Add multi tabs
Add the ability to open multiple PDF files or multiple instance of the application (for have two or more PDF side by side).
It would be very useful.

Anonymous commented
Wy this problems
Joe commented
Almost 2020, and still can't open more than one document, while many other pdf apps can. Do you devs have any shame?
Linda Michael Mashinini commented
It's convenient for any wording
Anonymous commented
Review digital convertion
Lakshi commented
I am riyan
Arnold Tavizon commented
Add multi tabs similar to my mail
Anonymous commented
Multi tabs
Anonymous commented
Running fastest way
hhuujhhft commented
আমার কাছে এসে বললো আপু তোমার দুধ দুইটা একটু ধরতে দাও
Anonymous commented
I guess you cannot tell the difference between a Male & Female?Or you have issues?with something?
Daniel commented
Would love to see this implemented, either as having PDFs open in different tabs (implemented like mobile version of chrome) or multiple instances of the app in 'recent apps' like the way Gmail for Android has inbox in separate instances to emails being composed. I quite often need to quickly flick between different PDFs
Rodrigo Uayan commented
It is very useful in my job.
Joseph commented
Kindly add multi tab option it will be useful for me to do it in pdf
Rai commented
Rrb group d syllabus
Anvesh commented
Please provide multi tabs option, it is useful to compare PDFs side by side...(Android)
AdminSakshi Jain (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for your request. We have made a note of the same and shall try to incorporate it soon.
Adobe Acrobat Team -
Rodolfo Reis commented
It could be disabled as default to avoid bad rating due to low ram phones.
vijender commented