12216 results found
lookup function should work with built-in apple dictionary (and not with dictionary.com)
The current look up reference for word definitions is the webpage dictionary.com, which is really inaccurate sometimes. Besides, the whole operation of being directed to a webpage is nonsense, specially on Apple computer and devices, where you have the built in dictionaries, who are the reference source by default in any other app.
Moreover, dictionary.com only offer definitions for English words, but is useless if the user is reading a text on another language... So, just integrate the lookup function with apple dictionaries (as it already functions on the mobile app for iPad, for instance)15 votes -
Acrobat Blank Out
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763
Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)Running fresh install of desktop Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. I frequently have multiple large (100+ page) documents open while working with other applications (Office suite, browser). When I navigate to a pdf I need to reference the document has gone blank even though pages are still there. Sometimes, an error message reads "There was a problem reading this document (109)." sometimes the error message says there is insufficient memory (my system has 8.0 gigs of…
3 votes -
New share doc interface broke outlook, unless I completely exit out of Acrobat.
new update broke outlook when using the share via email option. after doing that, outlook hangs until exiting completely out of Acrobat DC.
Win 10
Outlook 365
Acrobat DC2 votes -
Losing german äüö (Umlauts) and letters in the Structure Tree when using "Add Tags to Document" in Adobe Acrobat DC
- Brief Title
Losing german äüö (Umlauts) and letters in the Structure Tree when using "Add Tags to Document" in Adobe Acrobat DC (previous operation Number ADB-3207012-T1M7) German Language Problem?
- Steps to reproduce the issue
Export a text document with german words that contain german umlauts (äöü), e.G.: "für, können, öfter, mögen" as a PDF without tags from InDesign or Word
Open the file in Acrobat DC
Go to "Tags" and open the little menu and choose "Add Tags to Document"
After the Structure Tree was created — save and close
when you open the document again in Acrobat DC and…11 votes -
When viewing files and folders from OneDrive, directories that start with a dot (.) appear completely blank
Show directory names that start with a dot instead of completely blank name
1 vote -
NOT user friendly
adobe reader dc SUCKS!! it is NOT USER friendly
5 votes -
Insert new printed pdf inside oppened pdf
In the order tool, besides all the insert options Adobe Acrobat already has, add a new option that will be called: "Capture Adobe Acrobat Printer job".
When you select that option, the Adobe Acrobat will show a message "Waiting pdf print job".
Then, any document printed in the Adobe PDF Printer will be inserted in the place you have selected.1 vote -
Allow unique tooltips for radio button options to support screen reader accessibility
When setting tool tips for a radio button in acrobat, it only allows one tool tip for the entire group. When the PDF is displayed as an "image", as it is in some implementations, a screen reader cannot help someone choose which option to select.
I use text tagging in Acrobat to upload to Adobe Sign. I have to manually adjust every radio button after I upload it because Acrobat does not support unique tool tips per radio option (but Adobe Sign does). This makes the process MUCH more laborious when I could just simply upload it and be done.
5 votes -
Find does not work
FInd does not work. Always asks for whole word. Advanced find does not find anything even though I can see the word I'm searching for next to the find window.
1 vote -
Data area passed to a system call is too small error.
Periodically Acrobat pumps a message stating "Data area passed to a system call is too small." I'm running Acrobat DC, Windows 10, Dell Precision 7520, 16B RAM, 1TBSSD, 256GBSSD, Nvidia GPU, two (2) external monitors. I'm a Senior Interaction Designer at Stryker in Redmond, WA. Not sure what this error means or how to resolve.
1 vote -
Printing problem
All .pdf files taking forever to print. Another user reported same problem.
1 vote -
Fill and Sign asking me to sign in
Fill and Sign is asking me to sign in or upgrade when I am signed in and already have the full subscription.
2 votes -
Page movement
In older versions of Acrobat, one can move pages by assigning new page number in a dialog box. For example, if I like to move page 60 to page 35, I go to page 60, right click, and move the page to 35 in the dialog box. This feature is very helpful rather than dragging page over other pages. One may succeed depending on dexterity of moving mouse. Also, full reversing of pages has gone into oblivion. Please bring these two features back. I know change is difficult, but le us not change for the sake of appearance. One uses…
1 vote -
Printing with comments doesn't work as expected
After sending a document for review, I tried to print the document with the comments showing, it will only show the comments on a separate page. There should be a way to print the document with the comments on the same page AND in the spot, or linked to the spot where the comments were made. Example - how the page is shown in Acrobat with the comments to the right and the spot where the comment was made visible so we can tell where it is referencing.
1 vote -
Hotkeys for highlighter and highlighter color
Hey could you guys make a shortcut for highlighting on PDFs that would be GREAT HELP! This is for Adobe Reader DC. There is no shortcut for highlighter and highlighter color. It would make reading PDFs faster, more interactive, and easier to read especially on Desktop/Laptops.
11 votes -
Option to Generate Email From Comment
I would love functionality that would allow the user to generate an email from a comment, including the comment or a screen capture of the comment [in place] after a review closes. I spend a lot of time screen capturing comments and their location and pasting them into emails to continue a conversation with select reviewers.
1 vote -
It messed up my font organisation when I converted it to word.
My font came out as a bunch of symbols when I transferred it to word.
1 vote -
Adobe sign errors
i am so frustrated that I am paying for a software that wont work. I get an error with no code everytime.
1 vote -
Bring back rotation of signatures. Sometimes they need to be vertical.
Bring back rotation of signatures. Sometimes they need to be vertical. The feature should never have been removed.
2 votes -
Preferences not saving permanently- macro choices in both edit/preferences and quick toolbar options wiped out with each reboot
Please add a save permanently or set default option that will truly set defaults so users don't have to correct a bunch of settings after every reboot. Issue is with Adobe Acrobat Standard DC.
2 votes
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