Settings and activity
1 result found
28 votes
Hi All,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Requesting you to please provide the below details :
1. Do you see the sign in dialog with any PDF file or with specific PDF file?
2. Can you please share a snapshot of the sign in dialog being displayed to you?Regards,
SandeepAn error occurred while saving the comment
This login issue is not a windows issue. It's a persistent issue in Adobe itself. I am also a sysadmin and this past week re-installed windows to clean up my computer from pandemic work as we are beginning to return to work onsite. Occasionally though I'll still take advantage of a telework agreement for slow days and just fill out a few PDFs for work and this persistent bug is absolutely killing productivity. Especially when there are dozens of forms to fill.
Fresh Windows install with no modifications, and fresh adobe install and I am STILL asked to sign in and give a cell received verification code then sign out my "other" PCs every three rounds.
I'm beginning to think running a cracked version would be a better solution.
Also I would select remember me on this comment post but I don't think that option would work either if going by your software is any indication.