5007 results found
eSign document email messages
Email message sent out with documents to be signed are no where to be found. It would be nice to see the message sent with a document for signature.
3 votes -
Totalement débile votre nouvel affichage.
C'est lamentable.
Virez au chômage ceux qui ont changé l'ancienne formule. Qu'ils aillent ramasser le poubelles plutôt que d'emmerder les utilisateurs.1 vote -
Awful new Document Cloud
Hate the new format for document cloud. Probably last straw, going to investigate other alternatives. Slow response, non-intuitive, just a bad experience all around.
9 votes -
I need the old format back asap. Whoever thought this was a good idea clearly should not have graduated high school.
2 votes -
I don't like this new look. Please go back to the old management page so I can easily find all my files in one place like I used to.
Like how many are still out for signature??????
I can't even find that. So utterly annoyed with this new view. Must we have a world of APPS for everything?
This is business NOT SOCIAL MEDIA.
5 votes -
Can't resend documents for signature, help section doesn't help.
This new look is ******. It does not work. I like the old look. I can't work like this.
Your functionality is mispalced and hidden. Everyhting is in new places that I don;t know where what is.
I hate this.
And your help section doesn't asnwer to me where I can find stuff to do my daily work. I CAN'T DO MY WORK ANYMORE!!!12 votes -
Please bring back old design
the new Sign Agreements GUI is horrible. Please bring back the prior interface. (1) I cannot tell from the Sign Agreements screen whose agreements they are and there's no way to add that column; (2) I used to be able to download content of a signed form. Now when someone enters a lot of text in a text field, I cannot tell what the remaining texts are.
51 votes -
New update is terrible.
This update is terrible.
55 votes -
Lost all templates & horrible user interface.
All my templates are gone since the upgrade. I had spent HOURS creating these. How can I get them back without recreating all of them? This is extremely frustrating.
Also, the new user interface is extremely difficult to navigate. Ex: If I'd like to find a document I've shared, it doesn't show me who it was sent to. I need to click on individual ones until I find the document sent to the right person. Please advise.
37 votes -
Revert Back to the old layout!
This new layout is so much more difficult to use. Horrible decision on your part. You can not type in the template field, can only upload a file and can't change the customer info in this view. You also cant not see everything clearly on one page. GO BACK TO THE LAST LAYOUT!!! PLEASE!!!
34 votes -
You Suck
Your new system SUCKS!
Why did you remove the ability to determine where people sign?
23 votes -
HATE new format
This new format is TERRIBLE!!! Now agreements are buried down in the list instead of categorized by out for signature, completed, or waiting for my signature. It took 3 extra steps to get to the document history. HATE IT.
29 votes -
Need more customer information on the screen
Up to this morning I was able to sign into Adobe Sign and see a list of documents sent that haven't been signed yet, as well as those that were waiting for me to sign and also old documents that have already been signed. Now I'm unable to see any of those things.
Using the link https://adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com/renga-idprovider/pages/login?callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fadobeid%2FEchoSign2%2FAdobeID%2Fcode%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443&client_id=EchoSign2&scope=openid%2CAdobeID%2Cadditional_info.account_type%2Cskybox%2Cupdate_profile.first_name%2Cupdate_profile.last_name&display=web_v2&denied_callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fdenied%2FEchoSign2%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443%26response_type%3Dcode&relay=c233e027-b08c-4797-965e-b4ecf8ad5518&locale=en&flow_type=code&dc=false&eu=false&client_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fredirect%2FEchoSign2%3Fclient_redirect%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgps.echosign.com%252Fpublic%252FadobeIDLogin%253Fserver%253Dna1.documents.adobe.com%2526port%253D443&ctx_id=adobe_document_cloud&idp_flow_type=login
takes me to https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/home/
I see that I can filter, waiting for others, etc., but it doesn't give me enough information to quickly see who the recipient is which is very helpful when looking over the results7 votes -
New UI stinks.
So out of the blue, you change the entire interface. This falls under the heading, "Although it works fine, let's trash it and start over." Not cool.
40 votes -
Revert System Upgrade - New Layout is Terrible
I do not like the new settings. How can I revert back to the old settings? The new upgrade doesn't have a good filter option to see on 1 screen what has been signed and what is still out for signatures. This is a terrible layout and I don't want to use it. Please advise.
27 votes -
New UI is terrible. Thanks, I hate it.
This new layout is dumb.
All it shows it "Recent" Documents. There are few ways to filter. there is no advanced search to find specific documents. there is no browse feature.
Thanks, I hate it.
55 votes -
"For Signature" Chaos
Where is the "remind" setting?
We are now unable to sort via "pending" "out for signature" and "completed" for businesses, this is critical for tracking mass mailings.
We also can't see WHO (email address) we are sending the documentation to- we must rename every file to reflect this??28 votes -
The experience for sending for signature has been absolutely ruined. Who thought it would be a brilliant idea to remove the simple button that says "Send another document"? The new UI is convoluted, but that would be excusable if that one simple button was still there. Now you need to reload to the home page, then load up the sending page again. An additional step introduced for absolutely no reason.
3 votesHello
Over the past one year we have made numerous changes and improved Home Page. Let us know if you have more questions
Thank you
Software Engineer, Adobe -
new layout?
this is an absolutely horrible new layout - cannot see names or easily access my files. did you even both to notify people and we missed that email or did you just dump this on us on a Monday morning?
21 votes -
formatting changes?
Has the format changed for Adobe Docusign? I am not able to see the Manage Documents page or regular formatting today.
Thank you,
Carmen Bronston6 votes
- Don't see your idea?