Settings and activity
2 results found
25 votes
I have escalated the request to the higher management and we have kept it in our radar. You may see it in our near releases.Thanks
RachitTerri shared this idea ·
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15 votes
Terri supported this idea ·
Terri shared this idea ·
Feature Requests / Bug Reports for the Accessibility features in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (Version 2018.011.20063) on Windows 7 Professional.
For the Tags panel:
1. Option to create Lists <L> tags with a set number of List Items <LI> tags instead of one at a time. Time wasted creating one at time.
2. Option to created tables <Tables> tags with a set number of Rows <TR> tags instead of one at a time. Time wasted creating one at time.
3. Stop forcing all the Tags folders to all be opened when opening a PDF file! Not efficient if having to reopen a PDF with an extensive Tags structure. These folders need to remain as they were when last saved!
For the Reading Order Popup menu:
1. Button to create List Items <LI> and List Body <LBody> for selected text. Currently have to manually change the tag for example <P> to <LBody>. Action Wizard is hit and miss with Lists, so I create from scratch many times.
2. Button to create Links <Link> for selected text and/or images with a popup box for enter the URL while simultaneously creating its Annotation in the Content panel and in the Tags panel. This would save time.
2. The Background/Artifact button doesn't work as it should. Items still go to the Tags panel.
For the Content panel:
1. Within the Page contents, the option to delete Annotations by selecting it and/or with a right click. This would save time.
For Adobe Acrobat Pro DC software updates:
1. Need a way to save my current customized layout so that when the software is updated, it is not lost. Time consuming to recreate with every software update. (iOS and PC).
Thank you,