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38 votes
I have escalated the issue to the Engineering Team and will get back to you once I get an update on this.Thanks
RachitAn error occurred while saving the comment
1 result found
I have escalated the issue to the Engineering Team and will get back to you once I get an update on this.
Just when i was finally training myself to use styles consistently, minimizing my PDF remediation, the <spans> showed up and removed the fastest way to check my work, via the RO panel.
Wading through the tag tree to check everything is needlessly tedious.
How about a function (perhaps a button in the Accessibility panel) that moves all tags up and out of their spans? Essentially a "find and replace," or the functional equivalent of a javascript (like str = str.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/g,"");) that would make every span tag disappear. Or even better: isolate only this first tier of spans above the "real" tags (the nuisance ones that aren't really doing anything), and kill them with fire.
Synchronizing the RO panel with the tags panel makes good sense and should of course be done. But even if that's still out of reach, we need a more efficient way to catch the errors without having to expand the whole tag tree. And if under the hood it's all really a big XML text file, couldn't any halfway decent coder on the Acrobat team write up an anti-span script to restore the usefulness of the RO panel for remediation? It's a somewhat kludgy and temporary solution, but it sure would make a lot of us happy, saving incalculably large piles of time and money.