783 results found
Mojave bug: PDF exports are acting up
When exporting PDFs from Powerpoint for Mac in Mojave, images are getting a thin grey outline and some colors are changing. PLEASE FIX ASAP, we use this every day and we are screwed until it is. Wish we didn't update!
1 voteWe are closing this case from our end as there had been no response from your side. Feel free to reopen a new case if you are still facing this issue.
Tanvi -
2 votes
Thanks for bringing this issue to our notice. Your valuable feedback helps us improving our product. We discussed about this particular issue and we do not have any plans to work on it in immediate future. However, we’ll have it in our radar and might revisit at an appropriate time in future.
Acrobat Firefox Addon Causing Bug Problems 18.0.9
Acrobat 18.0.9 addon in Firefox 62 (Win 10 Pro) is causing web pages to lose screen elements (missing push buttons, mostly). Many, many web pages impacted. When I disable Acrobat add-on in Firefox, and restart Firefox, all pages display properly. I've attached a screen-shot showing a web page with Acrobat add-on active (page is missing a push button), and the same page with Acrobat addon disable (button displays correctly).
2 votesDue to lack of clarity we are closing this.
My signature has disappeared - I can no longer attach my handwritten signature
How can I reload my scanned signature - I do not want a digital signature
4 votesWe are closing this request because of no further communication from the user.
Please let us know in case you face any other issue.
Sandeep -
BUG: Grey screen when combining open PDFs
When I combine PDFs that are open on my screen, intermittently a grey screen will pop up instead of the files that I want to combine. Then I have to close out all the PDFs I'm working on and then open again to combine them. This Bug needs to be fixed and did not occur on older Acrobat versions. Please help.
1 voteWe are closing this case from our end as there had been no response from your side. Feel free to reopen a new case if you are still facing this issue.
Tanvi -
Acrobat file type icon
Please change the acrobat icon back... the new one looks weird.
I have had some people asking about it and saying they can't find their pdfs or that some strange app has taken over their pdf file association.3 votesThank you for the suggestion. We have notified our engineering for the same. We shall get in touch with you incase we need more information.
Thank you for the patience -
Safari 12 version doesn't support NPAPI Plugin, which is causing the problem to the forms/applications made in ADOBE DC.
Safari 12 version doesn't support NPAPI Plugin, which is causing the problem to the forms/applications made in ADOBE DC.
The Forms with the added design (EG: Buttons and fields) are not visible when opened in using Safari 12 version.
Please investigate this on priority, as it will impact the big number of users using SAFARI Browsers.
4 votes -
Bug Comment Icon
When I selecting some comment, the icon sometimes didn't exactly correct to the point
2 votesClosing as user has not yet responded.
Improve user information on Acrobat Pro DC Tools home page
Only due to my extremely helpful customer service rep, Gurjeet Singh, do I now understand that all the tools on my Acrobat Pro tools page are included in my current subscription - even those that say "Add" rather than "Open." Before I bought the subscription - and was using/purchasing tools on a onesy-twosy basis, "Add" indicated "not purchased," it is very confusing (and misleading) to use the same word on the subscription interface page. My suggestion involves two-three minor changes. 1. At the top of the subscription tools user interface, add a short title line that clearly indicates that the…
1 voteHi,
Since we haven’t heard back from multiple users on this, We are closing this thread.
We’ll revisit if we hear back again on thisThanks
Ayush Jain -
DC version sucks as far as I'm concerned, bring back 11.x
The DC version is considerably more difficult to use and more complex. Continue supporting 11.x and to make it available as well. We all work different ways and some don't need or want the complexity you've included in DC.
2 votesSince we havent heard back from you for so long, we are closing this thread here.
Please feel free to reach out to us again if issue persists.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Form drop down improvement request
Dropdowns need scrolling through options and the ability to type more than one letter to jump to an option in the drop down. Since users are very acquainted with filling forms out on the web, they expect this kind of interaction when filling out forms. Also, it will help save time for users.
1 voteI have forwarded your request to engineering. It will be picked up after prioritization. We will contact you if we need some more information on this.
Thank you for your patience -
Updated Fill and Sign feature changes are horrible
The changes to the fill and sign feature are horrible!!! The edit box will not go past the page so filling out to the edge of the page is impossible. The Box fill in feature no longer auto detects the boxes making selecting the boxes and resizing required for every entry. When typing the beginning of the text no longer goes where the user selects but move to were it wants, which so far as never been accurate, beginning in the text before it and/or through the line the text is supposed to be on. Also when the auto fill…
1 voteClosing the issue due to no further communication from the user. In case you encounter the issue again, please feel free to contact us.
Undeleteable PDF from Adobe
A PDF titled "Welcome" about Adobe Document Cloud just appeared on my Mac. I want to delete it but its location does not appear on "Properties" and the Mac's "find" feature does not show it. This is an inappropriate quality for a file I did not request and did not download voluntarily. I want to attach it here but "Browse" does not find it. I am very disappointed that Adobe has distributed a file with these characteristics of malware. Please tell me how to locate and delete it.
1 voteThe Welcome pdf is a introductory pdf that summaries all kinds of utilities provided in the software.
You can close the same and reopen your own files
using file menu > open options -
Previous and next page buttons
I do not like that the previous page and the next page buttons shift left to right as you change pages. I was trying to go 5 Pages down but when I hit the next page button it shifted and put the previous page under my arrow and vice versa. It took a moment to realize I was going back and forth to the same pages.
please make the tool bar stay solid.4 votesThank you for the suggestion. We have notified our engineering for the same. We shall get in touch with you in case we need more information.
Thank you for your patience
ugly pdf icon
Please go back to the previous pdf icon. The new one, simple red outline with white box, is so ugly. I thought something was wrong because it just doesn't look right--as if going backward or indicative of a glitch. There are forums out there where people are looking for ideas to change it back and others are asking if something is wrong because of the new, oversimplified look.
2 votes -
Signature Function Timing Out
After the update to the latest version, the Fill & Sign function keeps timing out. Please help.
3 votesWe are closing this request because of no further communication from the user.
Please let us know in case you face any other issue.
Sandeep -
A "Save as..." button next to the "Save" button in the default toolbar
Since version 18 the User Interface got better, good work. Just a "save as..." button I'm still waiting for. For me it is the most used action in Acrobat to save downloaded documents from the internet to a folder on my hd. I still have to use the menu for it witch is one click to much every time...
1 voteHi,
Since we haven’t heard back from multiple users on this, We are closing this thread.
We’ll revisit if we hear back again on thisThanks
Ayush Jain -
Acrobat now defaults to scroll view.
Acrobat now defaults to scroll view.
Annoying, useless and a backward step from 1 page view.
And no way to changes settings, to use it the way it was.
3 votesSince we havent heard back from you for so long, we are closing this thread here.
Please feel free to reach out to us again if issue persists.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
File>Create>Combine files
File>Create>Combine files>Add open file>select all>ok > then Escape to cancelredo File>Create>Combine files>Add open file>select all>ok> no file appear to be combine
have to restart Acrobat
1 voteWe are closing this case from our end as there had been no response from your side. Feel free to reopen a new case if you are still facing this issue.
Tanvi -
I hate that all the sudden more of my screen is taken up with the new toolbar on the far right.
With the update, now there's another toolbar off to the right, taking up valuable space. Someone told you we're using this software to review and mark up documents, right? I want as much room as possible to go to the document so I don't have to be constantly scrolling and zooming in and out.
2 votesSince we havent heard back from you for so long, we are closing this thread here.
Please feel free to reach out to us again if issue persists.Thanks
Ayush Jain
- Don't see your idea?