Comment list takes too long to load
Getting comment list to show in Acrobat DC takes way too much time. It's a drag. At least on Mac OS.

Hi All,
We have provided a registry protected fix, some users confirmed that this worked for them.
Could you please try this at your end as well and let us know your feedback?
Kindly make sure you are on the latest DC build(20.012.20043) and then follow the steps from the attached word file: “Steps.docx”.
Tomáš Siničák commented
Hey Adobe it's more than two years, please fix it!
Lara commented
It takes way too long, especially because the initial view can't be set to display comments. If I'm opening 50 files with comments, I have click comments, wait, click comments, wait. It's very time consuming. Even if I could click that view for all open documents at once, it would save me a bunch of time.
John P. Milligan commented
Juha - in pro, click on the comment icon on the far right and the comments window opens up
turning fonts off that you're not using fixes the lag issue
JUHA RÄTY commented
And not only the comment list, but each and every comment needs a wheel to spin around for seconds before it opens, and again seconds before you can actually copy the conrtents. WHY IS THIS? There's nothing like that in Reader, and in Reader, you can even browse the comments in the comment window, which is SUPER HANDY. WHY IS THE PRO VERSION WORSE THAN READER? HALOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
roman commented
Turning off fonts is not a fix, it’s a workaround. The software should be fixed to handle it. It doesn’t even require all the fonts for comments. There is no font selection. And even if it would, this should be moved to a background process, that works over time, with a fallback font, or at the very very least a loading bar. Just freezing the thing for 20 seconds is no way for a good software.
Also I don’t know if the RTF-ish support is even on purpose. If you copy formatted text, it sometimes stays in the format, but there is no option to remove or change it. It looks like this part of Acrobat is just poorly written.
Jay M commented
"... fonts that you're not using..." I've seen that issue on machines that didn't have all that many fonts active. Anyway, that doesn't happen all at once.
However, good digital housekeeping will leave the most resources available, to mitigate software issues... -
John Milligan commented
turning fonts off that you're not using fixes this issue
Jeff commented
I have exactly the same problem. It started a few months ago and has affected every PC in the company as well. I have waited up to three minutes for it to open. What an abortion! How much is this affecting the productivity of almost everyone on the planet I wonder? Adobe should be ashamed of themselves. If they can't fix the problem all they have to do is provide an update which is exactly the same as the previous version and leave at that until they can sort this ridiculous problem out. In fact I am going to use a third party reader and leave it at that and never leave myself at the ransom of Adobe again. I won't be acquiring any of their other products either. Their products are now unreliable, unproductive, overcomplicated and a waste of time. I am a very busy person and I don't have the time to wait 3 minutes every time I want to open a simple document.
LDJ commented
Before the 2019 update this used to work file, but is torture to use every day since then.
I use the comments every single work day multiple times per day, and the lag is a tremendous waste of productivity. Please please fix this. -
Anonymous commented
totally agree with this. Click on the comments icon, instant colour-wheel. Go make myself a drink, have a poo, read War and Peace cover to cover and its still colour-wheeling. Its been like this now since the new Interface layout, which must be a at least a couple of years ago now. Why it's not been fixed yet, I do not know.
Jay M commented
If they couldn't reproduce the problem, they must not have tried very hard.
Rawad commented
not only in Mac on all laptops is very slow in displaying typed letter in the comment section .
Please fix this issue! -
Anonymous commented
Deactivating fonts on 'a daily basis' is an insane fix for this problem, which plagues me as well. It has nothing to do with any specific document, rather the poor implementation of the panel.
John P. Milligan commented
Go to whatever font manager app you use and turn off/disable all the fonts you don't use on a daily basis.
Anonymous commented
Could you please provide instructions to decrease active fonts
John P. Milligan commented
I have a fix for this lag.
After a lot of troubleshooting, I found that it's the number of active fonts on your machine. Once I decreased all active fonts it immediately works with a click.
John Milligan commented
I've been having the same issue for years - 20 - 30 seconds to open comments pane.
The machine at the desk next to me with the exact same build opens the comments pane immediately
Evan commented
I think it's time you stopped asking us for sample PDF files, because it's clearly not related to any specific document. This happens on EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT, regardless of whether it has zero or 1000 comments and regardless of what program created the original PDF. It's clearly an application and/or configuration problem. So if you can't reproduce the problem, it's because you've failed to reproduce your typical end user's hardware/installation/configuration environment somehow. If you start focusing on that, I'm sure we'd all be happy to provide any environment details that would help you troubleshoot.
mike commented
slow slow slow with the beachball. so many complaints about this but seems like Acrobat is unaware. Are they even using their own product? i get this same behavior in 2 macs, a mac book pro 2014 and a new mac book pro 2017
Michael commented
Agreed. This is not only jobs with Comments.