417 results found
Link to a specific page in a PDF on my filesystem
Create external links to specific pages in PDF files on my file system, such that directory shortcuts or external links from other programs can be made.
For example, individual external links to bookmarks4 votesHi,
Thanks for contacting us, Can you please specify what exactly is the issue you are facing here.Thanks
Rachit -
customize extracted pages default name
I would like to see a preference panel that can customize the extracted page(s) name, vs. the default "pages from (host file name)". This would simplify the renaming process
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Dialog Boxes Too Big for Screen
The crop dialog boxes are insanely large and unscrollable -- I can't click on "Apply" unless I move the dialog to another screen, and on that screen I can only see a small part of the window.
4 votes -
Invalid Parameter
Operating system: MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
When you editing a linked pdf file (deleting or replacing pages), an "Invalid Parameter" error occure and I can't complete the action.
Furthermore, after the error, you are unable to save the file or make other changes.
4 votes -
Add Roman Numeral Page Numbers
Just be able to add roman numeral page numbers that are reflective of the page labels.
4 votes -
Frequent unexpected or requested program closing
Adobe Acrobat DC frequently closes unexpectedly. Not predictable. Happens with many different files, both single page and multipage documents. Happens at various times in use: first opening file, opening a second file, scrolling through document, highlighting, adding comment, … Program just closes, no freezing, just close and all changes lost. Frequency - multiple times a day. No change from using only one document or having nearly all other programs closed. Occurs when connected to power or just on battery, at all power settings of laptop, at all times of day, and even after computer reboots. Nothing appears to prevent this.…
4 votes -
Be able to flip a pdf horizontally or vertically
I would like to be able to flip scanned pdf floor plan drawings horizontally or vertically
4 votesDid you mean flip or rotate?
To rotate:
Go to Organize Pages. Select the required pages. Click on one of the rotate icons on the above toolbar.
Right click on the Left bar. Select Page Thumbnails. Now Right click on any page thumbnail and select Rotate Pages.To flip:
Go to Edit PDF. Right click on the image that you want to flip and select Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical.
Note: You would need to uncheck the Recognize text checkbox (present in the right hand pane) when you open Edit PDF for the first time.Let us know if that helps.
extracting pages using key strokes
I used to extract multiple pages from large documents using key strokes and it was much quicker than current method. Back to square 1.
4 votes -
Flattern pdf
The ability to flatten a pdf is basic and important. We have had an Adobe DC for 2 years now for our business with little in enhancement in feature. I an tired of having to search for a community java script to do a basic operation such as flatten a document. when our annual subscription expires in June 2018 we will be moving to Foxit for all our pdf requirement. Not only is it cheaper but it is full featured.4 votesDid it resolve your issue?
I need to process large PDF files that are often sent to me with duplicate pages. Dupes are often very difficult to manually locate in a 3,000 page + Document.
4 votes -
Drag and drop in Organize is broken
Whose stupid idea was it to make drag and drop also copy pages when in the organize pages tool? And then why doesn’t ctrl z undo that copy and reselect the pages? This is literally how everything else works.
But somehow a slight slip in this program means I need to close the file, don’t save and reselect 200 pages again to delete them because of this.
4 votesHi
We tried with several files and dragging does not copy the pages.
Is it specific to some files or is there a defined way to replicate it?
If file specific, can you please share the files with us?This would help us investigate faster.
Vivek -
when right-clicking Acrobat DC Pro no longer shows options such as "extract pages, delete pages, rotate pages", et al.
when right-clicking Acrobat DC Pro no longer shows options such as "extract pages, delete pages, rotate pages", et al.
4 votes -
tabs closing
There seems to be a bug where a tab will close that the user has not told Adobe to close. This occurs when a user has one tab open (tab 1), then 2 further tabs are opened, so a total of 3 are now open. By default, the third of these tabs will be the one displayed as this was the last file opened, which is fine. However, if you then click the 'x' on tab 1, without first viewing the other newly opened tab (tab 2), both tab 1 and tab 2 will close.
Please let me know if…3 votes -
Can't select pages in Organize pages
Occasionally, after inserting pages into a document, you cannot select any pages in the Organize pages tool. Neither using the mouse, or keyboard such as Ctrl+A. The page is highlighted as you move your mouse, but you cannot select pages to rearrange them. The only way I have found to resolve this is to close and reopen Acrobat.
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3 votes
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liquid mode for desktop
Make liquid mode for desktops so I can resize the window for taking notes or sharing and easier to highlight and copy text to a notes file without all the line breaks
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Adobe Acrobat Glitching
Adobe Acrobat keeps freezing - every time the app is opened the PDF glitches and the screen doesnt allow you to click on anything and you have to force shut it down.
3 votes -
Organize pages
The old way was better in that you could just hit the carrot on the left side of the screen to organize pages while never leaving your full-screen document. Now it takes you to a separate screen. It is difficult to see how this is an improvement.
3 votes -
Relocate "+ Create" button or make smaller
The new "+Create" button is poorly located. When many documents are open in Adobe, it pushes this new button so far to the left that there is barely any room to grab the top bar so I can move the Adobe window to a different location on my screen or over to a different screen. My mouse ends up grazing the button, thus activating the options mini pop-up, which completely hides any space on the tab bar that was available to grab. Happens often to me and is super-frustrating.
3 votes
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