Create Expandable Text Field Forms
Adobe Acrobat Pro needs to have the ability to create expandable text field forms that allow the text box to expand when the user types similar to what you can do with Livecycle.
This is a feature that has been requested a lot online. Currently Acrobat Pro only allows multi-line text field forms with a scroll bar, but you cannot create an expanding text field form that increases in the height of the text field to accomodate more text.
The functionality to create this even in Livecycle is too clunky and complicated to use.

Samuel Swenson commented
I just sent out some school forms with long-answer boxes for e-sign and got them back with the long answer text running on one line off the page and clipped.
It was a substantial chunk of time I spent digging around to learn that I need to individually change the properties on each long answer box as follows
[Text Field Properties] > [Options tab] > ✅Multi-line
[Text Field Properties] > [Appearance tab] > Font size 🔽 Auto
Dig through the web-based E-Sign ap to download csv file for the clipped form fields > rebuild the form > re-send to signer ... ( I don't have time at the moment to write out the full path for that operation. )
There's no apparent way to batch-edit several boxes.
⚠ Another problem I'm encountering is that several fields behave differently depending on whether you add/edit in Acrobat "Prepare Form" tool or in the "Prepare Signature" Tool.
In order to make this moderately useful for my school, I will end up having to make my own video tutorials to share with staff who are in the top percentile of general power users. This is gonna be a headache for everyone else.
It would be great to see
1) uniformity across the tools for form fields, check boxes, etc
2) batch editing for field properties
3) long answer text should not be clipped off and only retrievable though several steps leading to a .csv downloadThank you Adobe Team for considering this feedback! 🙏
Ahmed Hasan commented
This is very urgent. Please do something. Its almost 6 years.........
Jody commented
This was originally shared in April 2017. It is now five years later, October 2022!
I just cannot understand how this feature hasn't been prioritized and implemented yet. -
Christal Raver commented
This would make creating documents so much easier. Some people have few words, while others have many. This would save on paper waste as well.
Axel commented
We need that too !
Julie commented
I used LiveCycle Designer for years and have many forms that our company uses in this format, but with the Microsoft change it has been very difficult to use these forms. It is a large company and because of other applications used browsers can't be set up company wide to open PDF files directly in Acrobat Reader and this causes a lot of frustration.
Christy commented
Yes - we absolutely need the same suite of features that Live Cycle offers because I just found that the new Microsoft 365 environment will not open any .pdf's with XFA formats (created by Live Cycle) and the Adobe Acrobat Pro doesn't even have half the features I'd need to rebuild the form. So I can't create a dynamic form with expanding fields, hiding sections unless needed, etc. in Adobe Pro. This is SOOOOOOOO frustrating. Additionally, Microsoft was stating in another forum that they were looking at testing adding features to allow for other .pdf formats in different web browsers but that this may be a long time coming (if at all) to get Live Cycle forms to work within web browsers again. I can't even believe we're in such a regressive state with Adobe and/or Microsoft. This is globally impactful. This is not an isolated incident and the more people move to different software platforms, the more frustrating this is going to be when they find out how limited they're going to be using Adobe.
Adobe PLEASE figure this out!!! This is creating work stoppages, causing manual efforts and the potential of having to rebuild a lot of agency forms. Additionally, we're now contemplating looking at new software for forms instead of Adobe so that it will integrate with Microsoft edge and google chrome but also the Office 365 suite of software (primary focus is within the DoD365 platform).
Max Wyss commented
Obviously, this is an important topic for many people. Well, not "somewhat important for very many" but "extremely important for many".
A way to make things possible would be rather easy, namely to (and now, listen well, you "product managers"):
Open the "fieldfull" event property to the Validate, Calculate, and Format event.
That's it. Currently this property is only open to the Keystroke event.
This event does not occur in a recalculation, where it could trigger a resize action of the field.
I have a kludgy solution for this problem, but the above mentioned improvement would make it less kludgy.
I am open for a discussion, so, please contact me at max at prodok dot com.
Also, users who may be interested in hearing more, feel free to contact me in private.
Aaron Johnston commented
I would also love to see this feature implemented into the base product. Having this functionality would add a lot of dynamic usability that I am looking for as I build more forms for my organization.
K. Eder commented
We absolutely need this!
Every. Single. Day. We get our technical questionnaires returned with text far beyond the field size. And **** we look stupid for not having expandable fields. Because some of our competitors do. But apparantly Adobe cant?!
Really unbelievable this isnt a thing yet o.O
Diane Garves commented
This feature would be a lifesaver.
富二代Howard13KamMun Fu甘萬富 commented
Catherine commented
We've been Under Review on this feature for 3 years. Please roll out this update.
Confused Engineer commented
From everything I understand this is just a simple feature to add. I have no idea why they do not want to implement it.
Richy Brophy commented
Is there any progress on this? I see requests going back to 2017. It would seem to be an obvious requirement for any decent form building software. Can we get an update to tell us if this is going to be developed at all? And if so, some idea of when this might be rolled out?
thanks -
Pamala Combs commented
I received a request for this today and it's something that I've long wanted and stumbled across this post. We need this! I have Adobe Acrobat Pro Ext and have to turn down work because the client wants this and I can't do it for her.
Rianne commented
This is an imperative capability. Covid shutdowns forced many Government agencies to rely on electronic requests for emergency orders from the public. People filling out forms under duress or after they've been assaulted don't have the time/ability to fill out a separate addendum to their statement because the information doesn't fit into the space provided on the mandatory State forms. We could keep using Word versions, but they suck and putting together autofill PDF packets is wayyy more user friendly- except for this one BIG HUGE ISSUE. I really hope it gets resolved in the near future. Unfortunately for local Governments and Law Enforcement agencies getting the approval/funding to implement AEM is not that simple and would take for-freaking-ever if even possible for my organization. The public needs PDF forms that are fully usable now. Reach out to me if you have questions. Public safety and the courts rely so heavily on remote filings now since the pandemic, and it will not go back. Your tools help immensely, but need some improvements.
Sandi McDonald commented
I too, need this capability and do not have access to someone to write me a java script to accomplish what Adobe has known for years is a necessary feature in this day of 'everything online".
Anonymous commented
Apparently with Brad's post in 2017, it took 2 years to move this request to the "Under Review" pile. Now, 2 years later maybe we will see it move to the next pile. I'm hoping the next pile isn't "Under Review-1". Can we crowdsource an UpVote?
Anonymous commented
I was in a chat session the other day with them to see if this was resolved yet. They told me that i would have to pay someone to write a javascript thing to add into the "action" on my text field that i wanted to expand. mmmm, if they know that javascript will work (which i am not a programmer) then why can't Adobe just add that capability into the program. I was asked to submit my suggestion to their wishlist. Since there are lots of people on your forum who are already asking and wishing for it for years, why am i adding this to a wishlist??? :-)