Newly Installed Acrobat Pro DC Keeps Closing After 10-20 Sec Without Error Message
I just installed Acrobat Pro DC and the it keeps shutting down after running only 10-20 seconds. I can occasionally open a file quickly enough, but after opening file, Pro DC then shuts down. Went through Adobe troubleshooting (checked updates, Distiller, repair installation), but problem persists. Note that I did NOT set Pro DC as my default program for PDF files. My original Acrobat Pro XI is running fine.

Anonymous commented
Is there any update to this Adobe Acrobat DC issue? I have come across the same issue these past 5 days and no fix seems to be listed here when there is no error message displayed.
uherrmann commented
Same problem here.
Looks like this is a common problem, but Adobe does not fix it. Interesting.
We are testing currently, and this is kind of a no-go. -
Anonymous commented
I tried running the repair procedure in control panel > programs and features. That re-installed a bunch of files, but did not work. I tried running eula.exe. Didn't work. I tried going to preference and changing around some security settings. What finally seemed to work, so far, is I went to c:\program files(x86), found the adobe folder and ran AcroRd32.exe as an administrator. Yes, I was already logged in as a person with administrator priveleges, but the Reader stayed open after I R-clicked and selected "run as administrator. Not only did Reader stay open then, but when I closed it, and then opened again from a pdf file or from a shortcut in the main menu - it also stayed open. Continues to stay open every time I open it using one of these normal methods.
AdminRavi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi All,
If Acrobat is closing after 10-20 seconds and not showing any registration dialog then please try creating the following registry key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\PDApp.exe]
"DisableExceptionChainValidation"=dword:00000001 -
Hello All,
Really sorry for the issue that you are facing while using Adobe Acrobat DC.
1) If Repair Installation did not worked for either of you, Can you please try if Uninstalling and Reinstalling Acrobat DC solves the issue of Acrobat closing on its own?
2) Could you please confirm when Acrobat closes on its own after some time, do you see any error message like "Acrobat DC has stopped working" or is it a silent quit of application without any error message ?
3) If Acrobat Crashes (If you get this error message "Adobe has stopped working") , Can you please share with us the Crash Logs .
For Getting the Crash Logs:
a. When Acrobat Crashes , Open Windows Task Manager
b. -> Got To Processes, There you can see a process Acrobat.exe
c. Right Click on this process and click "Create Dump File"
d. Dump file will be created in the Temp folder of user (as specified on the dialog you get after creating dump files).
e. Save this DMP file on any Cloud Storage and Share the link for that with us on mail.You all can send the required information at
Ayush -
Steve Friedman commented
Same problem here. Each time I open a new document, just using Acrobat Pro DC for reading it, the document suddenly disappears. Then, I reopen the document, and there is no problem.
It shouldn't matter, but I an running Pro DC under a license key, and at the same time I am open to Adobe CC for other Adobe SW. (I will not go into the problems that occur when I mistakenly ask Adobe CC to update this SW.)
Anonymous commented
Same problem here. Windows 10. Just downloaded Acrobat DC from Adobe website. Only stays open 10 - 20 seconds upon launch.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem - however, Acrobat DC is set as my default
software closing after some 30-45 seconds; option 'repair' can be triggered but the process is suddenly interrupted, again without an error message. -
Daniel Hubbard commented
I am having the same problem, but I did set Pro DC as my default.