Can you please provide a status of this request? Our Global IS team has indicated that for this functionality to work, all users are required to have an Adobe Cloud account, in which our organization is not interested. Do you know if there are plans in place to allow for a direct way to open PDFs in a desktop application without Adobe Cloud?
I can see that this was submitted in 2020 and last commented on in early 2021. This is a large business need. Thanks.
Can you please provide a status of this request? Our Global IS team has indicated that for this functionality to work, all users are required to have an Adobe Cloud account, in which our organization is not interested. Do you know if there are plans in place to allow for a direct way to open PDFs in a desktop application without Adobe Cloud?
I can see that this was submitted in 2020 and last commented on in early 2021. This is a large business need. Thanks.