713 results found
I am getting numerous responses from clients that there is an issue with signing documents that require a date. This adobe plan is too expen
Issues with signing documents that require a date
1 voteHello Christine,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
In the meantime, could you please provide us with more information regarding this issue? Like, which tool are you using to send documents? And how often does the date requirement happen?
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Dawg this website is ***.
1 voteHi Diedre Tynes,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
Randomly repeatedly deleting text from my do
Adobe is repeatedly deleting random text. I spent 5 hours yesterday repairing my book, only to wake up this morning to find new errors in different places throughout the document.
I am extremely frustrated that there is not a clear solution to this issue online.
1 voteHi Tiffany Robinson,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
1 vote
Hello Stan,
Could you explain further your request? We are always happy to hear new ideas!
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
does not work
not letting me see my documents in progress
1 voteHello Andrea,
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, and we apologize for the frustration you have experienced with our e-sign feature. In the meantime, could you help us providing more details, to troubleshoot this issue.
Thank you for your patience,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Unreal how much I have to argue with Adobe AI
I am going to start searching for something else. I have never had to argue with AI like I do this one. I just got a response in Spanish and when I asked why, it said it was in English. I asked for the accomplishments of someone that I had a resume on and it said they had no accomplishments which was clearly untrue. I asked for one simple paragraph summary of a document and got bullet points. This just doesn't cut it.
1 vote -
Distracting Pop-ups In Adobe Actrobat
I'm signed in to my Adobe Suite account. I opened the Adobe Acrobat EXTENSION via Chrome BROWSER. I keep on getting random distracting pop-ups / boxes saying "Did you know??? You can work on PDFs directly in-browser" ...
Did YOU know? This pop-up box literally exists and is happening right now IN THE EXTENSION via CHROME BROWSER.
Like, if it's really necessary to have super annoying and unsolicited pop up box suggestions distracting me when I'm trying to work... It would be really nice if they were at least somewhat relevant and not suggesting me to do things that I'm…
1 voteHI, could you please share a screenshot of this pop-up. Would really help us to debug this further.
errore 12000 non riesco a raggiungere i serner
1 voteHi giustino romano,
Sorry for the inconvenience you faced. Can you please let us know the exact issue you are facing ?
Wither Reader
Surprised to learn that if my subscription allows only two computers to run Acrobat at a time, a third cannot run Reader. That's a step backwards from the old days At least we can now read using Chrome or Edge, but isn't it a bit embarassing to have ceded that field?
1 vote -
Error wiped out all of my work
I just spent 30 minutes manually typing emails into the bulk send screen only to have an error wipe out all of my work. Is there some reason you can't save a DRAFT of our work so I don't have to start from scratch?
Docusign does this.
Is there no way to upload a list of recipients instead of having to manually type them in?
Docusign does this.
1 voteHello Jerry,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. Could you provide more information about this issue? For example what was the error? Is this a recurrent issue? If so could you provide steps to reproduce it?
Also, you can copy and paste the list of emails directly without needing to type everything.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
e-sign not working
i can not sign (e-sign) on my pdf file
1 voteHello Michael,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature, could you provide more information about this issue?
- Is it only with that specific file? Could you provide it?
- What steps do you use before encountering this issue?
- Do you see any error or dialog on the screen when this issue happens?
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
adobe is not opening
adobe reader is not working
1 voteHi afsana ali
Sorry for the inconvenience you faced. Can you please let us know the exact issue you faced while reading the document ?
Number Pages Feature Not Working
Hi, I would just like to let you know that your "Number Pages" feature in Adobe Acrobat has not been working for me. I've tried over multiple days and it refuses to load my PDF or add the numbers. It is a bit of a large file, but not so large that Acrobat should struggle with it. A free-to-use software was able to complete this task for me in seconds. I would like to be able to rely on the service that I'm paying for however to do this job.
1 voteHi Tehya Paul,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
Stop trying to sell me your products
I do not want to buy new products or services, I do not want to be jerked around trying to access the product I have a license to, I do not want to have to hunt for access to the product I have a license to, I want to be placed directly on a screen where I can select from the products I have a license to, and I want to be able to access it with one click. quit trying to sell me stuff, give me immediate access to Adobe sign so I can get documents out ASAP without…
1 voteHi Nicholas,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with our services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Could you please give us more details on where you find this issues, and if possible send us a screen shot to understand this behavior better? And we will gladly work on it as soon as possible.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Почему не открывается страница с моими документами
1 voteHi Марина Яковлева
Sorry for the inconvenience you faced. Can you please let us know the tyoe of document for which you are facing this issue ?
1 voteHi Md mijanur Rahoman
Could you please describe the specific issue you are facing when using Acrobat Web?
Al abrir archivos pesados es muy lento, otras plataformas funcionan normal mientras que a Acrobat le cuesta, no se puede trabajar así.
1 voteHi Maria
Thank you for providing your feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered while using Acrobat Web. Could you please let us know the specific file type for which you are facing this issue when using Acrobat Web.
Major program malfunction. My computer runs on a powerful system and still program failed to edit as attempted. Tested in different computers and different accounts. Unable to edit content on PDF.
1 voteHi Bruno Oliveira,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
Make your stupid **** work
1 voteHi William Revene,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
Need to insert text and the app will not let me
it just will not let me insert any text. Every time I try to do it I get an error 3000. Need help, please.
1 voteHi Leonardo Murillo,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Could you please share the workflow and the file in which you faced the issue?
2) Does it happen for all files or with any specific document?
Acrobat Web Edit Team
- Don't see your idea?