228 results found
Clear all fields button
When opening individual fields there is a clear field button, but there should also be a clear all fields button for the entire page.
10 votes -
Edit for lidigants
Let’s you edit a court forms
10 votes -
Ability to add page numbers (headers and footers on iPad
Can you add the ability to add page numbers and headers and footers when creating or editing PDF on IPad
10 votes -
Adjusting brightness, contrast, white balance and saturation
Please provide an easy way to adjust basic document light and color aspects for those that do not have Photoshop or the like. Having to open a separate image editing program for these basic features should not be necessary. Simple sliders and options for brightness, contrast, white balance and saturation should be core features for a product that is this mature in the marketplace and a company that specializes in imaging and editing.
10 votes -
Crop pages
Ability to edit/crop pages on mobile app same as desktop
10 votes -
Open PDF/A files read-only.
I use Document Cloud and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to store documents in PDF/A format. Acrobat Pro DC always warns that a file is (or claims to be) PDF/A and opens those files read-only, but Acrobat on iPhone allows me to draw over, highlight, underline, strike out, etc. a PDF/A without any warning whatsoever. The Acrobat mobile app should implement the same behavior as the desktop software when dealing with PDF/A files.
10 votes -
Make DA FORMS available on mobile
Certain DA forms are not able to be opened and filled on the mobile app, please consider supporting that feature
9 votes -
Add a watermark filter -Adobe scan app
For the adobe scan app
- add a customizable watermark filter
Why : to protect rights when pictures are posted online9 votes -
Measure Toolset
The measure tools on desktop version would be great for those of us in construction that review plans on our iPads daily.
9 votes -
Access to Sharepoint on ios
Desperately need to be able to access sharepoint files on the ipad. Can see the personal onedrive, but not the one for work
9 votes -
Enable opening pdf's from SharePoint in Acrobat Reader app
I have a customer who have invested in iPad Pro's to be able to go onsite at their construction projects to do audits and planning. They have blueprints in pdf-format stored on SharePoint which they can access on their tablets. BUT, when they open the pdf's they just open within the SharePoint app, more or less like a pre-view without any editing functionalities what so ever and according to our Microsoft support that is caused by limitations in the Acrobat Reader app. This needs to be adressed like yesterday!!
9 votes -
Can’t send pdf via gmail
It fails to send via gmail! Please help! Fix
9 votes -
Save pdf
How do u keep the same PDF after editing it without making unnecessary copies of the same pdf?
9 votes -
Have files update accross IOS platforms - Ipad and Iphone
Have all files appearing across all IOS platforms - IPad and Iphone. Currently Iphone and IPad are not showing the same files.
Provide link through OneDrive or IcCloud.
9 votes -
Improved handwritten annotation functionality / 手書き注釈機能の向上
Acrobat (including Reader) allows users to draw handwritten annotations as one of its annotation features. It is so-so for underlining and highlighting text, but unlike the days when the keyboard was the only input device, today we have access to stylus pens on 2-in-1 PCs, iPads, etc. However, text drawn with handwritten annotations is not recognized as text.
However, text drawn with handwritten annotations is not recognized as text, underlines are not linked to text, and each line is a separate object. The nuances of handwriting are also poorly expressed, which is hard to believe for a developer of Fresco's…8 votes -
I got lose of my data.
I takes notes on the Pdf, but the saving process doesn’t work. Only a amount if conflict files are created, but i can not find my note on the any files..
8 votes -
Editing shall be allowed in free user app as nothing could be done by mere conversion of files to adobe
Editing shall be allowed in free user app as nothing could be done by mere conversion of files to adobe
At least 10 files per day if not unlimited8 votes -
filled out the form is not showing content after sharing
I filled out the pdf, but when I try to share or send to someone it is not showing the content :/
8 votes -
The latest updates in Acrobat made the Pitstop unless is there any date that this will be fixed
The latest updates in Acrobat made the Pitstop unless is there any date that this will be fixed
7 votes -
Bates Stamp feature for mobile
Bates Stamp for mobile version. Need this for court evidence and frequently need to edit on the go. Saves HOURS of time on desktop version.
7 votes
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