274 results found
Need the desktop version of Adobe Acrobat Pro!!!
I got a new macbook and it will not let me download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on my new computer. It says it is not supported on my platform but I am paying for it. I need to be able to use it without being connected to the internet- not on the web!
1 vote -
Pro sucks
I am unable to edit text or images. What has happened to Adobe Acrobat Pro? It is no longer supported by my OS.
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1 vote
practically worthless
Very poor experience. I've converted a PDF to Docx but cannot edit the document or see how to save to my device. Not entirely sure what advantage I have gained by doing this process?
1 vote -
terribles cambios
estn nefasta la ultima actualizacion, se atora, no te deja seleccionar nada , no guarda los cambios por favor como regreso a la anterior
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cant be used
la verdad que es muy bueno que todo lo bueno se le va cuando no me deja utilizar el editor de pdf por que estoy en andorra y es una region que no esta habilitado.
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Split PDF Page dark with no pop-up dialog box
Everytime I refresh the page for splitting PDF file into several pages, the page becomes darker and nothing comes up.
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I don't need a ******* dog picture, i just need the thing to work
0 votes -
Very bad, does not work
Want to edit a file? - just upload one. uploaded? - just register or sign in. signed in? - just take a free trial. Get uploaded - everything froze and nothing works. Make a fair service that works!
0 votesThank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Is it happening for all files or with any specific document only?
2) Could you please share the workflow and file on which you faced the issue
Hoping to hear from you soon.Thanks,
pdf modifica
il pdf non si modifica appare una finestra error 3000
0 votesHi,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Is it happening for all files or with any specific document only?
2) Could you please share the workflow and file on which you faced the issue
Times New Roman
Why does Adobe Acrobat online not have times new roman, the MOST common font in the world????
0 votesHi,
Thanks for your request. We have made a note of the same and will consider addressing this request in future updates.
Unable to process your request. Please contact customer support
Unable to process your request. Please contact customer support.
thanks0 votesHi Imran,
Thanks for using Acrobat web. We are currently not supporting Acrobat web in your region.
Acrobat web team
PDF에서 JPG 전환후 다운을 받았는데 압축파일 안에 텅 비워있습니다.
PDF에서 JPG 전환후 다운을 받았는데 압축파일 안에 텅 비워있습니다.
0 votesHI, Thank you for reaching out and reporting the issue. Is it possible to provide the sample PDF file to triage?
Jennifer - Acrobat Web team
Not Saving edited PDFs - creates new file
When I am editing a PDF and I try to save the PDF after inserting pages, it always makes another copy even if I hit "Save Changes" and not "Save a copy". This is extremely annoying because it creates an extra step for me to delete the old one, when it should be doing this automatically.
0 votes
- Don't see your idea?