271 results found
Drag and drop an open (pdf) file by dragging the Tab to attached one or more open pdfs mutliple pdfs in Acrobat Pro DC to an open email
Drag and drop an open (pdf) file by dragging the Tab to attached one or more open pdfs mutliple pdfs in Acrobat Pro DC to an open email instead of the 12 step program you have OVER designed now
6 votes -
Unable to get or publish comments to Adobe Shared Review PDF on SharePoint 365
Unable to get or publish comments to Adobe Shared Review PDF on SharePoint 365 with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.010.20064When I open Shared Review PDFs hosted on SharePoint 365 I see the message:
Could not get new comments. Adobe Acrobat did not get a response from the server.
Adobe Acrobat cannot connect to the Review Server:
This appears to be the same error and message other users are reporting since October 2018 when setting up new Shared Review PDFs using SharePoint & Adobe Acrobat DC. Any updates on this would be…
6 votesHi Ryan,
Thanks for reporting the issue and apologies for the inconvenience caused.
We have been working on this and let you know once we plan to deliver the fix.Regards,
Arvind -
Mail feature lost
I've just been updated to the latest Acrobat DC for Windows. It claims to have improved sharing and collaboration options,but this is not good for me. I really miss the mail icon on the toolbar leading giving me a direct option to email the file.
6 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
Could you please follow the steps in the below article to use the email icon to send PDF directly as email attachment.Link : helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/send-email-attac..
Please let me know in case of any concerns.
Sahil -
BUG: Share tab won't load, email button only opens share tab
Share tab won't load, email button only opens share tab
6 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
Could you please follow the steps in the below article to use the email icon to send PDF directly as email attachment.Link : helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/send-email-attac..
Please let me know in case of any concerns.
Sahil -
Monthly usage report
I wish I could have a simple usage report.
In order not to damage privacy there could be a tool that indicates the last use with large variables:
less than a month ago;
more than a month ago;
more than three months ago;
more than 6 months ago; etc. as happens with the console of the non-competing software Autocad.
Thanks best regards
Fabio Freti5 votes -
When sharing a PDF via the "Share this file with others" button, users cannot use the Stamp tool. I think the Stamp tool is essential to the workflow process and more visible than the user leaving a sticky note that says "Approved".
5 votes -
notify user if file is already in use
Prompt or notify user if a PDF file is already open. Currently the file just opens and locks both users from being able to save the file.
5 votes -
Insert text comment
Can you please include the Insert Text Comment feature in the shared review? This feature is available in Acrobat Reader and in the not-shared COMMENT review toolbar. As a basic comment tool, I am quite surprised (and very frustrated) that this is not available for collaborative commenting.
Specifically referring to "Insert Text" as described here: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/mark-text-edits.html#insert_text
5 votes -
No longer able to email a document as an attachment
I seem to be unable to share a document in an email as an attachment, only as a link. This is very frustrating for people receiving. Can it please be set up so that they have the document as an attachment as well?
5 votes -
Enable Google Shared Drives via Acrobat DC
Access to Google drive is enabled via ADC--great! But please add shared drive access as is possible with DropBox to allow collaboration not just work flow signatures.
5 votes -
Can no longer drag pdf files from Acrobat Pro DC directly into email, must instead click "share", WAIT..., etc.
New Acrobat Pro DC version no longer allows dragging the pdf icon from the top bar in directly into email.
Instead one must hit "share", WAIT..., then click "Send as attachment" then click "continue" to let it use the native email, then WAIT, then drag the pdf from that newly created email into the intended email.
5 votesHi All,
Kindly take a note that there is no update in this feature in the mentioned time frame.
Kindly follow the steps mentioned below in the KB article in case you are facing the issue:
Arvind -
Need to get rid of "How do you want to share your file"
Why does it keep asking? And it doesn't go away after choosing!
Prevents other files from opening. Stupid addition.5 votes -
Bring back 'Send and Track'! The new 'Share' is too stripped down.
Bring back Send and Track! The new 'Share' feature is not nearly as useful and too stripped down.
-- We liked the ability to send a custom email message with file link directly from the application.
-- We liked how the user received an email with custom message about the shared file.
-- We liked how recipient could easily find and click 'Download' to receive the file, and that the file didn't always open in browser plugin. (FYI, browser plugins can erase some of the important options that were selected during exporting the file to PDF, including password protection for…
5 votes -
I have Microsoft Outlook and I send all my PDF attachments thru this email.
I have Microsoft Outlook and I send all my PDF attachments thru this email. Your October 2018 update no longer recognizes Outlook default that automatically sends an attachment to an email.
Now we must every time get diverted and click on attachment and continue to attach every single PDF in an email to Outlook. This creates a lot of work for no valid reason. EVERY user of Outlook is now going thru these extra steps for no valid reason. STOP IT.
I am surprised that Adobe management who probably use Microsoft Outlook have themselves not wondered why they are now…
5 votes -
Sending unsaved PDFs
You've removed the ability to directly email a PDF from adobe without saving. That needs to come back. I don't always have the ability to save a file before emailing. Microsoft does it.
And when I tried to save, it didn't save, and added about 10 steps to save it.
Fix it please5 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
Could you please follow the steps in the below article to use the email icon to send PDF directly as email attachment.Link : helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/send-email-attac..
Please let me know in case of any concerns.
Sahil -
Sending PDF from Adobe
Bring back: File, Send.
The new Share File, then you have to select the 'Send at Attachment' and wait for ages for an Outlook Mail box to open is ridiculous and time consuming.
Also, if you make any changes to the PDF, ie 'highlight' a word, then you MUST save the file BEFORE you send it. Again, ridiculous. We DON'T always want to save the change.
If it aint broke...
5 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
Could you please follow the steps in the below article to use the email icon to send PDF directly as email attachment.Link : helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/send-email-attac..
Please let me know in case of any concerns.
Sahil -
Adobe slower
Since the update this past week (October 2018), Adobe has made it harder to find things that used to be easy to find, and now it takes forever or completely lags when I try to find whether I have sent something to someone using the interface on my desktop for the old Send and Track feature (which apparently is now called 'Share' another renaming that threw me off this week). As a small business owner, I don't have time for this bull. If you're going to rename things, send us a required video for viewing of changes you're making and…
5 votes -
Bring back email pdf file
In the latest version of Acrobat Pro, it looks like the ability to send a pdf as a file by email has been removed. This is a critical feature. When I receive a pdf invoice I send the file into my accounting software for archive and processing. I can't send my accounting software a link to the pdf, I need to send the actual file. Please bring this feature back.
4 votes -
Confirmation email when sending out shared reviews
I think I used to receive a confirmation email verifying when and with whom I shared a PDF review.It also contained the link to the review. Was this feature removed? Can it be added back? It is very handy to forward to team members that inevitably missed/can't find the email that was sent to them or insist they were never included in the first place.
4 votesHi There,
Could you please let me know if you are talking about "Adobe cloud storage" based review or it is for shared review based on SharePoint/WebDav/Network folder?
It would be helpful if you could share a screen recording issue.
cannot save the file
There is many ticket about save as problem.
When you try to save as, you just get the blank sheet. The same thing occurs when you try to share file. I cannot take a capture because the blank sheet disappear when I open the snipping tool.
This problem has been years but now it has been for months. To save the file I have to print pdf as a file by windows. This is not long term solutions because I lost the pdf preferences.I have paid Adobe creative cloud, adobe acrobat DC and distiller DC. The program is up…
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?