214 results found
Document cloud not syncing
I originally signed up to Adobe with my email account and use the document cloud to store and organise documents on my iPad. That works perfectly. However, more recently, I downloaded the Adobe app on my phone so that I could review documents remotely but despite using the same Adobe ID to login, the document cloud on my phone is empty whilst simultaneously containing all my documents as it always has done on my iPad.
Please could someone help me to resolve this? as it makes the phone app almost useless for my purposes at present. I cannot understand…81 votes -
Cannot Save to Document Cloud
All of a sudden I cannot save to the document cloud, tried re-loading App, nothing works
71 votes -
As soon as I start the app, it freezes
As soon as I start the app, it freezes
44 votes -
Read aloud feature on iPhone
I need a feature that will read aloud my documents on my iPhone.
43 votes -
Cancel subscription
I want to cancel my Premium Acrobat subscription
15 votes -
Different file updating procedure on different iPads
I use the Acrobat app both on my four iPads and an iPhone7 to frequently update and revise my existing pdf files with newer versions of themselves. On my older iPad 2 and iPad Mini, as well as my iPad fourth-generation, this is a very easy process. I email the PDF to myself and then choose to open it in Adobe. Then, I move it to the folder its earlier version appeared in and it automatically replaces the prior version. That easy process doesn’t exist on the Adobe App designed for my iPad mini 4.
On my iPad mini 4,…
14 votes -
PDF exported without edit
When sharing a PDF via email on my iPad App Adobe Acrobat, after having filled some fields and signing my PDF on the App, all the changes I made are not visible on the PDF Copy attached to the email.
Thanks for your help,14 votes -
Print 100% scale on mobile devices
For folks who use patterns, printing at 100% scales is critical. The pattern pieces need to measure exactly. On mobile devices, like an iPad, Adobe doesn’t let you override the default, which adjusts to the printer page. It’s small, but forces me to go to a computer because patterns do not print correctly.
12 votes -
Add authentication option (Face ID, Touch ID, passcode or similar) to launch/open the app
This feature request is for mobile devices.
I would like a preference setting to be added allowing me to decide if launching the app requires user authentication or not (for instance: Face ID or Touch ID in iOS).Why?
This would add a layer of protection in case someone can access the device while unlocked. Acrobat can be used to store sensitive information. In addition to theft, there might be trusted users of the device (e.g. family members) that one doesn’t want to be able to access contents of stored files, rename, move or delete files.Other apps can……
12 votes -
I can’t open a pdf from dropbox on my ipad. It’s version 19.09.02. It asks me always to allow adobe to link to dropbox and it fails to open.
11 votes -
Restore purchase not working
I have purchased a subscription, and am being charged but cannot use the feature. I keep pressing restore purchase and nothing happens.
10 votes -
free trial
I signed up for the free trial and was told that the payment would only be taken out of my bank account AFTER the 7 days of free trial, instead I had to pay IMMEDIATELY. So now, after trying the app and finding out it didn’t do what I needed done I still lost 10,99€.
If you offer a free trial, it should be free right? Otherwise just stop offering it and calling it “free” if you’re going to charge people anyway.
If it is in any way possible I would love a refund9 votes -
Configure translate for iOS
The translation option on the iPad is currently Apple's. Previously this it was Google translate. Apple's translation option does not work properly (for example, if you select a single word to translate in an English context, for example, it sees the word as Slovak or Spanish). Other translation apps do this much better. Can the translation option be made configurable?
8 votes -
Ios11 - needs update to work with ios 11?
Not sure why but it says latest update does not work with ios11? I have just update the app today and still not working. Pls help. Thank you.
8 votes -
8 votes
There is major delay in syncing
I use smart phone and tablet. Using document cloud and dropbox to share content, so that i can read anywhere i want, using which ever gadget i want. But tablet data sync comparitively faster than mobile. It takes days mobile app to sync, I dont find annotations in tablet. Look in to this. Internet is working well.
Regards8 votes -
Edit profile pictu
I would like to change my profile picture but this option is not available for me - i see this option but it’s in grey colour and won’t allow me to use this option.
Also, when i save some of my pdf documents to Acrobat ( using the App on my iPhone) and try to fill it out and sign , i get message “ this is Read only” document. You cannot edit it “
This feature was working before on my phone but not anymore.One more issue is after saving some documents in PDF format i can’t open…
7 votes -
Move documents
I find a document on line and I can’t move it to my acrobat How can I add acrobat so I can move documents from on line
7 votes -
Scaling in iOS
Using an iPad, I cannot scale a PDF to a percentage. This is critical when printing pattern pieces. iOS seems to have added scaling when I print a recipe through a browser. Hope Adobe can add this feature quickly.
7 votes -
Save Button
Add manual save buttons for the device itself and the Adobe Cloud. The auto-save feature is NOT reliable. I’ve lost hours and hours of work because my document doesn’t auto-save correctly. Right now the only way to manually save is to create copies, so I end up with 25 copies of the same document, which is absolutely ridiculous when all I need to do is save my original copy. How could a basic function like saving your work become something we have to ask for specifically?
7 votes
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