860 results found
The ability to drag a PDF file in to a template before sending
We create drawings that we need our customers to sign off. Currently we have templates set up that we use to send out to our customers for them to sign and say that they are happy with our drawings and information on the drawing provided. What we would like to do it send a copy of the drawing ( PDF) at the same time as we are sending the template for signb off, IE create the template and also drag and drop the pdf document in to the template that the template refers to.
Below you will see 2 documents,…2 votes -
AdobeSign TextArea
Title: AdobeSign TextArea
I am writing to request the addition of a "Text Area" field option within AdobeSign. AdobeSign currently offers various field types such as text fields, checkboxes, and signature fields, among others. There are scenarios where a more flexible text input option is necessary and the only way to accomplish a multi-line field is by stacking text fields on top of each other.
The inclusion of a "Text Area" field would provide users with the ability to input larger bodies of text, such as comments, descriptions, or detailed explanations directly within the document. This feature would be particularly…
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Revert Workflow to Previous Signer
We would like to be able to revert a workflow to the previous signer to make changes.
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Address Book for the receipient
Should allow the user to save the receipient name and email, so that do not required to re-key the receipient name and email address when sent document for signature.
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Acrobat Pro, turning off reminders
Please make the "Cancel Reminders" option more intuitive for users. Currently, a single user does not have immediate access to the Manage page. Turning off a simple reminder should be easily accessible directly from the "Reminders" page, not just the Manage page. Additionally, if a document is out for signature, users should still be able to turn off the reminder without having to wait for the signature or cancel the document altogether.
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Automate Initials for Signers for each Page on the document
Automate Initials on every page.
Sometimes there are 4-5 people that need to read/sign a document and each page requires initials of all parties.
The process of placing an initial tag in the footer for each signer is tedious and repetitive. It's actually a very useless task.
Automate placing initials on each page based on the list of signers.
- Initials on each page Yes/No
User chooses Yes, it will place an initials tag for each signer at the bottom of the page in the Footer section or a designated area.
Further improvements can be to show a list of Signers…
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Duplicate field on all pages feature missing
I used to be able to duplicate fields to all pages. After the latest update (23.0), this feature seems to have been removed. This means putting a document out for signing now takes 3-4 times longer to complete. Please, add this back
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Address book for emails
- Adobe Address book (store emails for request signature feature)
- Ability to select multiple email addresses at one time (check box selection of sorts) for request signature feature
- Ability to remove invalid, incorrect, or no longer needed email addresses from the auto populate feature in signature request
- 'BCC' option
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E-signature won't allow dropdown boxes
When I insert a page into a PDF document that contains dropdown boxes, Adobe removes the dropdown boxes so that the recipient cannot see those dropdown boxes when he/she opens it.
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Phone field to have phone format options to pick from that would autofill the symbols into the field.
This is an enhancement request for the Phone Field in Adobe Sign.
It would be very useful for the Phone field to have phone format options to pick from that would autofill the symbols into the field. This would take the responsibility off the signer.
It is also kind of ridiculous that just to have a basic version of this, which still requires the signer to put in the symbols manually, I have to learn how to code it through Regular Expressions. Many people don't have time to learn those just to have a well-formatted phone number. I fully expected…
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Please remove the download option for e-signature. When a document is sent for e-sign, the recipient should only have access to view and sign.
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Sender Title
Hi my request is, when sending a document to be signed the recipent receives the email from the company name rather then "Adobe Sign" , customers have a tendency to overlook or have these emails go to their junk because they do not realize they are receiving it from our company
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Acrobat Sign: Need ability to delete unsolicited documents.
Users need the ability to delete unsolicited PDF documents that are from unknown senders plus the ability to block the unknown sender from repeating the abuse. This is critical, especially when a document is an "invoice" asking for a signature. User should not have to contact sender. I see this system as currently allowing dangerous SPAM and becoming a target for use by unscrupulous senders. Please give users the easy ability to quickly delete these documents without acknowledging or confirming to the sender of receipt or deletion. Users need to be able to permanently block the sender and prevent further…
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Strict Quota Enforcement via Global Admin Console
Currently license quotas can be defined and managed in the Global Admin Console, and they are then reflected to the Product Profiles within the Adobe Admin Console. HOWEVER, they do not prevent profile admins from over-provisioning licenses above the quota limit. Thus, there is no strict technical control for global admins to manage license quotas.
Under an ETLA, which allows over-provisioning with a true-up model, global admins should be able to configure whether over-provisioning of a license type is allowed at the Global Admin Console level. Quotas set and managed by a global admin at the GAC level should be…
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one signature request for multiple files
At the moment, multiple documents needs to be combined if we want to send out multiple documents for signature. This is not ideal, I would prefer to have the ability to send one request (email) and request signatures on multiple files so that customer doesn't get bombarded if we need to send 5 documents for signature at the same time.
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Signature Order
It would be great if I can list myself as the first signer and then multiple other clients as a group of next signers. As is, if I would like to set a signing order so that I sign first, the only option is for the other signers to sign one at a time. This is awkward when you have multiple clients that are waiting to sign a document. The client lower in the order is always asking why they haven't rec'd the document and I'm forced to explain the issue.
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Ignoring certificate vendors and solutions cuts down usability
Has a problem with new certificaion chains (like from Digicert) for monthes, simply ignores them.
Doesn't update the AATL for monthes, is erratic on handling it.
Doesn't take EIDAS solutions into account.
Has no direct interface to the e-signing process eg. of Austrian "Handysignatur" or "ID-Austria" signing, which is rolled out to millions of citizens.
Relys on funny "stick figures" instead of EIDAS.
Adobe should think outside the box, when major parts of the world set standards like the European Union.1 vote -
Date of Signing: Custom Format messed up
The new Adobe Sign has messed up so many of my documents so far that it's amazing. Just today, the "date of signing" customized entry with "dd" was completed and appears as "57//" somehow. How does that even happen?
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Bug – Adobe Acrobat Sign Text Tags not Working
I worked with your support group for 30 minutes to get to the bottom of this and here's what we determined. When using Text Tags in MS Word, Adobe Sign will not recognize or utilize them when documents are submitted for signature from either Adobe App or Adobe Cloud. In order to get them to work, you must do these two things:
1) Click on your Account, Settings, and then Uncheck "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures" and "Disable form field detection." Doing this on its own did Not solve the problem.
2) From within the Adobe Acrobat App,…
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Group Sending / Agreement access
We need the ability to send as a group email, and/or at least the ability for a group admin to be able to view/download agreements that have been sent by any users of that group.
Having to manually share each account to another person, or making a person a full Privacy Admin is not suitable
2 votes
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