The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons missing from tool bar.
The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons, and the zoom percentage text box disappeared from my toolbar, and I can't get them back. These controls are only accessible through the menus or the undocked floating panel. Re-docking the panel doesn't bring these controls with it. Right-click "Show Select & Zoom Tools" doesn't even list them.

A.D. commented
On my current display, I have the Menu Bar (File, Edit, View, etc.). Below that, I have the Tasks Toolbar (Create, Combine, Collaborate, Secure, etc.). Below that, I have the File Toolbar (Open, Print, Save, . . . Page Up/Down, Find, etc.)
I went to Tools --> Customize Toolbars and selected (checked) the Zoom Out and Zoom In options under the "Select & Zoom Toolbar" heading. I clicked and dragged the line between the Tasks Toolbar and the File Toolbar to a space below the File Toolbar, and basically created a 3rd visible toolbar (which now displayed the Zoom Out / Zoom In options I had just selected). Then I clicked on the vertical double dotted line and dragged and dropped that new toolbar section onto the File Toolbar where it used to be, and that restored the Zoom Out / Zoom In icons / buttons to the File Toolbar.
Hope this helps!
Jeff commented
I agree 100% that it needs to be fixed. but until that happens or you make the move to bluebeam or another program the control scroll works well if you can use it.
Anonymous commented
Thanks Jeff for the tip. It helped.
But sometimes I only have one hand so the button is the best option in this case.
Jeff commented
Until they fix this, use control scroll to zoom in and out. It works well and once you get used to it you will probably like it better than the +/-.
Jo commented
Exact same issue. What we want is + and - buttons seperately accessible as a single button, not the magnifying glass dropdown thing. This was available before, but adobe has removed it. Please let us know when there is a solution.
Anonymous commented
Sorry I didn't mean "reboot". I meant close the Reader/App and reopen the Reader/App.
Anonymous commented
This is annoying to me as well. I normally use the Zoom Out(-) button to zoom out constantly.
I found that if I do Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Uncheck the Open documents as new tabs in the same window button. Then reboot. The buttons are GONE !!!
Once I re-check the button. Then reboot. The buttons come back.
I personally like to have each PDF open in separate windows. So I'm not sure which to give up. :(
I hope this will help someone.
Kel commented
Still no way to fix this? I have Tabs turned off. I've "reset" the toolbar. Nothing works. I just want the Zoom + and Zoom - in the toolbar like they used to be so I don't have to click the generic icon and then get the + and - buttons. .
M commented
How on earth do i explain to users that adobe only shows the much used zoom function when tabbed view is enabled, i recently expand the workplaces with secondary screens, turned off tabbed view so multiple PDF files can be opened side by side, now i have to teach them all to start using ctrl-scroll to use a fast zoom function... please stop messing with the workflow of users
Anonymous commented
Right click, Reset Toolbars did the trick for me.
Anonymous commented
Just updated. But where is the actual zoom value percentage? I would like to know exactly to what percentage my page is zoomed in at.
Anonymous commented
Hi Ravi,
I was having the same issue. I agree with Jeff. While tabbed window brings back the zoom buttons in the toolbar, it's silly to restrict it to this mode.
Please bring back the toolbar +, - and zoom level % buttons in the normal mode as well (without additional clicks). Also the floating toolbar in untabbed mode has the buttons, but it's not a solution when I need to work fast with many documents and quickly see a zoom level without activating acrobat window (One way I work is Word and Acrobat side by side). It's tedious to bring the floating toolbar up and it also sometimes obstructs the view of the PDF content.
RG commented
I have the same problem as other users, unable to find a way to have the docked toolbar display +, -, and % controls as separate buttons, they only show up as a single + button with dropdrown. When undocked the toolbar shows separate buttons for these controls. Resetting toolbars does not fix it. Running latest version 19.008.20080
Jeff commented
Good morning Ravi,
I am not at all interested in having 10-15 documents open on the same page in tabs. That is not a fix for the issue nor is it even a good work around. It actually makes the situation worse when working with multiple documents. Also, Why would Adobe leave the tool bar interface the way it was in "dock" mode and not in standard mode?
So no, This did not work for me nor am I interested in having everything open in tabs on the same page. What would work is if Adobe would actually take advice from their users and fix the issue. So far as I can tell people have been complaining about this since its release and nothing has been done. for a program that we pay for that is unacceptable.
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi Jeff,
Sorry to hear that you had issue with the new zoom icon.
In case, you want the previous zoom icon would suggest you to move to dock mode.
Here, are the steps to do so-
1. Open Application
2. Click on the Edit menu, selects Preferences (Ctrl+K) > General,
3. Check Open documents as new tabs in the same window, scroll down and click ‘OK’
4. Restart the application for the changes to take effect.Do let me know if this works fine for you.
-Ravi Gupta -
Jeff commented
Hello Ravi,
I have Done the latest Update and Patch. As of right now It's not back to normal. The single page zoom in/out is in the wrong spot and isn't always there. I've had to add it to PDF at random. The +/- is now a button you have to click for a drop down of the +/- rather than the 3 options being like they were in a convenient location next to one another. If this has been fixed in the last week or so please link me to the update. -
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for reporting your concern.
We suggest you to upgrade to the latest version for Acrobat which has fix for this issue.
You can do so by click on Help ->Check for updates and install the latest version of acrobat.Thanks,
-Ravi Gupta -
Bob commented
Correction, I do have the + button that drops-down the +/-/% controls. This is still an unnecessary extra step. Why can't those controls be plainly in the top bar like they used to be?
Jeff commented
Did the update patch. Its an improvement over not having it at all but still not seamless like it was. With the update patch it puts a + button you have to click for a drop down to have the +/-/% to show up. How do we get the +/-/% to actually be back in the tool bar? Nothing new, just leave it like it was in the previous versions. Also, the "Fit one full page" button that used to be in the main tool bar is gone and replaced with a drop down. So once you zoom in you have to click a drop down then another button to get back to regular screen view.
Anonymous commented
No way to change this.
For some reason, your stick with some fool's notion that you will ONLY use Adobe Acrobat.
The ability to change what buttons are in the main toolbar would be a MAJOR IMPROVEMENT.
Every suggestion I've seen concerns this.