1741 results found
Adobe Acrobat DC 21.001.20155
When PDF is double clicked Adobe will start and reopen all existing PDFs in new instance.
The serialization should be on instance basis i.e. opening a PDF document should not open already opened files in another instance.1 vote -
It is too difficult to increase the size of the viewable text in a pdf to see it better.
I want to be able to expand the entire pdf document quickly by a specific percentage - say 150% or 175% or 200% - for easier viewing. Editing every section is much too cumbersome. This will also make viewing more accessible for people with vision problems.
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Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, version 2021.001.20150 -
The version used above will not display "all recent files". When this option is selected, takes you to a blank page and the search function doesn't work.
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Quick startup is vital, was better before (Pro)
Adobe (XI/Pro) was better before.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annots.api
Creation Date: 2014/12/03
Creation Time: 08:32:16For some obscure reason, now it wants to process the document or verify signatures when i open the document. ....... and I have to sit there and wait ! .......
That's not what I want.
I want it to poen in less than 1 second.
Then I want to check something on that document (think like paper document" in 2 seconds.
And then I want to close it again in 1 second.Your are not doing that ! ,....... you're stealing my time.
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Folder count in Landing Page
Provide a means of increasing the number of folders that are displayed when in the "Save As" dialogue. You could also just use File Explorer and do away with the "Landing Page" as I more often than not end up selecting a displayed folder and then selecting another folder from there. Most inconvenient unless you always work in the same five folders. This is one of the nicest features of the "backstage" in Office apps (setting the number of recently used files or folders in "Options"). Having the ability to increase the number of folders displayed in "Files>Computer" on the…
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Make the Find box a sidebar
I use the Find/Replace feature far more than the other tools that Adobe is promoting. And yet this is the only tool that I can't move to a sidebar! It overlays the text and blocks view of the material you're searching. At least before I could drop it into the header bar.
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More view options for the "Add Open Files" screen when using the Combine Files tool
Frequently I have to combine files that I have opened in Adobe from a scanned version. When using the Combine Files tool, there's an option to "Add Open Files." This feature is super nifty by incredibly vague. Once you select which files you want to be working with, it adds them to a preview screen -- the order of which is the reverse of the order you have the files actually opened within Adobe. A few little changes would make this so much better... 1) Spruce up the file select screen after clicking Add Open Files (it wasn't obvious to…
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hot key for higliting text
There is no short cut key for highlighting text.
the Shift+U does not work.1 vote -
Trim View Display
It be nice to have a Trim View display option similar to the Trim View display option in Illustrator. This view would temporarily hide the bleed and slug areas of the page.
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Difficult to know where to post a question
I have Acrobat Pro Dc and I have a question that I want to ask the community as the help desk is already closed at 5pm. But from all the logo's I could not directly know on which one to click because nowhere I could find Acrobat Pro Dc. Please make things easier for everyone so we can post our questions at the right place. Maybe you can put a filter function so that we can put Acrobat Pro Dc and so we can come directly in contact with people who know a lot about pro dc and can help…
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1 vote
Adobe? Hello? No Labels on toolbar icons????
Can someone from Adobe post and say if this will be changed in the next update? It is completely UNBELIEVABLE that software is "updated" to make it more difficult to use and hinder our workflow IMMENSELY! I cannot imagine how a beginner user could use this. I'd like to know if this will change because I'm considering alternative PDF creation software and will cancel my subscription to Acrobat and I don't want waste time to learn to use a new application if this will be corrected soon.
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Acrobat Freeze Again. I have performed fix of displaying only current visible
This program does not work. Please fix your problems. I will continue to submit feedback regularly. Hopefully enough bad reviews will save others from my frustration or encourage you to fix your broken software
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Freezes after opening 1 page Document - Broken Poor Software
Program freezes and Windows thinks it is not responding every time I open an document. Freeze sometimes last minutes. Program is completely useless. I would stop using it completely if I had a choice. Please fix your broken junk program
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Collapse "navigation pane buttons" bar by default
Hello friends. Firstly (coming from X on Windows 10) I think the new Acrobat UI is very cool! I have been able to customize almost completely to optimize for my work. I'd like to request a new feature I can't find (but if exists please point me to the solution). I'd like to open a pdf and have the "navigation pane buttons" completely hidden by default. Currently when I open a file I can click the small arrow on the left to collapse the "navigation pane buttons," but I'd really like this closed by default. I have bad eyesight and…
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Remember / make default sorting order in advanced search
When you use Advanced Search, there is an option at the bottom to choose your sort order: you can sort by Filename, Date Modified, Location or Relevance Ranking.
The default is Relevance Ranking, which –to me at least – is by far the least useful, since, unlike the others, it basically reorders the files you’re searching in with every search, so you never know what order your files are going to be in.
And there’s no way to change the default (as acknowledged by an Adobe employee here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/advanced-search-default-sorting-acrobat-pro-dc/m-p/9914022).
And then even if you choose another option, Acrobat FORGETS…
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Allow users to configure the tools that they use, a custom menu.
If I open the comment bar, leave it open until I close it. Why would you think you need to decide when to close a toolbar? If I open it, and close Adobe, I expect it to be visible when I open Adobe the next time. I expect it to be open until I specifically close it. Why would I want to constantly open the only menu I use for 99.99999999% of my menu use in Adobe? And update the time and date on dynamic stamps when I select to insert them again with the "K" keyboard shortcut.
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Constant Windows notifications...
Over the past few weeks I've noticed Acrobat has suddenly started triggering an array Windows notifications to update, install, or restart. (Side question: we seriously need to do a system restart for an Acrobat update? For real?)
I'm not sure what UX philosophy prompted this behavior, but I'd really rather it stop. While I think Acrobat is a solid piece of software, I really don't use it that much and I really don't care when there's an update for it.
Considering how no other Adobe app sends repeated notifications like this, I'm a little confused as to why this now…
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Simplified Bookmark
The current bookmark system is very flexible and feature rich, but is usually overkill for what I need. When I want to save my place in a PDF book, for example, instead of creating a new bookmark and editing it as I continue reading it would be much easier to just right-click on an existing bookmark and in the context (i.e. popup) menu have an option for "Save my place". Then, when I come back to the document it should just open to that location. Simple.
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?