1934 results found
Hyperlinks not working
Hyperlinks inside PDF are not working in the chrome extension. I'm not sure where any setting to be done. But this should be enabled by default, which is the main reason to avoid adobe as default in chrome browser.
2 votes -
Chrome extension doesn't present hyperlinks
I love this plug in but I didn't realize it doesn't allow users to click on hyperlinks. Is that something planned for the future? Without that ability, it makes this a dangerous tool to use in a corporate environment.
3 votes -
Hyperlinks in pdf created by InDesign not working
The hyperlinks in the pdf do not function properly when viewing online pdfs in the Adobe extension. The behavior is unsatisfactory. The pdf is one I created using InDesign by selecting a text box and using the Hyperlink tool to create a link to a URL. When viewing the pdf in the extension, clicking on the objected doesn't do anything and there isn't any notification of a link on mouse over and on right click, the context menu doesn't contain any options related to opening a link.
2 votes -
Add Text to Speech
Adobe has left the text to speech Tool out.
Please me an email as to when the text to speech tool will be added. ASAP
Thank you
for doing you best
looking forward to a email with the answer.4 votes -
Allow for filename change before download.
You can do this in Chrome and a collection of pdfs with unidentifiable filenames is near useless. It's become a deal breaker for me and since I rarely use the additional functionality of DC in Chrome, I may as well go back to its own pdf reader.
64 votes -
Please make it so we can highlight in different colours.
Right now you can only highlight yellow and you must highlight the same text multiple times to darken the yellow. Having several different colours available for highlight would make life a lot easier.
6 votes -
default text
default type is way bigger than fields and no easy way I can see to resize.
41 votes -
PDF Translator
A PDF Translator sure would be great!
23 votes -
Chrome extension opens docs TOO BIG TEXT SIZE
There is too much zoom on the text (it's HUGE). Can you please make the link open normal size?
Thanks!36 votes -
Disable pre-authorization requirement for viewing PDFs
Please provide an option to disable / enable pre-authorization in Chrome, or have it default to Adobe Reader. The current model opens PDF documents in Acrobat DC by default. This is probably fine for a user with a single computer. However, I have three computers where I use Adobe products under a single subscription, and the authorization step becomes grossly disruptive. When I have spotty internet connectivity, or cannot reach Adobe Servers, Adobe Acrobat DC just dies. This is very frustrating, and I typically just use the native plugins to avoid these issues.
45 votes -
It takes way to many clicks to print. Move print out of the menu onto the actual page
44 votes -
This is the form.
12 votes -
Pop-up toolbar at bottom of page blocks view of full page, and there is no way to hide the toolbar. And no, I don't want to waste screen space docking it at the bottom. I just want to read the page. If you feel compelled to show that annoying toolbar, put it vertical on the side and hide the worthless toolbar that opens on the right, as I don't need to do any of those functions. I'm opening in a browser - I just want to browse, nothing more.
6 votes -
11 votes -
12 votes -
chrome上でAcrobat onlinepattientresistprintとしてPDFプリントを行おうとするとダウンロードボタンはダウンロードできるが、プリントボタンでプリントできない。
4 votes -
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2 votes -
Failure to load
Failure to load any document for online reading. Continuously loads.
10 votes -
I do not like the extra page that needs to be opened before downloading. I would like to see a return to full-size opening of pages.
I do not like the small print extra page that now needs to be opened beforI do not like the extra page that needs to be opened before downloading. I would like to see a return to full-size opening of pages.e downloading. I would like to see a return to full-size opening of pages in the browser, enabling me to see the content immediately before deciding whether to download. This is particularly important to me because I have visual acuity issues.
123 votes
- Don't see your idea?