3274 results found
3 votes
God like wise
5 votes -
8 votes
Font Change for Mobile
Please add fonts too the mobile side of Adobe (iphone&android) My boss requires a specific type of font used on ALL things done incoming/outgoing from the office. With supervisors being in multiple states and using mobile versions this makes following the bosses requests hard.
27 votes -
Hidden AcroForm buttons still clickable
There is a bug with Adobe Acrobat for Android concerning hidden form-field buttons. These hidden buttons are still clickable, while they aren't clickable in Adobe Acrobat on Windows.
How to reproduce this issue:
1. Make an AcroForm with one or more fields.
2. Add a button field and place it on top of one of the other fields.
3. Add an action to this button, like going to a webpage, so that you can see if pressing the button does anything.
4. Set the display for the button to 'hidden'.
5. Save the PDF and open it in Adobe Acrobat…3 votes -
3 votes
Why can't I share to text?
You only share to email and no text?
7 votes -
19 votes
enlarge page navigation buttons
I do a lot of document reading on my tablet and find the page up/down buttons too small (often have to push more than once or get the wrong button) and awkwardly positioned (have to hold the tablet and my hand in an unnatural position for continuous and efficient access.
Please could you enlarge the navigation buttons and either move them to the side / bottom of the reading pane or allow the user to customise their placement?
Mamy thanks
4 votes -
Need to be able to fill out PDF forms on mobile devices
Some work, but many do not.
474 votes -
Need the ability to use digital signatures on mobile devices (Fill and sign not adequate)
Need the ability to use "digital signatures" on mobile devices (Fill and sign not adequate)
112 votes -
can't browse to saved files
I sign files on my phone but they are no longer saved into the folder they used to be saved to. I cannot browse to them with gmail (or any file explorer for that matter) to attach and send. I use this feature for work, please change the save-to folder to something I can browse to, it's useless with this ability.
20 votes -
Select text and Search text stopped working
Bug Report:
In the Adobe App, I used to be able to search PDFs for text. I used to be able to select and copy text, as well.
On my PC, I scanned a page and used Acrobat DC Recognize Text. I made sure I could search for text and copy text.
Then I transferred the page to my Android phone. I opened the page in Adobe Reader App. I held my finger down to select text. Text would not select. Therefore, I also could not copy. I tried to search, even for short and frequent words such as "the".…
40 votes -
Search function not working
The word search/find function doesn't work as well as it does on PC. For I try to find "Act V" in a Shakespeare pdf and while the desktop version finds all "Act V" phrases just fine, the android version fails to find any of them, even if I match capitalization.
8 votes -
Bug? New documents not appearing in DC on decive.
I am having difficulty with the Reader not updating my Cloud documents in my device.
I'm presently using the latest Android Version, but the issue started with the version I had previously installed on the device; I am not certain of that version, but it was Version 16 series.
What is happening is any documents added to the cloud from my device are not appearing on the Reader on my LG Risio; however, when I use Adobe reader in my tablet or laptop, the cloud documents appear. The same is true for other functions such as renaming the file;…
32 votes -
Why not have a copy of a program in Arabic
Why not have a copy of a program in Arabic
18 votes -
Scan option is not available in asus ZenFone so please do it.
3 votes -
Can't edit text
I'm trying to edit a PDF on my Android Tablet that I created on my desktop. I spent the $25 to upgrade to DC Pro so that I could edit 5 lines of text on the first page that was created originally on Word, converted to PDF, and then inserted into a larger PDF. It is NOT an image scan. I've edited this text on my desktop.
DC Pro claimed to let me edit documents. When I searched for instructions on how to do prior to subscribing, there were clear instructions on how to do it. I have searched and…
19 votes -
Scan is currently not available in Samsung DEX mode.pls solve the problem
Scan is currently not available in Samsung DEX mode.
10 votes -
I need the option for change the zoom
12 votes
- Don't see your idea?