726 results found
No extract button
I download a large pdf document every day. This must be broken up into smaller documents, but there is NO EXTRACT BUTTON! I have to open the "Page Thumbnails" and highlight what I want to extract, then right click, hit "extract" and go from there. It takes so much longer!
6 votesSorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
You can use the extract button by following below mentioned steps:
1) Open a pdf
2)Click on Organize pages
3) Now click on extract
4)Now you can select the pages you want to extract
5) Also you have the option to ‘Extract pages as separate files’Hope this helps you.
Add option to keep documents from moving/resizing Acrobat window
Some PDF documents seem to contain meta data content that's causing Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe Acrobat Reader to move/resize their program window when such document is opened.
This behaviour is rather annoying and it may lead to accessibility issues.
Please, either stop Acrobat/Reader from moving/resizing their program window when opening a document containing such meta data information, or provide an accessibility option in Preferences to optionally have Acrobat ignore that meta data information.
6 votesHi,
The issue faced by you is due to the setting of the document set by the user. Please see the following setting in the document :
1. Open Document→File → Properties → Initial View Tab → uncheck Center Window on screenPlease make sure the setting is not checked in your document to avoid the issue.
Rachit -
Can't add text in the fill & sign section, pls help!
I have an adobe acrobat DC, and I've tried several times to fill in a form on the app. However on the Fill & Sign tool, the Add Text function isn't turning up. How can I fix this?
6 votesFor PDFs having active form fields, only the sign option is displayed. This is AsDesigned behavior.
Sandeep -
BUG: cannot save file, text disappears
Third time this week. Working on an existing PDF with commenting tools, and when I go to save, I get the message that the file cannot be saved. Try to save as, as suggested, and get the message that there's a file error, then the text of the file disappears. (Spread in screenshot is two solid pages of text.)
6 votesPlease feel free to log another ticket in case you face the issue again.
New bug wont let me edit documents, ends up being best feature so far!!
Your software has always been terrible, no surprise there. But today I opened the garbage referred to as Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and I encountered something conflicting. It seems as if Acrobat has decided I no longer have a subscription and can't edit pdfs. Clicking on my name in the corner sends me to a web page clearly showing my subscription to Acrobat Pro DC.
At first glance I thought this was a bug, and it probably is. But on further consideration I think this might actually be a feature. See in the past Acrobat Pro performed as expected. Start…6 votesMarking this issue as resolved as there is no response from the user.
Right Side pop-up panel is extremely annoying. Can we park it like the other annoying controls pop-up (black rectangle w/ cursor,hand, etc?
Please allow us to park the right side panel and the controls bar in the top of the window.
6 votesHi,
Since we Haven’t Heard back from you for so long, We are closing this issue.
Please feel free to reach out to us for any other concerns if you have,
Ayush Jain -
make home screen go away after closing PDF file in Acrobat DC
make home screen go away after closing PDF file in Acrobat DC. Add option for preferences to disable the 'application frame'. This is super annoying as every time you close a pdf you have to press command W on the keyboard twice to close the windows.
6 votesHi,
Since we haven’t got further updates from you on this. We are closing this issue for now.
Please reach out to us again if you have further concernsThanks
Ayush -
Cannot fix resolution problem because the Apply button isn't visible, due to resolution problem
The banner (top of the frame) is too large, as is the Find box when you ctrl+F. When you try to fix this in the properties area, this area is also too large. I am assuming this is making an apply button run off of the visible area of the window. When i try to fix the resolution (from Auto-Detect, which I'm assuming is also part of the problem) to 100% it doesn't fix it when I close the window (which is why I assume there is an "apply" button that I cannot see or use - See Bottom of…
6 votesHi,
Since we haven’t got further updates from you on this. We are closing this issue for now.
Please reach out to us again if you have further concernsThanks
Ayush -
Ugh.... I hate this new interface. Where is my comment text box with arrow???
Is there anyway to go back to the prior view? I understand that sometimes updates need to be done, however, existing functionality should not be taken away.
6 votes -
6 votes
User has not responded since long. Assuming resolved.
Program crashes when trying to use Highlighter or Stamp feature.
Some bug in my Acrobat Pro DC prevents me from using the Highlighter feature. Click on the button, go to text to highlight and program crashes. See attached doc for the crash report. Same kind of thing when I try to use the Stamp feature. Click on Stamp, go the the Standard Business, click the VOID stamp, go to doc and program crashes. See doc2 for the crash report. What can I do?
6 votesIssue resolved for user by changing the version of Reader to the OS compatible version.
Enable a way to have a drop down menu blank (no items selected) until clicked
Please enable a way to have the drop down menus on PDF forms blank until clicked on. If the item list has three or less items, you can click the blank space (Under dropdown properties > options > item list) but if there are four or more list items, one of them is always selected and shows on the drop down list (not blank.)
6 votes -
Expandable (and/or pop-out) "FIELDS" Pane When Editing a Form
(See attachment)
It would be great to be able to grab and pull the left edge of the FIELDS pane over to the left to widen it. Some of the text field names can be very long and can look identical to others unless you can see the whole title. (I know you can hover over the title to see the full text but that only seems to work intermittently, and is time-consuming).
Also, when scrolling up and down or when trying to grab and move titles to rearrange the tab order, it's easy to get confused and lose your…6 votesI have forwarded your request to engineering. It will be picked up after prioritization. We will contact you if we need some more information on this.
Thank you for your patience -
64 bit IE plugin - required to run IE 11 with Enhanced Protected Mode
Adobe Reader XI was given a 64 bit IE plugin in patch 11.0.7, but the 64 bit IE plugin has not been included with Adobe Acrobat XI.
- 64 bit IE plugin - required to run IE 11 with Enhanced Protected Mode
- Include the same 64 bit IE plugin, that was added to Adobe Reader XI in patch 11.0.7, to Adobe Acrobat XI
- Verified in Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2
- When IE 11 is configured with Enhanced Protected Mode, sites that are in the Trusted Zone open in a 32-bit process and will use the 32 bit IE plugin. Sites…
6 votes -
Detailed step-by-setp instructions to create complex forms
There are many basic youtube videos on creating forms. I need to know how to create complex forms with equation, reference fields and so on. What i learned from what is available out there is not adequate and doesn't work all the time. So better instructions are needed. You sell a product but must also provide good instructions on how to use it well. If there isn't any internal resource, please contract 3-party to do so. i have spent so much time on it and am still fumbling around. Very unproductive with my time.
6 votesHelpx Page provided. Can revisit if we have further info on the request.
Commenting ignores blank lines, copy-Paste doesn't work.
Commenting ignores blank lines.
Copy-Paste of comments doesn't work (generates XML-Code).
See attached document.
6 votes -
Edit images in PDFs
I want to edit images in a PDF document with simple controls like rotate, crop etc.
6 votesClosing this request as installing Acrobat is the solution for this issue.
Enable Accessibility options automatically during save.
We need a way to setup adobe Pro to automatically utilize the accessbility scanner when saving a doc to become more ADA compliant.
Out of the box, this should be a feature we can turn on.
5 votesHi,
You can check the Accessibility of a pdf by running the Run Accessibility Check feature in Accessibility App.
Also we have kept this request in a radar and will try to provide the support in future.Please check out latest features on Acrobat Pro DC.
Rachit -
Can no longer drag pdf files from Acrobat Pro DC directly into email, must instead click "share", WAIT..., etc.
New Acrobat Pro DC version no longer allows dragging the pdf icon from the top bar in directly into email.
Instead one must hit "share", WAIT..., then click "Send as attachment" then click "continue" to let it use the native email, then WAIT, then drag the pdf from that newly created email into the intended email.
5 votesHi All,
Kindly take a note that there is no update in this feature in the mentioned time frame.
Kindly follow the steps mentioned below in the KB article in case you are facing the issue:
Arvind -
Draw Line
You used to be able to click on Draw Line and it would remain on until you clicked it off. Please bring this back. It is a pain to keep having to clicking every time you draw a line.
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?