5366 results found
I think your product experience is among THE WORST because of the INHERENT INCAPACITY of your products to work with other products.
1 vote -
2 votes
Considering I have paid quite a bit for this Adobe package, I would expect to be able to convert PDF to Excel when I need to and not have to "come back tomorrow"
1 vote -
Klei hdip kao mao lu klei knap mñai buh mâo puk sang dôk oh
Kao dôk dlang nanao mong ngo yang hrue ble
1 vote -
Die Creative cloud zeigt mir Dateien an, die ich gelöscht habe und ich hä bereits mehrfach die CC Programme und alles deinstalliert.
Was soll das?
Ich nutze CC nur weil ich nicht anders kann, nicht weil ich möchte. Bin echt enttäuscht von eurem Produkt, das überteuert ist und sich nichtmal mehr kaufen lässt. Es funktioniert nicht wie es soll, hat eine hohe Fehleranfälligkeit und ist sperrig. Sobald es eine adäquate Neuerung git, bin ich weg.
1 vote -
1 vote
share button
you used to be able to share after checkboxing mutiple recent docs now the button disappears after you click on 2 items.. Please advise on how to continue to share multiple uploaded docs. TY
3 votes -
Search should also search in pdf file content
I would expect the search function on documentcloud.adobe.com to search in the content of the pdf-files. But it seems as if it does not. I have tried to copy OCR-text from a pdf saved in document cloud, pasted one of the words in the search fields and none files are identified.
I would highly appreciate a search function actually searching the content of the files, not only the file names. This would also be great in the Adobe Scan app.
Best regards,
Joakim B. Enne Haug
(+ 47 408 78 078)4 votes -
2 votes -
Update sucks
Where to start? My old laptop died, and you FORCED me into Acrobat Pro DC when I set up a new machine. This software is a ******* train wreck. It is slowing me way down, particularly with scanned documents. I opened a doc, ran OCR, and saved it. But every time I navigate to a new page, Acrobat stops to "recognize" the page again. Why is doing this over and over and over and over and over?
Then, to make matters worse, when I save the file, I get a modal dialog that says "Please wait while the document is…
1 vote -
A New Range of Colors
I really enjoy using your product. It is very accessible to me for my needs for class and my personal work. But, I am a little disappointed in the range of colors that are given to be able to highlight. I would like to be able to use a range of colors but the selection is limited.1 vote -
I need more thorough explanations of products
By being consistent. Different help agents say one thing and it is not true or another staff states differently.
Please alert me when I do something my plan doesn't support.
I was told I could Edit with the "PDF Pack"
I was told and read I could combine files under the same plan. I now have PDF Pre mium plan as your staff stated it was the way I could do things as noted above.
I cannot afford to pay any more for signatures and management of the PDF's. I need a thorough explanation of what I can do with…2 votes -
Copy Link
1 vote -
Background play
android.app.RemoteServiceException: can't deliver broadcast
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1797)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:176)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6651)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:547)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:824)1 vote -
quick and easy
Nice and easy
1 vote -
This is a test
test uservoice
1 vote -
Fix error in UserVoice.
Fix error in UserVoice.
1 vote -
1 vote
1 vote
UserVoice broke CSP
Ensure UserVoice doesn't break our Content-Security-Policy.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?