Screen Stuttering
Saya mendapatkan stuttering saat digulir ke atas setelah ke bawah dan saat digulir ke bawah setelah ke atas, baik portrait maupun landscape, menggunakan redmi 6a, miui 10, android 8.1. Stuttering tidak nampak saat direkam dengan screen recorder.

Sherif commented
I believe I have the same problem here. When I am reading pdfs in Portrait mode and I try to remove the boarders at the bottom and top by tapping on the screen it oscillators up and down with the same text in view-everything thing seems to work fine other than the oscillations of the screen which isnt very good.
I think it might be one of the updates because I am sure I wasn't have this issue before December 2018 or earlier not very sure when it started.Am not a programmer but am inclined to think it is a scaling issue. I using the app on my LG g6_LG H871