313 results found
Exact matches on search
Please add exact macthes in the search bar , like windows/mac already has , it woul be much better for searching in long pdfs like books.
1 vote -
7 votes
restore last view(ios)
If I reopen pdf document in another cloud service(ex: one drive), pages start at first, Last view didn’t save
3 votes -
Trying to find my course
I’m trying to find my course I did
1 vote -
Adobe version 7
I tried opening my bank statements on my iPhone and it says I need adobe version 7... I updated my app and it still doesn’t work. What gives? I cannot check what version I have. It just says version 19.1.###.##...... you get the point.
Help!3 votes -
4 votes
To open a PDF from a web link
You should be able to open a pdf from a web site link that is a pdf file
4 votes -
Open in acrobat.
I bought turbo tax on my iPad. When it came time to download, I opened in files, which I found in acrobat. But I cannot open the file.
3 votes -
Rotate view
I want the ability to rotate the view in Adobe Acrobat app for iPad. Sometimes files get sent to me printed in the wrong orientation. Then I am fighting my iPad for portrait vs landscape view. Locking my screen rotation does not help, that just locks it in the wrong orientation.
For reference, I am usually viewing construction plans that should be opened Landscape as they are formatted for plotting 24”H x 36”L. Sometimes though these plans in PDF get sent to me in the wrong orientation. Without the very simple ability to rotate the view 90 degrees, 180 degrees,…
6 votes -
My iPad is up to date and so is my Adobe Reader app and it crashes as soon as I attempt to open the app. It will not do anything.
16 votes -
Missing end
When I down load from drop box the last lines are missing n mydocunt
4 votes -
How to remove pdf password protect?
Can open pdf files? Need pdf password protect which was not given.
6 votes -
http://www.bibles-online.net/1569/OldTestament/18-3Esdras/ Can’t open it on iPhone X max
1 vote -
18 votes
OCR existing scanned PDFs in Adobe Reader
Cannot OCR Document.
8 votes -
Open large files Ipad mini4
I can not open large to medium files in Adobe; I was able to do it in the previous version, just updated to version 19.03.00 (20190312.152237) and I can not open any files sometimes.
2 votes -
2 votes
Miniature pages
It’s possible have miniature of documents with more pages? Thanks
4 votes -
Error opening document
Hi I have a DRM document in my iPad. Whenever I open the document through adobe reader I am getting the message ‘error opening the document. Please help e out. It’s the latest version of adobe
3 votes -
I want to use 2 devices. Phone and iPad and want the 2 of them to sync information/files within.
Sync 2 devices so any files added or deleted will be on both devices linked to account.
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?