I want to edit my pdf file on my iPhone/iPad like I can in windows

Anonymous commented
Can’t view my payslip from my bank
Anonymous commented
Can’t edit pdf via Acrobat on ios
Anonymous commented
I can edit my pdf on my iPhone however, if I email the document it reverts back (ie before edit)
Why oh why is this so difficult
Anonymous commented
I don’t see any answers? Just a bunch of complaints...
Anonymous commented
I’m trying to view my wage slips and I’ve been told I have to have this reader how do I access so I can look at my wage slips
Anonymous commented
Not able to edit my documents as it shows that the file is protected bt there is no password. Easily open in other devices
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. I purchased a PDF to study for my boards. Because of what this app is suppose to offer, they do not allow for the document to be printed. I REALLY need to me able to use the tool bar....please help.
mary chibakuwa commented
That one is very nice
Lea commented
I’m trying to edit a W9 form that specifically stated it cannot be done without the acrobat dc. I purchased acrobats dc and I still cannot edit on my ipad.
Help please
Anonymous commented
Really frustrated that I’m not able to edit my pdf on my iPad when sharing/saving to myself in cloud or otherwise. Also, can’t change when exporting pdf to Microsoft doc. HELP! I’ve been playing with this for a week, unreal!☹️
Anonymous commented
I’m trying to view a pdf file sent to me by email saying file not supported please can u help me to access it I’m using an iPhone
Anonymous commented
acrobat for the iPad needs to be more powerful or brought to the same level as using it on the desktop .
Lori B. commented
Okay, I see all of these issues the same as mine.. I can not edit the **** PDFS... BUT I do not see a support specialist or anyone with this ADOBE COMPANY giving us the info on how to edit... so is this just a BS Complaint board,where no one gets the answers to their isssues with PDFs or anything else for that matter?
Panou Fidele commented
I have a Ipad Pro and would like to edit pdf, but cannot what to do?
Teresa commented
I would like to be able to delete pages and add pages to a pdf on my iPad Pro. I pay for your dc pro product, but not useful if I cannot edit when mobile.
Cory K commented
As I commented on a similar suggestion, I STRONGLY support and NEED this feature!
iPad Pro has become my primary computing device since its release: I use it at least 85% of the time, followed by my macOS device about 10% and then PC about 5% (overall computing...the lack of Acrobat features on iOS skews these usages to about 85%+ macOS, 10%+ PC and just 0-3% iOS--and I never use Reader just to read PDFs since there is really no benefit).
Acrobat itself--not just Reader--hasn't kept up with iOS. A FULL SUITE of editing as close to the editing (and form/document creation tools) as available on macOS or PC versions of Acrobat Pro/DC ought to be available for iOS (at LEAST for the powerful and large-screen, Pencil-compatible iPad Pro!) because this is a rate-limiting step and requires intense coordination/unnecessary, duplicative work. Editing documents directly on iPad/iOS would keep me an active Acrobat user (because I'm otherwise shying away from and losing respect for Adobe until these features are implemented!). Cheers!
Oscar commented
Dear Administrator,
Every time I see an update for the app, you manage to raise me up to a “10,” similar to Bernie Sanders and Sweden,. Middle class, etc!Highlighting, freehand drawing, changing the color of the highlight sincerely needs to me on the screen with the document WITHOUTTTTTT having to tap a gazillion different parts of the screen to do so!
Imagine highlighting a bits in a 1,000 page document! It’s incredibly arduous to do so with your so-called “improvements.”
I understand the app is free,. But if the effort here for these irrational changes is to pitch users to buy a version of the app,. Do so, and return these features please!
Whoever thinks of these changes honestly seems to have no clue about the App itself! No real user would come across such terrible “improvements.”
Would you please explain what you mean by "edit"?
Do you mean adding comments (Highlight, Freehand Drawing, Sticky Notes), filling out forms or something else?
Editing text in a PDF document, for example, is available via a paid subscription.
Thank you for your feedback.