525 results found
I read ebooks always and use highlighter tool to highlight uding different colors. I want the color palette to remain open always when I u
I read ebooks always and use highlighter tool to highlight uding different colors. I want the color palette to remain open always when I do.
so that choosing different colors will be easy9 votes -
let me view and print from my paid CREATIVE CLOUD account
Does this need explaining? we pay for ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR to create our PDFs then we have to by-pass CREATIVE CLOUD storage and save them in Dropbox in order for DC/Adobe reader to see them and print them. Seems like a very "Microsoft" way to do things. Very stupid. Add CC as a cloud location.
5 votes -
3 votes
Distiller: moveto the currentpoint results in a continuation of current sub-path, not a new sub-path
In Distiller XI Pro 11.0.20 (28.03.2017), distill the following:
/StrokeCode {1 setlinejoin gsave 0 setlinecap 24 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke grestore 1 setlinecap 9.6 setlinewidth 1 setgray stroke} def
144 72 moveto 144 144 2 copy 72 144 curveto
72 144 moveto 144 144 2 copy 144 72 curveto
showpageThe moveto should start a new sub-path; display of that point should be determined by setlinecap not by setlinejoin. Alas, Distiller causes it to be determined by setlinejoin.
Also reported at
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.postscript/amUp28S-JFM1 voteThanks for bringing this issue to our notice. we have logged bug in our database for the issue.
Mridula -
OCR in 2 languages. I index everything. Currently I have to hold two copies of files containing (for example) Chinese and English.
OCR in 2 languages. I index everything. Currently I have to hold two copies of files containing (for example) Chinese and English. A related issue is papers with special symbols. Lots of technical papers in English use Greek-letter symbols. Acrobat does an amazingly good job at reading Classical Chinese characters (slow, but worth the wait). If it can handle that, it ought to be able to handle multiple alphabets.
5 votes -
Add Search Function/Box to Cloud File Storage Services (e.g. Box, Dropbox, Onedrive)
We need the ability to query a Cloud storage account for a present folder (and the ability to create a new folder) when opening or saving files directly from Adobe Acrobat.
Since it seems Adobe uses the same infrastructure for all cloud storage systems, if this is implemented for one company, I'd imagine it'd be entered for all compatible ones (Box, Dropbox, Onedrive, etc.).
We already have this functionality in the Microsoft Office integrations of these same cloud providers, so using Acrobat significantly slows the process of opening or saving files from the cloud when one has to go through…
35 votes -
The description on invoices is unreadable gobble-de-gook!
The description on invoices Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is complete gobble-de-gook!
The description on our invoices currently says:
65222762 APAP,ALL,MLP,DRI01,MAU,001,N/A,1 YR
Line Tax Rate: 10 %It should say something like:
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC monthly subscription feeI'm not the only one who would like this changed. A Google search reveals plenty of other people who would like this changed too.
4 votes -
REMOVE window changing position after saving a file
Currently, when you save a PDF the software slightly changes the window position, perhaps because the developers wanted a subtle way of emphasizing the completion of the saving process.
However, this window position changing is VERY MUCH ANNOYING for those users who are working with their screen splitted between two softwares. For instance, using Windows 10, when you put Acrobat to the left (WindowsKey + LeftKey) and another software to the right (WindowsKey + RightKey). Then, if you save your file in Acrobat it changes it's window position, putting the window slightly over the other software and leaving an unused…
6 votesThanks for raising this feature request, our engineering team is looking into this.
Smooth Scrolling
We want real smooth scrolling (not just continuous scrolling).
I mean that kind of scroll we get when using a web browser. SMOOTH scrolling! It would also look like dragging text with a "hand tool" in Reader but with a mouse wheel.
Current method makes text jump one or three lines at a time (depending on your mouse settings), which pretty much irritating!
I appreciate your attention.
98 votesThanks for your valuable feedback. We have taken a note of it. Will keep you posted.
-Amboo -
Delete a layer feature
Delete a layer option is missing in a layers pannel. Would be very usefull feature for preparing PDFs for print with correct layer content. Possible workarounds (delete layer content + merge) are too complicated and not safe for prepress.
25 votesHi,
Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
We’ve kept a note of this ask and we’ll prioritize it after discussing further.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Print more than 999 copies
We should be able to print more than 999 copies theses days. This is really a pain. All other product we use here at my company allow to print more than that. I know i can change the values with my Fiery's interface after printing, said 1 copy, but this is a two steps ways and it is less efficient...
15 votes -
Spell Checker
A fully functional spell checker is necessary for Acrobat DC (17.009).
Frequently I get documents requiring proof-reading and the only option is to export as a DOCX, run a spell checker there and, for every error, go back to DC and either comment the error or correct it myself. Not ideal, to say the least.
Such functionality would also provide useful features. For example, to check French text has the correct accents or, even, being able to "translate" from US English to British English
114 votesThank you for the feedback. I have forwarded your request to the engineering team. They will reach out to you if any more information is needed.
Crashes trying to bring panels to second monitor.
Acrobat DC on an iMac with 4k retina display with a second monitor attached.
When I try to bring a panel, such as the Pan & Zoom panel, onto the second monitor, first of all, it doesn't show up on the second panel. I moved it off the first monitor and the part that should show up on the 2nd monitor doesn't show up.When I move the pane fully onto the 2nd monitor, instantly Adobe Acrobat DC crashes.
2 votes -
Replace the word emit with omit.
In advanced printer settings, when selecting a color to exclude from printing (tiny printer icons next to cyan, magenta, yellow, and black color blocks), please change the word emit with omit. Very different meanings.
1 voteHi,
Thanks for your valuable feedback. We have forwarded this to engineering team.
Best Regards!
Add format support for Dassault CATIA V5 past R18 (CATPRODUCT, CATPART)
Add format support for Dassault CATIA V5 past R18 (CATPRODUCT, CATPART)
1 vote -
File not viewing correctly in Acrobat XI
When opening certain pdf files, the screen preview is not correct. The background "disappears". Sometimes though, the background will still print but sometimes it does not. I am on Mac in system Sierra and have tried these files on multiple computers including a pc, with extensions off etc. and always that same result. What I see is not what I get. If I place the pdf file in InDesign it will preview correctly and also export correctly so something InDesign does corrects the problem. I am attaching a file to demonstrate the issue.
2 votes -
Distiller: charpath … clip … stroke does not honour clip
Distiller XI Pro 11.0.20 (28/03/2017) does not honour the ‘clip’ in the following:
1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap [] 0 setdash newpath
gsave/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT 96 selectfont 50 500 moveto (F70) true
charpathclip % leaving the F70 outline as the current path
24 -4 1.99
dup 2 sub exch
setlinewidth 1 setgray gsave stroke grestore
setlinewidth 0 setgray gsave stroke grestore
} for
Also documented at
(yes, a whole ago — but still broken).1 voteThanks for bringing this issue to our notice. we have logged bug in our database for the same and will be prioritized based on other work items.
Mridula -
Please make documents opened from Mac Finder open in the current Space, not switch to a space which already has Acrobat documents open.
Please make documents opened from Mac Finder open in the current Space, not switch to a space which already has Acrobat documents open.
6 votesThanks for the suggestion. We will surely take it up in consideration for future.
Printing Bookmarks
Please create an option to print bookmarks either separately or together with the PDF.
15 votes -
The **** popup ad window
Get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?