5352 results found
Adobe Sign availability still sketchy
Still get Adobe Sign availability problem today.
2 votes -
help. go back the way it was
Search by who it was sent to. not by contract name. I have the same document name 300 times. I can't find who I sent it to now
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getting error - Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.
i need help - I'm getting the following
1 vote -
Horrible update
The re-design of adobe sign is terrible. There is no way to easily tell what is outstanding, waiting for a signature. It is ridiculously cumbersome to have to click on every recently sent document to find out which one belongs to which person when you've sent out a significant amount of documents to be signed.
It's not user friendly at all. So many clicks are required to get anything done. Things can't easily be cancelled, templates can't easily be deleted.
The update is a nightmare.
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PDF's sent for signature show up as blank
When I open documents on documentcloud.adobe.com, the document is almost completely blank. When I download and then open the document, the data is all present though. How can I make these documents populate their data when viewed on documentcloud.adobe.com?
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This Update Blows A Fat One
This update sucks ***. You can't tell who you sent documents to. Please fix this!
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New Website Design
Is it possible to revert back to the previous design of the website?
I don't think the new design is user friendly. With the old design it was easier to use as all agreements were categorised, ie:
- Out for signature
- Cancelled
- Signed agreements
If this is a feature that is available in the new design, please can you make it more obvious as to how to categorise the agreements. With the new new design, all agreements are just listed which is not efficient when you want to quickly check your agreements that you need to follow up…2 votes -
The product look and feel has changed and now we don't know how to change the frequency of the reminders that we have set..
1 vote -
New version is no good
Can I go back to the previous version of the website? This new one is harder to use.
Thank you.
2 votes -
Can't view participant without opening- which is useless when you use templates.
Template Library is not accessible unless you manually search for it.
There is no way to effectively edit, resend, or manage the documents anymore.
The inefficient changes are enough to look at other services that provide ease of use along with functionality. Don't want to got that route, but this is a productivity killer.
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Click on hover looks very nice
Nice app.
3 votes -
Where are we on revert?
Where are we on revert?
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en document cloud no se puede resaltar, subrayar y todo lo demás... debería de tenerlo
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new UI so bad and wya out of best working apps
new cant show me the status of which one next to sign as the last ui.I NEED THIS UI RUSH !!!
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2 votes
New update is unworkable and I cannot run my business. Adobe is costing me money.
The new update is terrible. I cannot move the window anywhere. The minimize and close buttons don't work. The program is absolutely useless now. I can't even right click to snap it left or right. and clicking the x or minimize just affects the program behind it. This is not workable and I need to use this to run my business. fix this now.
3 votes -
Version muy pobre.
Cambiaron la version y ya no cuento con el tablero de control, no puedo hacer recordatorios de los documentos, de una primera vista no puedo visualizar los doucumentos, la version esta muy pobre, eliminaron muchas funcionalidades....en lugar de mejorar la empeoraron muchísimo.
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3 votes -
absolutely not easy friendly view and managed panel !!
dawm, wht is this new visual !!. where is the manage window for the signatyre ?. last view was so easy to see and manage the documents send to signature and i was able to see in a simple view ALL the documents in signature who is the nest one to sign. now can you imagine the hard timeto find put the signature maneged !!!!!
2 votes -
I do not find your latest UX/UI update to be an improvement. What is better about it? I am lost by things being moved.
I am constantly lost with this re-design. I can't figure out how to send the most basic things. I have saved templates with custom text. Where did that go?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?