Bug: Any FI/FL letters disappears in reading mode
Firstly appears as rstly
1st line in the white screenshot fiction appear as ction
7th line in the night screenshot flakes appers as akes
only happens in reading mode, the letters look normal any other mode.
OS: Android 7.0
Adobe acrobat 17.3. 1.176958
PDF file. Ready player one by Ernest cline

Anonymous commented
I noticed it is not only these letters; Some letters appear to disppear at random, usually the first X letters. They appear in editing mode but are gone in reading mode (or vice versa)
J saxon commented
Please fix this already. I need my 'Bayesian lters' to become 'Bayesian filters' again.
Victor Shepardson commented
This bug has been persistent for me for over a year.
Android 8.0.0, Nexus 5X, acrobat 17.5
I love reading mode + night mode for scientific papers, please please fix!