The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons missing from tool bar.
The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons, and the zoom percentage text box disappeared from my toolbar, and I can't get them back. These controls are only accessible through the menus or the undocked floating panel. Re-docking the panel doesn't bring these controls with it. Right-click "Show Select & Zoom Tools" doesn't even list them.

Shannon Bennett commented
Everyone who said to hover at the bottom, thank you!
It worked!
Someone else in my office showed me the path to the option and it showed up on theirs but was not on mine so I wasn't sure how to turn it off / on as it wasn't not even showing up there. Their path was View, Show / Hide, Toolbar Items, Show Select & Zoom tools, and that is where the + / - sign was showing up for them but not for me. So if this is the same problem your having, hover around the bottom tool bar.
Thank you!!!!!!
Gina M commented
Update to prior comment - the drop down % bar disappears when Acrobat is set to open new documents in new windows. When I reverted back to open new documents in a tab, the drop down % tool suddenly reappeared. This is still nuts... it should not matter if my document is open in a tab or a window - the same tools should be present in both views.
Gina M commented
The "hover" trick does not work for me. I have the icon that looks like a keyboard with a down arrow that will bring up a box, but I cannot find a way to get the + / - controls back on the toolbar.
I also did the "reset toolbars" and no go (and now I have to go back and re-create the toolbars I had).
This is EXTREMELY frustrating.
Instead of giving us options on the bars, they take away user-friendly tools and then add a bunch of **** on the right side (eg there's a "provide feedback" button that takes up valuable toolbar space- but what's the point of that when they NEVER seem to listen to the feedback - or at least not mine). -
joe-bob commented
Spent 15 minutes trying to read a PDF (a building code). No + - zoom choices anywhere.
finally read here "hover at the bottom" to make the zoom controls appear. they did, it worked.
But what space does this silly mechanism save? None. It seems there only so some developer can display his tricks. Maybe this is an option for the author; if so it should be strongly discouraged.
I don't recall ever having to look so hard to do something so simple and reasonable. On a par with Windows hiding arrows at either end of a scroll bar, so the user has to sort of feel in the dark for them - to absolutely no advantage.
Denish Rajan commented
Hover to the bottom of the page to make zoom and other controls visible. There you get an option to "Move page controls to toolbar". Click on it, there you go!
Anonymous commented
Please remember to vote this up. 81 comments but only 56 votes
Anonymous commented
Thanks vm Anonymus, it was a simple as that!
Jean-Francois Renard commented
This is really COUNTER productive!
If only the keyboard shortcuts were working. I mean with a belgian keyboard (i guess that's the reason), zoom out is not ctrl+minus BUT ctrl+8!!! -
Anonymous commented
One could go on the toolbar and right click and select > reset toolbar and the option returns back.
andi commented
The controls are still hidden, you have to click the Zoom + icon before you can then click to zoom in and out. This is awful to use and causes frustration multiple times per document. How can you make the +/- controls stay in the toolbar, so you can click them directly?
youki commented
You can also press CTRL + Mousewheel for zooming.
But you have to click the document first for that it's active. It's weird because by default it should work just by hovering the document (in inactive documents).
I'm also a developer and i also think that some one does not research the default functionalities enough before implementing the zoom function in Adobe.I'm up-to-date and if i got it right, you can't dectivate the dynamic zoom without restarting Adobe.
Jürgen from Germany commented
I will see the hole page and spend hours to find the button for it. Adobe developer are idiots.
Jillian commented
one of the most basic functions removed! how dumb!
John commented
I was searching for the answer to this question as well, which is how I found this question here. I'm used to those controls being at the top, like past Reader versions. But they're auto hidden at the bottom of the page!! You need to hover at the bottom of the page to see the bar. SMH.Hope this helps.
Anonymous commented
Me too, one of the most useful tools, idiocy to remove it.
raducioi commented
Hi all,
For compensate the missing Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons, I activated the button "dinamic zoom" and once selected, you can zoom-in/zoom out with the mouse wheel.View/show-hide/tool bal elements/show tool selections and zoom/dinamic zoom
(Adobe Acrobat Reader v.2020.013.20066) -
Thomas M Tulinsky commented
As an engineer, I don't think the engineers decided to do this. Engineers like to add features, and redesign the code, they don't take features away. I'm guessing it's marketing/product managers who seem to be in love with a "simple clean look". (I admit adding features and redesign the code are not always good things--it can break existing features. THAT is engineers fault.)
Diane commented
Just found out -again- that sometimes it's the simplest thing. Check first to be sure your ai page isn't on the (half) minimize screen mode. That tool only shows up if it's on full screen.
Sara commented
View > Show/Hide > Page Controls > Show Page Controls.
If this adds it as a pop out, click the button on the far right of the pop out tool bar and add it to your controls at the top.
**previously mentioned as a solution by Harry, just re-posting so this can be at the top of the thread**
Anonymous commented
Given that this has been "under review" since January 8 2019, it is clear that Adobe do not see meeting their users needs on this as a high priority.