321 results found
1 vote -
1 vote
either make it work or refund my money
Does not work
Error Combining
Unsupported file1 vote -
I signed up to combine pdf files and after paying I am only limiited to a12 files. I am not happy as I cannot do my work,
ccurrently this product is worthless for me1 vote -
Excel Workbook Bug
New update no longer supports excel workbooks with multiple sheets in "Combine Files" option. Only inserts first sheet of workbook instead of all sheets.
1 vote -
Combine files is not working Please notify me when it is fixed
The Combine Files is not working. I keep getting Error messages "Conversion Failed"
3 votes -
Changed layout
How can you change the entire layout without informing. I combine pdf and it took me over an hour before I found the app.
1 vote -
Payment options for Jamaica
I am trying to purchase this application form Jamaica however it not giving me the option to do so.
I was trying with my VISA cards and Paypal, without success.
I need to be able to use the software. Is payment not an option for Jamaicans?
1 vote -
**** **** **** program
Absolute garbage. I want to organise pages without going onto the cloud. My internet connection does not support half your functions. Shittest program ever.
1 vote -
Kan inte importera WORD filer. Har fungerat förut...
Hej. Jag har använt verktyget i flera år och kunnat plocka ihop word, pdf - filer oavsett format till ett nytt dokument i PDF.
Nu ser jag en "ny" layout och får felmeddelanden när jag plockar in en wordfil...
Vad har hänt?
please advise.
1 vote -
Assembling many into 1 won't work
Your product is extremely cumbersome! I wouldn't use it to assemble multiple documents into a single .pdf if I didn't have to. I see why Apple/Mac doesn't like your products and I'd try to convince them, but its not useful and won't function for me anyway. People expect better than this
1 vote -
we are trying to drag and drop files under the combine and organise option, and when we try to upload it goes grey and nothing happens. Or it ignores the file.
1 vote -
Awful. upgraded to 1499 a month and STILL cant combine files. Terrible product
1 voteIt sounds like you’ve subscribed to Acrobat Pro. If you are still using Adobe Reader, you won’t see the combine features.
Instead, try downloading and installing Acrobat from this link instead: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/appcenter/
Additional help can be found at https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/download-install-acrobat-subscription.html
Doet niet wat het moet doen
Wat een enorm baggerprogramma is dit
3 votes -
Trust an coparation LlC
To get back whot was stould or get payed for my past work
3 votes -
uploading a PDF shouldnt take 15 minutes
Id like refund.
5 votesWe identified and corrected an issue that was affecting uploads of large files.
I'd take my money back if I could, this is just awful.
3 votes -
Ésta nueva actualización está terrible, antes nos dejaba filtrar los documentos y se mantenía el filtro, también dejaba buscar por nombre y correo (Nos es mucho más útil y práctico) ahora hay que revisar documento por documento para encontrar a una sola persona o matrícula!
5 votes -
Opaque and dangerous system
This is a terrifying breach of document security. Your system is so opaque and so complicated that I cannot figure out how to use it correctly. Now it appears that ANYONE with the link can access my private business documents, and there's nothing I can do to secure it or delete these items.
4 votes -
Awful Change
You've dumbed down the "combine files" so I can't combine documents over 100 pages? Really? You've suckceeded in making your program absolutely useless to me. ********.
How are you going to market this POS to professionals? Useless!
Ray Springer
503.805.389739 votes
- Don't see your idea?