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    Sorry to hear that you’re facing while using Find tool.
    In order to reproduce the issue in-house, can you please provide the following details :

    1. Please tell us the version of your Acrobat/Reader.
    2. Could you please share the workflow that you’re trying to perform using the Find tool?
    3. It will be great if you could share the crash dump with us.

    How to create crash logs on Windows environment?
    1. Retry the scenario where Acrobat crashes
    2. Do not close the pop-up when Acrobat crash
    3. Open Task manager
    4. Right-click on “Acrobat.exe *32” process and select ‘Create Dump file’
    5. It will create a log file in the temp folder. (Path will be displayed on pop-up comes when logs created). You can also check this under
    - Open Run process (Win+R)
    - Type temp
    - Logs file will be available here with name “Acrobat.DMP

    Damon Schultz shared this idea  ·