2140 results found
Voice search on Adobe Acrobat Reader
I am raising a request for voice search feature to be added to Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Hope this will be available soon.
3 votes -
My Android Reader can invert the display (white text on dark BG). Can the Desktop app do the same, easy on the eyes?
In mobile Reader App, I can change the display to Night Mode (inverted color, white text on dark BG). Can I do the same in desktop Acrobat DC?
Please make it so.3 votes -
New Adobe Reader Function Freeze Panes ?
Dear Adobe Team,
could you add a function / command inside the view menu of the free adobe reader that works similar to the function 'freeze panes' in Microsoft Excel.
That would allow to freeze headings/captions if you use the pdf reader for presentations of management reports etc.
This could be useful in video conferences as well when you only can present a section of the full report.
If this would work for picture, text and table objects would be nice.Unfortunately I have not seen such a function in a pdf reader before.
I do not know if this…
1 vote -
Read Out Loud Feature Needs Serious Improvement
Suggestions for this feature:
1. Add read out loud to the toolbar for easier access, including pause and play options.The read out loud feature is currently very inaccessible from the "view" drop down menu.
2. Allow user to choose where to start reading and stop reading by highlighting text, rather than the limited ability to only read full pages / the entire document
3. Upgrade voice - please consider adding a more adaptive voice to the program for read out loud. the system default is not pleasant for listening and we know the technology exists to have more advanced AI…21 votesHi,
Thanks for connecting with us. I went though all the requests suggested by you. I would like to inform you that :
For #1, Shortcut keys exist for Pause, Play like Ctrl+Shift+Y/V/B.
For #2, the feature is supported. Click on any paragraph after enabling Read Out Loud and it will read the paragraph. For specific content read, we have informed the management and have been kept in radar for future improvements.
For #3, you can add the voices though system language setting and the voices will be visible in Acrobat if they exists on system.
For $4, we have informed the management and have been kept in radar for future improvements.Try the latest enhancements and features on the latest version of Acrobat Pro DC.
Rachit -
Bug: Reader Install Win10: If Chrome extension option is selected install fails
Environment: Win 10-64/Version 2004/OS Build 19041.330/Dell Inspiron 7000 Series.
If Chrome extension option is selected, my install fails with Libcef.dll error (see entire error in attached image file). Both optional choices were also deselected.With all options deselected, the install runs correctly
The downloaded filename is readerdcenxacrainstall1 vote -
Why is this still an issue?
Jo commented · July 09, 2018 03:41 · Flag as inappropriate
I have the same problem... page 2 prints on a new page even though the print request is for double sided print. From all accounts it seems to be a widespread problem when a document has an odd number of pages. I tried to print just page 1 and 2 of a three page document but it still printed pages 1 and 2 on separate pages! What a waste of paper. This issue seems to be ongoing for some years and I cannot understand why Adobe cannot fix it…1 vote -
Option to disable "Share" and "Sign in" buttons.
"Share" is an obvious distraction when trying to read PDFs, since it's a bright blue call-to-action.
4 votes -
enable double page mode in full screen
two page view is not working if we activate full screen mode.
1 vote -
I dunno, make it function ? That would help Me.
after 1.25 hours of wasted time chasing my tail I copied and pasted into Word, then printed, faxed,copied and snail mailed the document in 12 minutes, 1.10 hours faster than Adobe could not email the document to my own email address.
1 vote -
Enable access to files in long folder paths (longer than 255 characters)
AR is unable to open files where the file and folder path exceeds 255 characters. To accommodate this we have had to replace it with a competitor's software.
3 votes -
FIX Problem security with Adobe Reader WIN10
No reaction when trying to open a .pdf file from a network share available under DFS with a previously running .pdf document locally.
The problem with .pdf files not working properly in correlation with DFS is the Adobe Reader application bug.Bug exist from begin od 2018.Adobe products cannot cope with distributed file systems.The observed bug occurs in WIN SRV 2016 and 2019 systems, and unless it is explicitly stated anywhere that the reason is the change in the SMB authentication method, this is indicated by (logically) the AR logs.this is a link to a thread on this topic https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader/can-only-open-1-pdf-at-a-time-from-dfs-server/m-p/10889532?page=3#M62593 The…1 vote -
Fill and sign fails, giving " an unexpected error"
When trying to sign a document (with the latest version of DC) (system report below) it will fail and say "The operation failed because Adobe Acrobat encounter an unknown error." From my testing, this only happened when I tried to add a signature on the same page as another fill box. (like a check box or a box where text can be added.) a signature can be added on pages without these elements.
1 vote -
aktivasi gagal
1 vote -
Horizontal AND Vertical resizing of the text fill
When adding multiple lines of text, there is an ability to adjust the horizontal spacing (blue circle / double arrows).
Can you please add the ability to adjust VERTICAL spacing?
1 vote -
Move print area in the print window
Move print area in the print window when using a smaller page size.
For example in the print preview (
see attachement)1 vote -
Improve UI Customization - Make the comments toolbar stay open automatically no matter what
In my case, I'm perfectly happy with the way Adobe chose to implement this (I haven't actually tried the upgrade yet - I'm just responding to other comments here). In addition to documents that come to me with comments I need to see, I open plenty of random PDFs that have no comments, and in those cases I wouldn't want the pane to take up space.
But I suppose if Adobe wants to make everyone happy, in a future upgrade they could expand the setting to be a three-item radio selection instead of a checkbox:
Show Comments Pane upon opening…2 votes -
Allow people to convert 2 transcripts for a job WITHOUT BUYING ADOBE!!!!!!!!!!!
2 pages to convert.............must we buy the entire ADOBE PACKAGE I never use it..............
1 vote -
if you have more than one webcam, like a virtual camera like DroidCam Client, or Snap Camera in addition to a physical camera and try to use the Place Signature, Use Webcam Option, there is no way to change between multiple webcams. please add the functionality to select between all the cameras on a systems, not whichever is found first.
1 vote -
DocumentCloud.Abobe.com Does Not Work In Chrome
Adobe is using old authentication where Chrome does not allow for pasting/loading sharable PDF links to Chrome -- Firefox still allows this old authentication, so I am only able to edit sharable PDF links in Firefox. Error messages are below:
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at http://assets.adobedtm.com/ was set without the
attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set withSameSite=None
. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5088147346030592 and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032.dc-core.js:2 Error in Logging serverHandler:
AdobeError…1 vote -
Pdf should have time bound password facility for data privacy and security
This is Ankit. I am working as a project manager - mechanical design for complete project proposal of design and development of machines.
For our project requirements, we need to send our design and manufacturing drawings to different vendors/ manufacturers.
Because of data security, thiis drawings we are providing in hard copies instead of soft copies. Ad there is a chance of design copy in case of soft copy provision.
Id in pdf we can develop such security facility, such that the PDFs that we send to any vendor/manufacturers, those PDFs must have password protected and the password must…
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?