314 results found
Adobe flash player
Why can I not have adobe flash player?
I’m tryna do training at home and the course needs adobe flash player
I’m using my iPad for training2 votes -
GPS Position
After opening a geo-pdf, is it possible to place my currant gps position on the iPad?
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2 votes
Reading meter
It would be very helpful if the file list shows the reading progress with help of a percentage meter. With this addition this application will be perfect as an ebook reader
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Open more than one file at the same time
Open more than one file at the same time , that will be easier to move from one to another and save my time ..
I’m really suffering from this .
It’s lose my time2 votes -
How to open zip files attached to e mail in ipad
Zip files don't open in I pad
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Some suggestions
Hi I am using acrobat on my ipad and iphone.
I know there are thumbnails so that I can see pages at once. (when i touch pencil button)
But I can not edit or view actual pages on the thumbnails.
Could you make it possible for me and others?
Thanks in advance.2 votes -
Open large files Ipad mini4
I can not open large to medium files in Adobe; I was able to do it in the previous version, just updated to version 19.03.00 (20190312.152237) and I can not open any files sometimes.
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2 votes
Can’t delete recent files from “... More Locations” tab
I can clear Recent Items short cut list, but every file I ever viewed still shows up on the More Locations tab under Recent Files.
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Unable to see the document cloud pdf
I cannot see my files of document cloud on my iPad / iPhone. I can open them in my laptop only.
On my iPhone / iPad I can only open the local documents2 votes -
Cannot view pdf in my iPad / iPhone. Only happens with cloud documents. But I can see them in my lap
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2 votes
Dateifehler Adobe Scan App
Die mit der Adobe Scan App auf dem iPhone gescannten Dokumente können nicht mit dem Programm Adobe Reader Touch geöffnet werden. Es werden nur weiße Seiten angezeigt. Die Dateien müssen erst komprimiert oder verändert und neu abgespeichert werden.
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I did not know I had to pay for app then it said my phone can’t download it I want a refund
Refund my phone not compatible
2 votes -
View web based PDF on iOS device
We use a website featuring a chat board where helpful articles are attached in PDF format. They are accessible from a Windows PC browser where you can open the document in Adobe. However, using iOS iPhone or iPad and the Safari browser’s internal PDF viewer, the document opens but it is unreadable, the text is garbled. You can move the doc to iBooks but the result is the same. Is there a way to add Adobe capability while using the Safari or any other iOS browser?
For what it's worth you get a similar experience in Windows using the Firefox…
2 votes -
How will I get files from google drive
I want to read files from my google drive , but didn’t find any option here..
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Ridiculous in 2025 that we can’t add a bookmark to a pdf on iPad. Nearly every comment here is some variation of adding a bookmark to make it easier to move backwards and forwards through a pdf. Why is this feature not being implemented? I cannot believe it is a difficult fix.
1 vote -
On the desktop version gifs are supported on the ios version not
Would’ve liked gif support on the iOS app like on the desktop version.
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?