321 results found
Your system is terrible and I dont know why I keep renewing each year. I guess because I do not know of alternatives. I am SICK and TIRED of trying to combine documents and your system CONSISTENTLY gives error messages. Its so important for me to be able to combine docs in my business of mortgage due to the large uploads I have and multiple docs and I could have documents that do not even have e-signature and your system produces an error for the slightest things. Completely UNRELIABLE. I hope to find replacement for your application. Not worth the…
1 voteHello Woodside Noel,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Would you be so kind to send us the documents you were having issues with? And if possible, please tell us the steps you took to combine them.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
1 vote
Hello Nicola,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. Would you be so kind to share with us the error that is displayed when you try to send the document? This way we can understand better the issue.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Combining pdfs is not working
can not combine filed?
1 vote -
New phone and email accsess
I'm concerned about the emails that are connected to my account access I just recently had to change email and phone number to protect my data and account access due to a issue with my most recent devices and want to make sure that I am proceeding safely.kk
1 vote -
all of the previous screen apply
this is the worst program I have ever bought.
nothing works
refund my money or fix it.1 voteHello Tom,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the whole product experience. Would you be so kind to give us further explanation on which features you are having trouble with? And we will be happy to help you!
Thank you,
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I can't combine files
Can't combine files
1 vote -
Combine file function is terrible
I have tried numerous times today to do something so simple ... combine several files together in one pdf ... yet your $h1T software cannot do it ... and provides a message at the end of the process that provides no value because it does not explain the problem.
1 vote -
Irreführung! Nix ist umsonst
Irreführung hoch 10!
Überall bei Google und beim öffnen der Seite wird "kostenfrei" beworben. Nach 2s nach öffnen der Seite öffnet sich das Bezahlfenster mit utopischen Abofallen...sorry Adobe ist für immer für mich gestorben...1 vote -
Test Feedback Summary
Test feedback from team
1 vote -
I thought combining files was free
Article online indicates I can merge my documents for free. However when I click on the link I keep getting redirected to a screen that will only let me "sign" up for paid versions. Very disappointed.
1 vote -
False advertising, its not free at all
Its says its free so how come when I try to use it it takes me to a page where I have to subscribe? Is this just a way to get you in? What a waste of my time.
1 vote -
It just doesn't work
Ok not even displaying files! why are you charging?
1 voteHi Nicolas,
Thank for reaching out and apology for the trouble. Our team has fixed the issue and the link should launch fine. Please let us know if you still face any issues.
Acrobat web team
Has somebody tested this app?
Too many bugs... Error after error after error... come on! I hope you can check the log for my account, I'm not even gonna try to describe
1 voteHi Nicolas,
Thank for reaching out and apology for the trouble. Our team has fixed the issue and the link should launch fine. Please let us know if you still face any issues.
Acrobat web team
1 vote -
1 vote
1 vote
organizer keeps crashing
organizer keeps crashing
1 vote -
Combine in Browser - No Opt Out
"Preferences" is garbage. There is no option to prevent files from opening in the default browser, and your FAQs are terrible.
1 vote -
Files won't combine
Files are not combining on the website right now. Are you having trouble on your end with some of your servers? Not sure what is going on.
1 vote -
Can't combine PDF from desktop
I buy the Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack but why I can't use directly from my desktop?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?