Settings and activity
8 results found
2 votescourtney work shared this idea ·
123 votescourtney work supported this idea ·
168 votescourtney work supported this idea ·
84 votes
Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you. Requesting you to share some additional details with us and try a troubleshooting step to help you further -
- Can you please share the PDF URL (if it is not confidential) OR share the exact steps to reproduce the issue?
- Also, can you please open these browser settings - chrome://settings/content/pdfDocuments and check if the following setting for opening PDFs in browser is enabled "Open PDFs in Chrome". If not, please toggle from "Download PDFs" to "Open PDFs in Chrome". Now, please try to open PDFs in the Acrobat Viewer and print again.
Hoping the above will resolve your issue. Requesting you to please confirm to us by reverting back if your issue is resolved.
Thanks and Regards,
Shilpa Setia
Lead QA, Adobe
courtney work supported this idea · -
7 votescourtney work supported this idea ·
18 votescourtney work supported this idea ·
10 votescourtney work supported this idea ·
15 votescourtney work supported this idea ·