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Acrobat for Windows and Mac

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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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1738 results found

  1. Allow the user to copy the Acrobat version number from the display window that pops up when the user mouses on menu > Help > About Acrobat (in Pro, Continuous Release I Version 2023.003.20244 I 64-bit). Currently any mouse action on that display window causes the window to disappear. For instance, it could be done by allowing (a) a right click on that window to "copy product name and version number" or (b) allowing the user to select the name and version number, then right click > copy (or ctl-C).

    That would enable more accurate reporting of bugs and feature…

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  2. In the thumbnail pane on the right side of the window (circled in yellow in attached screenshot), when I drag a page past the top or bottom of the pane, the pages scroll too quickly for me to easily stop where I want to drop the page. I suggest the scrolling speed start slow, then gradually increase in speed as the user drags past more pages. If the user changes the direction of the drag (up or down), the scrolling speed should again start slow, then increase.

    As an improvement on that, allow the user to set a Preference about…

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  3. The new layout with for Adobe Pro with the tools on the left and the pages/bookmarks on the right is much harder to use. After so many years, why were they switched around? Please bring back the search field so that I can find tools. Everything I use is now hidden under layers of menus and really small icons.

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  4. In the new interface, version 2023.003.20244, the pan and pointer tools can not appear on the toolbar at the same time. Please fix this bug.

    Also, it would be great if it was possible to pan using a mouse ring click. Would you create a setting to pan using a mouse ring click? Thanks.

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  5. Other people set their PDF to resize my window when opening. I need to be able to override such setting in my sessions as I have multiple tabs open in windows distributed on multiple monitors. PLEASE add setting to stop or ask permission to resize my workspace window when opening READ-ONLY and normal PDF files received from other people or sites. In summary, give the user / customer rights to control their own window workspace behavior. Thank you.

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  6. Revert to Classic Style button. Must have it.
    New interface may work well for touch screens, but is cumbersome to those of us who utilize a mouse. The old drop down menu system was MUCH quicker; especially because I use a large screen and there is a LOT of visual real estate for me to scan as I attempt to initiate actions such as 'combine files' to create a PDF.
    You've made is difficult to utilize your software for its primary purpose.

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  7. SO, I know that Acrobat is built on 25+year old code, but it's time to look at the biggest issue I have - that Acrobat is hopeless for batch operations because they are a clunky hack on top of an application that was never designed to work that way.

    Now I'm doing OCR on 36 files. It's running in the background, but I have plenty of CPU time free. Can I get on with editing some other PDF while this is running? NO, because Acrobat is busy. I have to use a different computer. If you have acrobat Pro as…

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  8. When doing a process to Recognize text in multiple files, an unnecessary dialog box is shown - see screenshot

    This has only been added recently

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  9. The new version of Acrobat is the worst program I have ever seen in any category. I dont usually use vulgar language, but the long list of 4 letter words available would be the only way to fully describe the latest user interface. Everyone makes mistakes, but the entire team that is responsible for this product should be fired. All tools and details needed to navigate and manipulate a file were so easy prior to this useless version.

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  10. The new user interface changes the way that language for OCR can be selected, and the vertical list is now too small to easily scroll through to find languages. It should be at least twice the current height.

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  11. I found a fatal language-dependent bug in advanced search.

    Using "Advanced Find" to find words in a PDF, actions that could be done manually did not work in Javascript.
    Write a sample script below.
    Create a file in UTF-8 .js file format and place the file in "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Javascripts".
    Then restart Acrobat and you should see a new menu at the top within the File menu.
    This script can be run from there.
    When the script runs, the text in the open PDF is examined to see if it contains the searched characters.
    However, we have confirmed that Unicode…

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  12. In the new version of Acrobat (just became available), the page control features need to be returned.

    In the old version, the page controls toolbar could be docked at the top or made so it would appear at the bottom of the page when the mouse went near it. That option was incredibly useful, please bring it back. It allowed an easy single click to change how the page was viewed, either by making single page view, or page scroll, and also by allowing a quick button to view page thumbnails.

    Also, in the new Acrobat, there doesn't appear to…

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  13. The Acrobat DC sparingly deselected or unable to do anything when copy and paste something from another window sometimes when deleting a page, sometimes aligning a page, and I cannot tell why this happens. If I need to enter Acrobat, I just click the Acrobat window, then do page alignment the Acrobat window will be deselected . I am persistently facing this issue

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  14. The Tool Bar cannot be easily moved or hidden.
    On some documents this means that information is covered by the Tool Bar and there is no way to move the document to show it.
    In the attached example, the left column of the table is hidden, and there is no horizontal scroll bar to move the document across.

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  15. The current Adobe Acrobat Pro only allows a quick menu selection of >Windows > Split. This will give the user the ability to view a single document in two windows HORIZONTALLY (i.e. above and below). Because most pages are oriented in a Portrait orientation, it is more efficient to view documents VERTICALLY (i.e. side by side). It would be very easy for Adobe to add the programming option to be able to split this window vertically and very quickly by adding another menu option under "Windows > Split" to select the ability to split vertically or horizontally. Everyone's work to…

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  16. Where is the name of the document shown after it has been scanned in and named? Up until this morning, when I named a document, the name would show clearly at the top of the Adobe page. That way the page can rest in the background while i enter it into a database, and I could see the name of the document. Now I cannot even see where the document name is located anywhere on the Adobe page. How is it that the name of the document showing up is suddenly a design flaw? Why must any change to any…

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  17. Adding a slight margin at the top of the Acrobat Reader viewport enhances the usability of the UI by allowing the user to know immediately that they've reached the top of the document.

    The attached screenshot shows that MS Word offers a better user experience (UX) by visually indicating that the top of the document has been reached with the use of a simple margin in the viewport.

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  18. Please do not release the new modern interface - immediately noticed the simple "add text" feature is gone - it is now edit entire document. Major functionaly design flaw. There is nothing wrong with the current version, please do not change it.

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  19. Updated today, had to contact support, had to revert. The TABS at the top do not indicate which TAB you are currently viewing. The Gradient, if it is there, is far too subtle for either of my monitors to differentiate. Which file am I looking at? I cannot tell ya!!
    EXTREMELY URGENT as a lot of businesses use this to view PO/SO/Invoices that all look the same. So which file did I need to move a page from? Who knows.

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  20. The new version of Acrobat no longer cares about the "Remember current state of the Tools Pane" preference - Acrobat always opens with the "All Tools" shown. I believe I'm in a large pool of the population that will only ever read PDFs, so for all practical purposes, none of the items on the tools will ever be used. Please reinstate this feature.

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