1736 results found
Bug: Acrobat DC Pro on Windows skips colour profiles
- Open a colourmanaged Pdf with emdedded profile in Acrobat DC and also open the same Pdf in Photoshop. Colourprofiles are ignored in Acrobat DC.
- Happens on: Windows 10, Acrobat DC pro 2021.001.20142, Nvidia Geforce 1070 Driver and below.
- Colours should be equal in indesign (where the file was produced), Acrobat and Photoshop.
- Colours are not equal. Acrobat DC ignores the embedded profile.
In noncloud versions of Acrobat for example Acrobat Pro 8 colourmanagement worked fine.
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Enable width reduction of "output preview" window
The output preview ("op") window has a standard width that can not be underrun. As the window is very big, it would help if you could narrow the window more than it is possible at the moment. Therefore you would have more space on the monitor for your document itself. In my case with my older monitor, the window uses nearly one-third of the space of the whole screen and annoys me very often.
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file once opened in DC are not getting deleted or move
if a file is edited and saved from DC, it is further not allowed to move or delete until DC is closed completely, means if there are 4 files are opened and one which was modified is not allowed to move or delete until all files are closed and adobe is closed.!! what is this pain
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Alert for Enterprise Console.
(Enterprise) Need an alert on or from the Adobe portal, when the number of users mismatches the quota number in each of the Adobe groups. the mismatch would indicate that a user was added or removed.
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Red icons are LOUD
I see you changed to red icons recently, WOW is all I can say. I have a lot of .pdf files saved on my desktop and it looks like fireworks going off.
I liked the black better. much easier on the eyes. Thanks for your consideration
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Microsoft Teams Link Error
Copy and pasted MS Teams link from MS Outlook/MS Teams and the URL would display properly in MS Word. Print as PDF. However, when copying and pasting this URL from PDF and into browser or MS word, a hyphen is missing creating a dead URL. Part of URL is blacked out for privacy.
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Saving Tabs
Please provide a means to save tabs before closing adobe or at any time the user would like to.
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stop showing the history window when no other files are open
Having to move it and manually close it every time Acrobat is activated is a productivity killer. Until it's fixed, I have to set another pdf reader as default. I think the prior version did not have this problem.
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Navigation Pane remove
Can you please help remove the Navigation Pane by default after creating pdf file on more than 2 pages documents? I had been using adobe to print/create my excel file, and each time print out 2 or more pages, and the Navigation Pane with the Bookmarks keeps pop up, which I have to close in order to read the main document, thank you.
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Please let me get rid of the stupid 5 icons on right side of toolbar they are wasting space
Please let me get rid of 5 buttons on the right that are wasting space.... you can put that stuff in the menu instead of taking space on the toolbar that I can use for useful things. I attached a picture in case you don't know what I am talking about.
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acrobat reader does not interact with pro
Lately adobe has begun integrating features of acrobat pro into reader... The buttons do not work they are just a ploy to get you online and contemplating upgrading to acrobat pro.
I have no problem with this... its a little sleazy... but whatever it's free!
My problem is that once you pay for pro... or pay 800 per year for creative cloud... those Calls to Action remain and serve as useless click bate to a product which i have already paid for.
Note i use Acrobat Pro 20x per day and need reader to review documents. I actually like the…
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Legacy save dialogue
When I try to save a document in Acrobat I'm met with this dreadful and completely pointless dialogue box when all I need is the usual finder-based box where I can select which location to save the file.
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Adding touch mode to adobe reader
The present adobe reader is not entirely touch friendly. The buttons file, edit, view etc are still difficult to get in touch mode. An optional touch mode with better spacing and larger icons would be a better idea just like in Microsoft Office
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make the yellow explanation boxes optional
whenever i hover over any option in acrobat dc, very quickly a yellow pop-up appears, explaining the option. while those boxes may be very useful for novices, for me as long-time professional they are an ever growing pain.
as a graphic artist, i have to tick off hundreds of corrections/comments in every single document i get from my customer. all the time the little yellow boxes try to be helpful in telling me what i already know. they distract me and only slow me down. annoying little bastards!
i really would like to be able to turn them off for…
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Automatic sync'ing of Acrobat Cloud Documents
I would like to have my Acrobat Cloud Documents automatically sync'd with my computer instead of having to manually download every file.
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Acrobat Pro DC crashes daily and require repair installation
Version 2020.006.20042
I have to run "Repair Installation" every day in order to use the software. It starts off clean and fast, opening files, displaying, editing, etc. Then, when I try to close even a 1-pg document, it may take a minute to close the doc. About 25% of the time, attempting to close a document greys out the entire window (title bar indicates "Not Responding"), and eventually a window pops up giving me the choice to a) Close the program; b) Wait for the program to respond (see attached).1 vote -
acrobat DC pro doews not seem to understand that computer x and a connection to computer x via remote desktop is the same physical device
super annoying sign-in bug by adobe I have acrobat DC pro installed on my office PC and my remote PC, 2 sign-ins and activation per license, when I use my remote PC to create a remote desktop link to my office PC acrobat pro DC pops up the stupid-*** activation window asking me to sign out of the PC i need to activate it on... are the Dev programmers really that ******* dense that they can't understand how PC's work? so used to using their millennial phones and **** that they can;t get their heads out of their collective *****…
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what happens with different accounts?
Automatic check for existing account - currently I'm a faculty at UofC and started having problems using Adobe in my personal account. Pls check and let e know.
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Can only move two bookmarks at a time
In Windows, I have a top-level bookmark and, for example, 10 sub-level bookmarks. I want to Ctrl+click all the sub-level bookmarks in the left side panel and drag them so that they are at the top-level. If I do this in Adobe Acrobat, I can Ctrl+click to select all bookmarks, but then when I drag them, only the first two move. I can then select the other 8 and move all those at once. But I can't move all 10 from the start. This seems like a bug since it seems like you should be able to select all sub-level…
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