314 results found
I want to use 2 devices. Phone and iPad and want the 2 of them to sync information/files within.
Sync 2 devices so any files added or deleted will be on both devices linked to account.
4 votes -
Download files to ios
I have a PDF in the cloud, but I need to download it to my iPad. I am able to download using the iPhone app, logged into the exact same document cloud, but I don’t seem to be able to download the document to my iPad. This is a document that I need to access when not connected to the internet. So far, I have spent about 25 minutes sending it to myself, downloading to Dropbox, and god only knows what else. This really shouldn’t be that difficult.
11 votes -
Can’t delete recent files from “... More Locations” tab
I can clear Recent Items short cut list, but every file I ever viewed still shows up on the More Locations tab under Recent Files.
2 votes -
Unable to see the document cloud pdf
I cannot see my files of document cloud on my iPad / iPhone. I can open them in my laptop only.
On my iPhone / iPad I can only open the local documents2 votes -
Dear Admins,
It would really be a great feature if u can add an option to see the highlighted parts of the pdf you’re reading, in case you need to review the pdf later .. they will act as a summary for the important notes u need to see
13 votes -
Cannot view PDF attachment
I am having trouble viewing Attached PDFs in the main PDF. This function was working when I first downloaded the app and has since disappeared. Could someone provide guidance?
7 votes -
Two page view
PDFs can be viewed in two pages as on PC or android version of the app
87 votes -
I lost all my PDF I did
I want all my PDF back :(
3 votes -
Cannot view pdf in my iPad / iPhone. Only happens with cloud documents. But I can see them in my lap
2 votes -
How can I enable JavaScript debugger after acrobat is restarted in the ipad
I have a secured file and I want to open it in iPad but the iPad app. Is not supporting this features, so why?
1 vote -
2 votes
Dateifehler Adobe Scan App
Die mit der Adobe Scan App auf dem iPhone gescannten Dokumente können nicht mit dem Programm Adobe Reader Touch geöffnet werden. Es werden nur weiße Seiten angezeigt. Die Dateien müssen erst komprimiert oder verändert und neu abgespeichert werden.
2 votes -
I did not know I had to pay for app then it said my phone can’t download it I want a refund
Refund my phone not compatible
2 votes -
1 vote
View web based PDF on iOS device
We use a website featuring a chat board where helpful articles are attached in PDF format. They are accessible from a Windows PC browser where you can open the document in Adobe. However, using iOS iPhone or iPad and the Safari browser’s internal PDF viewer, the document opens but it is unreadable, the text is garbled. You can move the doc to iBooks but the result is the same. Is there a way to add Adobe capability while using the Safari or any other iOS browser?
For what it's worth you get a similar experience in Windows using the Firefox…
2 votes -
Syncing a page
Really would like adobe reader (document cloud) to be able to sync page and position across devices. Thank you. Love the reader.
4 votes -
PDF From right to left
All English books are read from left to right. In Arabic it’s opposite. But Acrobat doesn’t allow flipping the pages from right to left. Kindly, allow this option.33 votes -
21 votes
Se apaga la pantalla
Cuando tengo un documento abierto, la pantalla no bloquea el brillo, es decir, mientras leo se apaga la pantalla si no pulso en ella.
He buscado en configuraciones y no existe la opción que enuncian en las soluciones del brillo.3 votes -
pictures in pdf shown in windows not on Apple Mac/Iphone/Ipad
A pdf-file showes pictures that are included when viewing on a windws-pc but not on an Appe-device. Very strange.
Those pictures also did not appear after I installed Adobe.
Help!8 votes
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