521 results found
e-signature glitch
The e-signature thing has been glitchy. Today it started blacking out the panel for signature options after I added some signature info. If I save the doc and reopen the doc I can send.
1 voteHi Cody,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
Please bear with us until we find a solution to this issue.
We appreciate your support!
Thank you,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Can't send an e-signature request due to issue.
I tend to use the app as default. When trying to request an e-signature, I get as far as selecting what I want the recipient to sign and then the left-side box goes black. This is where you would ordinarily finalise and send the document - which I now can't due to the random black boxes appearing.
Would much appreciate it if this was resolved.
1 voteHello Craig,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the feature Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. If the issue is still happening and in the meantime we resolve this specific problem please try to use earlier version of the feature by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue.
Could you please tell us if this issue you are facing happens every time and with all the documents you use?
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Your Adobe Pro Digital Signature has always taken forever to run and is extremely complicated and borderline ancient. With each "downgrade" it get sworse and now doesn;t even work. You concentrate on adding all these complicated useless fetures that nobody wants or needs and forget the basice....ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, ETC.
2 votesHello Gilbert,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the feature Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment.
We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
1 vote
your ****** website
your website navigation is just horrendous. my god, it takes 10 minutes to figure out how to get to my templates for esign. jesus christ, this is EVERY SINGLE TIME. i don't come here everyday, so its a nightmare trying to navigate past all the ******** you try to get me to download or buy. just take me to my **** and stop changing where the links are. do better, you charge enough **** money you should give two ***** about your customers time and convenience
2 votesHi Legacy Healthcare,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the new feature in Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks, Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Documents not loading bug
I can't get document to load. I need to get this bug fixed so I can access signed documents.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are currently triaging your issue and gathering more information to understand the problem better.Could you please provide more details on the issue you are facing? For instance, is this problem occurring with a specific file, or does it happen consistently with any file? Any additional details would help us narrow down the root cause and find a solution more efficiently.
Thank you,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Web form I issue contract links
I issue contract links via a web form, and this problem has appeared. I need an explanation of the problem, noting that a link from the Excel program has been shared.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Pay by use
I don't mind paying $5 per use for fill and sign through adobe. But I don't want to sign up monthly for something I need twice a year. I have decided to print and scan instead. The pay by use would have been preferable to me.
1 vote -
Usless buttons
Cant download after adding sig, what is the point of this if I cannot download using the download button
1 vote -
Bug Found - Multiline Text Field
RE: BUG FOUND - Webforms that are created from a PDF which already have Multiline Form Fields inserted do not display entire text in the form when filled out. Works as expected when Multiline Text Field is created while creating the webform on the acrobat.adobe.com website.
-Create a Text Field in a PDF, set it to Multiline from within Acrobat Pro
-Create webform by upload that PDF with the Multiline Text Field
-Fill out the webform and create new lines within the Multiline Text Field by hitting enter and adding text to each line, making sure that a scroll bar…
2 votesHello John,
Thank you for your detail information, we have review this issue and seems to be an intended behavior. Please feel free to leave any feedback again.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
cant use signature and change the name
make it work right
1 voteHello Kali,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, would you be so kind to explain the issue a little bit deeper? Or if it's happening only with one document, could you please share it with us?
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
HATE IT!! I have used Adobe sign for years. I recently upgraded and now nothing works!!! How can I get back to the old "classic option?"
I'm limited on how many documents I can add. I can't even find my documents to merge them together. My fields no longer work together. THIS UPGRADE IS HORRIBLE.1 vote -
Sign button not clear enough
Can you please change the name of the 'Click to sign' or 'Tap to sign' button for a client to complete the AdobeSign to 'Submit'. We have a LOT of clients complaining that they have already signed when we ask them to complete the form and they are not noticing the button when it says 'Click to sign' or 'Tap to sign'. It really needs to be updated to 'Submit signature' or something along those lines.
Thanks.1 vote -
E-signature order
It would be nice if you could assign the signature order to multiple people. For example, if I am sending out a lease I want all of the tenants to sign in either order. After all of the tenants sign then I want to lease to be sent to the landlord for signature. Docusign has a feature that allows for this.
1 voteHi Hamed,
Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.Thanks,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
E-sign templates aren't working properly.
E-sign templates aren't working properly. The window says the document is not sent but when I look at my email it looks like it was sent out. This has caused duplicates to be sent out.
1 voteHi Hamed,
We are sorry you are experiencing troubles with our app . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error when you try to send the agreement or anything you consider could help us narrow down a possible solution for this.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
E-sign Needs to be Changed
The e-sign changes have been very confusing for most of our clients. They don't see the "click to sign" "continue" buttons and about 90% of them miss the final submit button. I have had to get on video screen shares and follow up with clients on outstanding signatures 9/10 for every agreement that gets sent out. It is unsustainable, instead of doing billable work I have to walk them through how to complete an e-signature. I would like you to change this part of your platform into a more user friendly and or obvious format. So that I can stop…
1 voteHi Hamed,
We are sorry you're having troubles using our app. Your feedback is very important to us as it help us understand better the areas in which we can improve the usability of the app. We will work on this in future updates. Rest assured, your comments will be taken into consideration.
Thanks for your patience.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Prozessschritt-Benachrichtigungen nicht zu verwenden
Ich hatte ein Dokument erstellt, was von zwei anderen Parteien und mir unterzeichnet werden musste.
Über die erste Unterschrift wurde ich noch informiert. Leider wurde ich aber nicht darüber informiert, dass die zweite Partei unterzeichnet hat und meine Unterschrift fehlt.
Das ist echt schlecht, wenn man sich auf den Prozess nicht verlassen kann.1 voteHallo Markus,
Es tut uns leid, dass Sie Probleme mit unserer App haben. Wir untersuchen Ihr Problem und sammeln weitere Informationen, um das Problem besser zu verstehen. Könnten Sie uns weitere Einzelheiten zu Ihrem Problem mitteilen? Wenn Sie beispielsweise einen Fehler in einem Teil des Signatur-Workflows feststellen oder uns Einzelheiten mitteilen, die uns Ihrer Meinung nach dabei helfen könnten, die Ursache des Problems einzugrenzen
Vielen Dank,
Anmelden Acrobat Web Team
You need to fix this **** E-sign!!! It's terrible!
Sorry, but your E-sign is absolutelly ****. Ok, my internet is not very good today, but I spent more as 4 hours and at least I find, that your e-signature is.... Sorry, good luck.
1 voteHi Velga,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error or the page not loading or anything you deem important for us to know will really help us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
E-sign function not good
The e-sign function is really bad now,
Boxes that have been ticked are no longer ticked after being e-signed.1 voteHi Hang Joon,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
tend not using this anymore as I cannot find my way anymore in the functionalities
very user unfriendly compared to previous version
2 votesHi Margie van der Valk,
We're sorry to hear that you feel unsatisfied with the product, we would appreciate your feedback on which features you find unfriendly. In order to keep track of your suggestion, please, let us know if you're using the desktop app or web app, and what kind of task you aren't available to complete.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
- Don't see your idea?