3278 results found
Need to send in grant paperwork and complete
How do I do it?
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How to leave night/invert modus?
How to leave night/invert modus?
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Um preço melhor
A Microsoft baixou o Office 365 para 29,00 ao mês e são mais de 1 aplicativo e 1 tb para até 6 usuários com o mesmo benefício.
Se a adobe fizer algo parecido ficaria bem mais fácil fazer uma assinatura.
Antes um office era super caro. Era igual o CorelDraw hoje. Penso que se não com todas as funcionalidades, mas pelo menos com algo extra a adobe poderia oferecer um plano pensando num preço popular para que pessoas que gostem de ler e tope pagar o preço sem pensar muito.
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Ridiculous that were asked to purchase an added 13.00$$$$ just to either EDIT OR FILL IN FILES. TOTAL RIP OFF
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Anclar un archivo a escritorio, atravez de un widgett
Mi idea se basa en anclar un archivo a el escritorio ya que sería más fácil para seguir una lectura o anclar un archivo importante para una exposición
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Bigger letters
I think it would be easier if we can make the printer bigger, so it would be easier to read.
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Dark mode toggle to turn off on Adobe while it is on for the rest of Android
Ability to keep dark mode for Android but the option to disable it for Adobe
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Je pense qu'il faudrait ajouter ''un cercle'' dans les signets
Pour ce qui veulent faire directement les correction dans les PDF.
Merci de bien y penser🙏1 vote -
Pleased your software allow me to support in my android device version 7.1.1 please give me the permition.
I want to do some personal work through this software; so pleased give me the permition as your kind concern.
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Is there a way to unprotecte a file
Is there a way to unprotecte a file so that anyone can open it
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Idea: Add Folders/ Subfolders to easily save examples: Student work projects. Or Save important information subfolders from within Adobe
Add Folders / Subfolders to easily save projects of similar importance.
Example: Save all student work for portfolio.In addition accessible to Easy submission to Adobe Portfolio as well through Adobe Acrobat DC1 vote -
Jailin maisin. Kampung indai 89208 tuaran sabah
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Audio android samsung a50s
Lebih enak di dengar kali ya
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Free full access for unemployed people
Free all access for unemployed people. At least for 3 months. Unemployment requires PDF format for all files required. These are tough times and people can use a break.
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