12177 results found
Adobe Sign uploading has been hung at 72% for over an hour
The first document uploaded in about 15 seconds. Have tried multiple times to upload another. One finally uploaded after about 30 minutes. Current document has been hung over an hour. Been on hold for non-existent tech support over 40 minutes. Is there any management at Adobe anymore? Seems like the support dept is making no effort whatsoever and I find WAY more bugs now than in the past.
3 votes -
Save as Reduced Size PDF - Nothing Happens
Save as Reduced Size PDF no longer works in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Any advice?
2 votes -
Find open PDF in Finder
There was a way to find an open PDF in the Mac finder by using the control or option key. That function has been lost.
3 votes -
error message for non administrative users (msiexec.exe)
When you start Adobe Acrobat Pro without local adminstrative rights a error message appears.(see attachment)
We identified the corresponding command line with procmon: "C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe" /i {AC76BA86-1033-FFFF-7760-0C0F074E4100} REINSTALLMODE=omus DISABLEFIUCHECK=1 IGNOREAAM=1 REPAIRFROMAPP=1 INSTALLUWPAPP=1 /qn"We deployed the "Creative Cloud Client" as a "Self-Serivce-Packages", so licensed Users can install and use adobe products without local administrative rights.
Could you please check why msiexec.exe is called with every program start? We get a lot of tickets from users complaining about this error message and your support wasnt a help at all.
5 votes -
New update has glitches with split screen
After latest update, when creating a PDF, the program switches screens. I have split screens for a reason. I want Adobe to STAY on the screen I have it on. Very annoying. This did not happen before the update.
1 vote -
LiveCycle Interactive Forms Load Much Slower in Acrobat DC than Acrobat XI -- JavaScript Executes Slower
LiveCycle Designer created interactive forms open significantly slower in Acrobat Pro DC on Windows than they did in Acrobat Pro XI on Windows. Forms that would take 5 - 10 seconds to load in Acrobat Pro XI, now take between 30 - 60 seconds to load in Acrobat Pro DC (2019.021.20061).
Based on comparing performance of the identical scripts in both Acrobat XI and Acrobat DC, it appears that the JavaScript code in the initialize and calculate events are running 3 - 5x slower in Acrobat DC vs. Acrobat XI.
What changed in Acrobat DC that is making JavaScript code…
1 vote -
Editting Options visibility
Right now editing tools reflecting on the top of the page as horizontally, is there any possibility to reflect the all editing options on the left side of the page as vertically.
1 vote -
Bug: Gibberish when using ' or & in subject when sending for signature
When a ' or & is in the subject field when sending a document for signature, those characters come through as gibberish on the other end. This only happens when sending from the Acrobat pro dc desktop client.
1 vote -
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC version 2019.012.20034. I find that it is worse, less user-friendly and intuitive than the old version.
This new version is much less user friendly than Acrobat Pro. There are no pull down menus for all my favorite commands, like signing, insert text, and adding ovals to a document.
David4 votes -
Saving over
Saving PDF files from Indesign and illustrator.
When I make updates to a file and resave the PDF it does not keep the change.1 vote -
DC version is awful! Tool bar cannot be customize to display only the tools I need, zoom percent not readily available hate this version!!!
Please give option to display toolbar and features like Acrobat Pro
1 vote -
Confusing Interface When Exporting to TIFFs with Wizard
The presentation and wording used when creating an Action Wizard to export a group of PDF files to TIFFs is inconsistent and confusing compared to how it is done when exporting a single PDF from the main menu. At the main menu 'Export To' is its own selection at the same level as 'Save', however, in the Wizard I have to first select "Save" (twice) to get to the place where I can tell do an "Export To". And to further add to the confusion you have this other TIFF export option named "Export All Images As TIFF" that led…
1 vote -
Action Wizard Inconsistently Names Exported TIFF Files
When running an Action Wizard that saves/exports a group of PDF files as (single) TIFF files, the very first file will have a ".tiff" extension and the rest will be ".tif". This ONLY happens the very first time you run the Wizard. Subsequent runs yields all files with a ".tif" extension. This is repeatable 100% of the time. Again, this applies when exporting the entire PDF file to a single TIFF file, not the feature that exports all images to multiple TIFF files.
1 vote -
Digital signatures - Alternatives to Intesi Group
You really should offer a new "feature" - alternatives to Intesi Group. (As far as I know Intesi Group is your and our only option.)
At first I was very happy to learn that Adobe Sign was included in my existing Adobe subscription and that I should by able to send documents for signing with digital id (BankID in my case). As far as I have manage to figure out, I need to get a subscription with Intesi Group to be able to send documents to clients for them to sign with their digitla signature/BankID.
However, the subsciption price is…
1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat 2015 Hang Outlook 2016 Saving sent email as PDF with large BCC
Adobe Acrobat 2015 screen Hangs when Saving Outlook 2016 email as PDF when a large BCC list with DL's and Names is present.
Issues is on Windows 10 it works fine with Windows 7.
All other saving PDF working fine on outlook emails its only with sent mail with large list of BCC Adobe acrobat window hangs.
Not sure if this relates to https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/print-emails-showing-bcc-recipients-a80e4965-3b8d-41bf-ba22-722f3b19f95c
Want to be able to save sent email with large BCC list as PDF like Windows 7.
1 vote -
Highlight while Automatic Scrolling is On
Highlighting while Automatic Scrolling is On, and be able to switch between highlighting colors.
There are a lot of us who study from eBooks and other digital files in this time of this century.
Please, make this option available for us, so we will be able to highlight important words or sentences while we study.As mentioned and requested from others, the speed of Automatic Scrolling is very fast, which forces me to switch to the tablet and other applications.
Thank you
1 vote -
Prevent unintended over subscription
My enterprise has subscriptions to individual Creative Cloud apps (e.g. PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc), as well as "All App" subscriptions (i.e. the entire Creative Cloud bundle), as well as Acrobat Standard, and Acrobat Professional. Adobe should provide me with alerts when it detects that a user is over subscribing. For example: (1) If a user is assigned an All Apps subscription, an alert should be raised it they are also assigned any other subscription. (2) If a user is assigned 3 or more individual Creative Cloud apps (excluding Acrobat) an alert should be raised since it is more cost effective…
2 votes -
Individual Creative Cloud subscriptions should be universal to every Creative Cloud product
For my enterprise I subscribe to multiple individual Creative Cloud products (for users who need 1 or 2 products only, since it is more cost effective than an All Apps subscription). I might have 9 of 10 PhotoShop subscriptions assigned, 10 of 10 Illustrator subscriptions assigned, and 11 of 10 InDesign subscriptions just assigned. That means I have to true up InDesign by 1 even though I overestimated my PhotoShop and am 'overpaying' until I am allowed to true it down. All individual subscriptions cost the same, so Adobe should allow me to transfer quantities between products (so I can…
2 votes -
Multiple Tab Visibility and Key-Shortcut Switching
Multiple Tab Visibility
- please make the active tab a different color than the inactive tables;
- please add a keyboard shortcut to swtich between tabs [ctrl-PgUp/PgDn]3 votesHi,
Thanks for reaching out to concern.
1) This is already implemented. The active tab already appears in a different color w.r.t the Rest of the Tabs. Please see the attached snapshot2) This can be achieved using Ctrl+T and Shift+Ctrl+T to move ahead and back in tabs respectively.
Let me know if that helps.
This system should not be so difficult to operate.
This system should not be so difficult to operate.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?