2140 results found
File paths containing spaces are not remembered by Save As in Reader
I save certain PDF files to my Windows (10) Start Menu, usually in folders which, like "Start Menu", contain at least one space in their name.
The list of folders to which previous files have been saved apparently refuses to remember such folders, forcing me to copy-and-paste the applicable name /every/ time I want to save something there.
A folder name that does not contain any spaces, is remembered as usual.
1 vote -
Bug introduced in latest Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - no option for duplex printing
After latest update to Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, the option to print on both sides disappeared. Had to edit the registry to prevent automatic updates (how are naive users supposed to cope?).
1 vote -
We need a translator inside, if i am reading a document in another language, i would like to translate the word just with clicking in
We need a translator inside, if i am reading a document in another language, i would like to translate the word just with clicking in
3 votes -
Ich habe den Photoshop 2020 im media markt gekauft habe aber kein Laufwerk auf dem Laptop kann aber nichts instalieren
Diese Seite hier bringt mir auch nichts alles in Englisch warum nicht in Deutsch habe kein laufwerk auf dem laptop habe alles genau der Reinefolge wie beschrieben gemacht aber immer kommt Fehler bei der seriennummer ????? Wann behebt man das mal .Seriennummer / abrufcode ???? wo kommt was hin . Adobe ist das bislang am schlechtesten zu instalierende Programm das ich je hatte.
Habe Testversion als Abbo runtergeladen will aber kein Abbo sondern nur das gekaufte Produkt verwenden alles super kompliziert .
Bin sehr angefressen és muss doch einfacher zu machen sein .1 vote -
Restore Last View Settings only working for a few days
Restore last view settings only remembers settings for a limited time. After a few days, page and zoom settings are reset to default.
1 vote -
Allow the clicking of the mouse wheel to enable scrolling via the mouse.
With all the programs I have tested I can click my mouse wheel and enable scrolling by moving my mouse. With Adobe Reader when I click the mouse wheel a hand icon appears with four arrows. As long as I hold the mouse wheel down I can scroll the document. What I am asking for is that the program have the feature so that I can release the mouse wheel and be able to scroll. With other programs this works until I depress a button, move the mouse wheel, or click the mouse wheel which resets the mouse scroll.
6 votes -
F2 should not open web help
The key to open help is F1. It should not also be F2. I was using F2 for Discord/Push-to-talk, and now Acrobat Reader DC opens a web page every time.
Please restore the behaviour of the previous version of Acrobat Reader DC.
1 vote -
J’ai mis formidable et ça passe comme par miracle et pas résiliation impossible
La malhonnêteté est au rendez vous . Comme beaucoup d’autres je ne peux résilier mon abonnement gratuit d’une semaine et demain date limite je vais être facture de 10,99€.
Je vous préviens : si vous le faites ( et j’enregistre ce texte) je porte plainte pas pour moi seulement mais aussi pour les autres .
Vous avez l’obligation de fournir les outils de résiliation en temps et en heure et pas après nous avoir arnaqué.
Dépêchez vous de satisfaire cette requête .1 vote -
Make Acrobat Reader to reopen all documents previously opened before
Because I have to work many times on a multitude of opened pdf files that I need to keep open for days in a row, I think a feature to restore previous session of opened documents (just like Firefox or Google Chrome) would be really helpful!
3 votesHi,
Thanks for reaching out to us for you conerns.
We already have it implemented in Reader.
Do “File” → “Reopen PDFs from last session.” And that should restore all the pdfs that were present in you last session at the time of Quiting the application.Hope this helps.
Ayush Jain -
BugFix cpu usage
since 2020 versions (this bug still persists in all updates until now) of acrobat reader dc for windows it happens that suddenly the application process requires a huge amount of cpu for no apparent reason and it won't stop until the program is closed
1 vote -
there should be a way to set a default paper size for your printer in Acrobat Reader DC
For some reason, Acrobat Reader DC assumes that all .pdf files will need to print on A4 paper. My printer is configured for Letterhead (8.5X11). I can reset the size when printing but should not need to do so. I'm fairly certain that none of the institutions sending me .pdf files are using A4 as they are located in Canada and Canada is still using Imperial sizes to maintain compatibility with the USA.
1 vote -
remove the reply box from a comment
Can you remove the reply box from a comment box, it gets in the way of the comment itself. Have the reply bit as part of the right hand side pane and not on the comment box itself
1 vote -
Copy html into password box
Please allow the ability to copy and paste html into the password box for a PDF document.
Most users copy and paste the password from an email, which will be in html format.
But the password box only accepts plain text so you can't copy and paste it from an email. You have to paste it first into a text file, and then copy and paste it from there which is just more time consuming than necessary.
1 vote -
hide Standard DC features
Can you please hide the Acrobat Standard features, or allow the user to hide them.
I appreciate you want to encourage users to purchase the license for Standard DC, but it is mis-leading showing the features on the right side of Reader DC if you can't even use them.
Having the option to hide these features from Reader DC would be good
2 votes -
Can't open more than 1 file at a time
Clients with Windows 10 1809 or more (or Win2019) trying to access a PDF via a DFS that is stored on a Windows server 2019 server are not able to open more than 1 pdf.
Can this please be fixed as Windows Sever 2019 is being used more widely.
8 votes -
HowTo collapse bookmarks should be discoverable in the UI
There are keyboard shortcuts to collapse bookmarks.
These shortcuts should be discoverable in the UI.
For example, the context menu for bookmarks should have the command, with the keyboard shortcut displayed next to it.I had to do a google search to find the keyboard shortcuts explained in a user forum:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/expand-collapse-all-the-bookmarks-in-a-pdf-file/td-p/2372796/page/3?page=11 vote -
Bug: Adobe Reader "save" prompts "save-as"
I am having an issue when saving documents in Adobe Reader, when I hit "save" it prompts a "save-as" box every time which required me to navigate to the document to save it. This is happening for me on windows 10. I've uninstalled and re-installed the program and am getting the same issue. Thanks
5 votes -
Bug: Ctrl-H (Read Mode), Ctrl-0 (Zoom to Page), ..., Esc (exit full screen mode) FREEZE
The sequence of UI actions below causes a repeatable freeze for me.
(Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Release 2020.006.20042
Windows 10 Home version 1909 build 18363.815)- Open a pdf
- Ctrl-H (Read Mode) [use full height of screen]
- Ctrl-0 (Zoom to page) [that's a zero, not a letter]
- (optional): read document
- Esc (leave full-screen mode)
Expect: exits full screen view, restore document in pane with bookmark sidebar
Actual: exits full screen view, but freezes. Window still occupies full screen. Content areas are BLACK. Menubar and tabs reappear, but tabs are unresponsive. Right sidebar border appears, but not left sidebar.
Workaround: after freeze,…
1 vote -
Improve Page Display > Two Page View
Please review and consider improving Two Page View to make easily readable and navigable when moving from page to page or view to view.
Currently the fonts look compressed and readability is less than optimum.
1 vote -
scrolling motion is not smooth on the pc version of adobe acrobat, while on mac it is natural and easy to read and not laggy
I have a bad experience scrolling and reading pdfs on pc
because its very laggy , while on ipad and the mobile version of this app its very smooth
I hope you can solve this problem2 votes
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