11411 results found
Digital Signature Creation Suggestion!
When you create your Digital Signature thru the Sign With A Digital ID Wizard that say you like how your first name looks but then when you get to your last name and you make a mistake that instead of clicking the Clear Button to start over that you could Click a Button that says Undo instead as this would really save a lot of time in the long run being that it takes quite a while and too long at that to do that if you like it to look just right both ways both first and last name.
2 votes -
Add option for controlling how pdfs control the fields
Add option for controlling how pdfs control the fields on multiple pages. If you have 2 forms that share field names but have different data, right now, when you change one field on one page, it changes the fields on the 2nd page. There should be option to set each page to treat the fields separately. Then when you change a field on page #1, it won't change that field on page #2 also. Docusign has this option.
2 votes -
Add option to include Name and Email on sent docs
Add option to include Name and Email on sent docs. Not just email. Then the name will be auto inserted into the signature and person does not have to type their name. They only have to click to sign. It is very cumbersome to have to type your name and sign. Docusign and many other systems do this. Adobe only one that doesn't allow you to enter name
3 votes -
Problem: separate licenses needed for individual computers that dual-boot to Mac OS and Windows.
Having to purchase separate licenses for a single computer running as a dual-boot environment is highly problematic.
Only one licenses is used at a time!
2 votes -
i want to copy webpages fromall the major browsersacrobat dc win 10 -many dont nor have the acrobat logo in the toolbr at top of page even
i want to copy webpages from all the major browsersacrobat dc win 10 -many dont nor have the acrobat logo in the toolbar at top of page even when i set themupin/settings /options.
could not acrobat dc in windows 10 make a list of browsers, search engines’, etc are compatible with acrobat dc (personally i am not in interested in the photo stuff &their ilk lwhich acrobat DC pushes in their adds& email--is acrobat dc implying that the photo etc section are the only thing that the browsers&, search engines etc., are the main thing that acrobat dc can do…1 voteHi
Here’s a list of supported web browsers with Acrobat DC:
Let us know if any more information is required.
Tanvi -
Bug - After publishing comments, the spinner icon is rotating. I am not sure if comments are pushed
Bug - After publishing comments, the spinner icon is rotating. I am not sure if comments are pushed
2 votes -
wrong pdf format
If I want to print a file from any program (anyway Microsoft Word or any picture or any drawing from my CAD Programm) with the printer "adobe.pdf" as pdf, it always produces a portrait format-pdf, even if the original file is in cross-format. Attached files as sample.
Maybe it is a bug?2 votesHi,
While printing you have to select Landscape mode.
Go to ‘File>Print>Printer Properties>Layout>Orientation’ select Lanscape.Best Regards!
Adobe Distiller: erasepage erroneously transmits a page
The operator ‘showpage’ should push a piece of paper through the printer; ‘erasepage’ should not. Analogously, erasepage should not add a page to a PDF.
In XI Pro 11.0.21 (26/07/2017), the following code makes a two-page file, the second page being blank. It should be a one-pager. This bug has cost me hours of attempting to debug my PostScript.
/Helvetica-Bold 36 selectfont
36 36 moveto (First page) show
showpage36 36 moveto (Second page) show
erasepage1 vote -
Ability to save security settings in Adobe presets
Our agency has several custom presets when saving pdfs from Illustrator. We would like to limit one client from altering our pdfs. We can apply the security setting, however they do not save in the preset.
Please fix.1 voteDear User,
Please open the file in Acrobat.Go to Protect Tool from Tools Page.
Go to Encrypt— Manage Security Policies—New- Using passwords,public key certificates —Save as a Policy-and then choose the settings that you want to apply .
As the policy is saved,you can apply the policy next time on-wards
which appears as a template from Security Options(Control+D) on the file. -
Why use a persons birthdate for account verification!
Quit asking for a person's birthdate for account verification. This is not necessary and only places the customer at more risk. You do not need this specific information to validate eligibility.
4 votes -
Error in Adobe Acrobat DC Pro Installer
I download the acrobatproDC_dlm disk image on my Macbook Pro running 10.12.5 using the Chrome browser.
This download proceeds normally.After mounting the disk image and starting the installer app, it fails as 29% saying: "Safari must be closed in order to proceed". This comes up in a dialog box with Retry and Close buttons. Retry always fails with the same error message. Close, of course, closes the installer.
The trouble is that Safari is not running!
I finally figured out that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC was running and this was the cause of the installation failure.
Please correct the…
1 vote -
exporting pdf
Can I export a pdf in chinese to word format
1 vote -
Restrict 'Save As'
Currently, you can restrict print and save, but cannot restrict Save As. Would like to see that restriction added as well.
Thanks for your consideration.2 votesThanks for your valuable feedback, it helps us improving our product. We have taken your feature request.
Highlighted text color
Add a feature to change all highlighted color at once ..
I needed this feature due to changing the screen i use .. when i connected my laptop to samsung screen through hdmi the color was not so clear and the text is unreadable i wanted to change them all at once to another color so i can read ..
thanks in advance
1 vote -
"acrobat dc has stopped working" on Build full text index with catalog
- Select Full Text Index with Catalog
- Select Directories to Include
- Input Name of Index
- Select Build
- "Acrobat DC has Stopped Working"
Any ideas on how to work around?
1 vote -
I do not wish to buy this product - how do i make sure that this doesn' convert to a full product - i don't like the fact that I can no long
Upgrade not required
3 votes -
Opening side by side
It would be great to be able to open 2 PDF pages next toeach other for easy comparison, i.e. when comparing two people on a geneology site
3 votesHi
You can try the following –
Go to Organize Pages App to move the pages you want to see next to each other.
Then go to View→Display Options and select Two pages.Please let us know if this works for you.
Vivek -
I need to darken the text for a light object, but that is apparently impossible.
Adobe Acrobat used to have a feature to darken text. What happened?
4 votes -
Better update UX
Acrobat will sometimes generate a pop-up that says "Update completed!" with two options: "Restart Now" and "Cancel". Naturally, I assumed that "Restart Now" meant restart Acrobat. Because that's what it means in every other application on my computer, from Firefox and Chrome, to Intellij, to Microsoft Word, to Steam, and so on. In reality, that innocuous looking button immediately restarted my entire computer, without any sort of warning or confirmation prompt. I've twice lost work (from other applications, like my web browser) because I forgot that in Adobe's world, a user is going to want to immediately restart their entire…
2 votesHi,
Thanks for your suggestion. This is being worked upon to reword this dialog and button labels.
Karan -
Adobe "Browse for file/folder" function is poorly designed
in the new versions of Adobe, the browse for folder function - to open or save a file - is useless. Contrast it to every other conventional windows application, looking more like Windows Explorer where you can easily navigate to a folder, subfolder, file - but in Adobe, it immediately requires scrolling down, then selecting, scrolling down more, selecting a subfolder, etc.
3 votesHi,
Since we haven’t got further updates from you on this. We are closing this issue for now.
Please reach out to us again if you have further concernsThanks
- Don't see your idea?