2652 results found
pdf's are frozen
pdf is frozen after opening. It will not move around with mouse.
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need to create slideshow with pdf file
need to create slideshow with pdf file, need help with doing this
1 voteYou can refer to https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/setting-pdfs-presentation.html#add_page_transitions to add page transitions
Info panel
I would like a info panel that show me relevant information about the file. For me that information would be: Paper size (not including bleed) in milimeters, Color profile, bleed size, Ink limit, Spot colors, low-res image warning, fonts etc. I use Acrobat to check ads and I think a single info-panel would be great. If there is problems with the file, I can dig deeper with pre-flight, but in most cases I only need to know the basic information about the file. The Properties panel under the file menu is better than nothing, but it is too limited and…
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1 vote
Every time I open a pdf, it saves to the desktop as a new file. I have numerous file of the same thing on my desktop
Every time I open a pdf from an email, it automatically saves it to the desktop. I then have to delete them and it is difficult finding the latest file...that I didn't want to save in the first place. I want to choose when to save a file.
1 voteYou can change folder path via Preferences > Securit y(Enhanced) > Add Folder path.
I hope this works for you
Kindle/KDP/Amazon reformats PDFs to fit its tiny format. Results have errors--photos resized and scattered, text overlays text,
KDP/Kindle/Amazon reformats PDFs badly--photos are scattered + mal-sized, text overlaid other text (espec. after photos). Could Adobe put attention on this problem, plz. Editing PDF in Adobe does not solve problem. (Consider: Would creating smaller original PDFs (in Kindle size, for instance) make converting to Kindle, or any small format, more accurate?)
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Verification email not coming through
I am not receiving the notification email to complete setting up my new account. There is nothing in the Junk folder.
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1 vote
Can you please provide the scenario in which you are facing the KeyChain
File remains open behind the scene even when tab closed
This is a recurring problem with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC: When a file is closed in Acrobat (by closing the corresponding tab), the program doesn't not release the file. As a result, the file cannot be renamed or moved until Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is closed. I have attached an image of the error dialog that pops up. This is on Windows.
Of course, this is a major inconvenience because I have many tabs open and closing Adobe merely to be able to rename a file that's no longer supposed to be open in Adobe is not something that enhances…
1 voteThe error here explains that the PDF is opened in Adobe PRO.
This could be because the file is still writing the changes made in the PDF.
Could be that the file is opened from a server location/shared servers. And that the change is waiting to commit.
Need to go back
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is way too cumbersome. The old Acrobat Pro 9 was much more user friendly. Too much time is spent trying to find out how to work with this version.
1 voteDC is now our prime product with all the active development. Change can be a little convenient but i assure you DC will not disappoint you.
Can't save Extracted page
Working on a MAC (mac OS High Sierra v 10.13.2 updated 12.14.17) in Acrobat Pro DC v2018.009.20050
I think this problem started right after OS update.
Open a PDF document, extract a page, and now want to save that page.
A Save As PDF window opens but it is empty and you can't do anything. If you try it too many times it will lock up acrobat and you have to force quit. Does the same thing if you want to do a save as to an existing file and rename etc. Screenshot attached.1 vote -
application hang when closing OLE window from PowerBuilder 12.5 application
Using Adobe Acrobat XI 11.0.23 (Acrobat, not Reader), our PowerBuilder 12.5 application hangs for 8-10 seconds when an OLE PDF window is closed. The same delay is seen with Reader DC 17.012.20093 and all subsequent versions but is not seen with Reader DC 17.009.20058 and older, or Reader XI 11.0.23 and older.
There seems to be some delay in the destruction of the OLE PDF viewer object; the delay can even be seen when closing a window containing an OLE PDF viewer from PowerBuilder 12.5 IDE.
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Windows metadata tag
The Windows properties metadata tag though not used by Adobe PDF cannot be added or changed. For other files as .jpg, MS Office this field is available in Windows Explorer and can be edited. I wish Adobe do the same with PDF in order to allow files to be searched by tags.
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How to Deal with AcorAVdoc.Open's Exception on auto close the "no file exit" Dialog ?
Hi,I am writing a vba code, and need use AcroAVdoc.Open,but if no file exit , Acorbat application will show a Dialog ,it say" no file exit " and I need to use manual click the "OK" button to close the Dialog, anyone know how to control let the Dialog not show or auto click the "OK" button ??? I know AcroPDDoc.Open can do the same thing open file , I just want to know how to Control the AcroAVdoc.Open's Exception about open file failed, thanks ~~~~~
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Bug: Acrobat file created by InDesign export cannot be reduced in size; hangs Acrobat
A PDF which was created via an InDesign export, cannot be reduced in size in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. It hangs Acrobat during the Reduce in Size option.
I have isolated the cause of the problem to the final letter "x" that was added at the end of the text in the Indesign CC file.. I will try to see if I can attach that file. I have attached a ZIP-compressed Adobe InDesign CC 2018 package. I have also attached the PDF file.
This problem is keeping me from reducing in size a very large file.
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how do I delete adobe pro dc from my mac
Why is it so difficult to remove this software from my mac?
1 voteGo to /Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/ and run “Acrobat Uninstaller”. This will uninstall Acrobat from your system.
Convert Colors progress bar shows incorrect page number
When converting colors on a multi-page PDF file, after clicking OK, the progress bar that appears starts with showing "Converting Page 0" when it should be "Converting Page 1". Probably just using the pages array index (being zero based).
1 voteHi Rick, very fine observation that is, we have raised this to our engineer team.
1 vote
I am sorry for the inconvenience you are facing. Can you elaborate on the issues you are facing with Acrobat DC?
i could not save pdf after highlighting
hello.......i used to highlight while reading.....but i could not save the file.........
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1 voteIf my understanding is correct, you purchased some product but could not downlaod. Can you provide some more details please? Exactly which product/version did you purchase? Did you purchase online? If so, did you receive an email with the download link?
- Don't see your idea?