most spoken native language in the world. Unfortunately there is no Bengali language support for OCR in Adobe Acrobat Pro. It would be extremely helpful for Bengali language community if Bengali is added in OCR. Thank you.
24 votes -
crashes when scaning multiple pages
crashes when scaning multiple pages
9 votes -
In Acrobat Pro, recognizing text would result in a continuous flow of editable text, which I could continuously select and copy all at once
Take away the boxes around text so can copy entire portions of text.
1 voteIssue resolved. Was knowledge gap for customer.
OCR Japanese (maybe other language, too)
This is a bug report.
In macOS,
'language' of application and OCR language have to be the same.
Otherwise it won't work.In Windows,
this bug doesn't exist.Details are discussed as following.
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/23531453 votes -
Option to eliminate words with mixed number and letters in OCR
Provide a check off that functions to prevent the OCR from mixing numbers and symbols in words.
For example: Custodian should not be read Cu&t0d1an - only letters should be recognized in words.12 votes -
OCR in 2 languages. I index everything. Currently I have to hold two copies of files containing (for example) Chinese and English.
OCR in 2 languages. I index everything. Currently I have to hold two copies of files containing (for example) Chinese and English. A related issue is papers with special symbols. Lots of technical papers in English use Greek-letter symbols. Acrobat does an amazingly good job at reading Classical Chinese characters (slow, but worth the wait). If it can handle that, it ought to be able to handle multiple alphabets.
5 votes -
Acrobat DC Bug: Image copy out of Acrobat DC drops portions of image
Scanner produces PDF files. It is useful to copy sketches from PDF file into other documents by copying portion of the PDF - select rectangle and copy/paste. This worked previously in Acrobat Reader but drops partial image content in Acrobat DC. Try it with binary scanned image attached.
2 votesWorkaround provided. No response from the customer. So closing this thread.
Thanks. -
It would be great if Acrobat was multi=threaded. I routinely have to OCR 4000 page documents which almost always fail and take hours
Acrobat needs to be multithreaded. I have a top of the line machine with 32g of ram and an I7-6700k processor an m2 SSD, yet am unable to successfully run OCR on a 4000 page document without splitting it up into 250-500page chunks, which is cumbersome. Even then, acrobat will only use 12% of my resources.
111 votes -
Arabic OCR
Need to recognize Arabic text from scanned images.
631 votesWe already considered this request. We will update you once the team prioritise it and implement it.
Scan PDF from mobile
Have an easy mechanism to capture a pdf using mobile camera phone and transfer to desktop.
1 voteAdobe Scan app has been released. Anyone can install it from app markets for IOS and Android phones. Closing the thread.
- Don't see your idea?