Let me open PDFs from SharePoint in Acrobat DC Pro (and save them back to SharePoint, like any Word doc or PowerPoint)
I have a lot of PDFs stored in a SharePoint document library. How can I open them directly with Acrobat Pro DC from SharePoint (as opposed to this limited web version) and then save them back to SharePoint when I close. Similar to any Word doc or PowerPoint or Excel spreadsheet is what I'd like.
Brian commented
For me, it's a multi-step workaround: 1) Click on the file which opens it in a OneDrive/SharePoint preview page 2) then click dropdown menu button to open in browser 3) file opens in adobe extension - which must be enabled/downloaded 4) Extension has option to open in desktop app.
I have deployed a test environment for the Adobe Acrobat for M365 integration. It's nice to see the Adobe icon show up in sharepoint/onedrive instead of the generic PDF icon.
BUT opening the PDF file takes you (via browser) to Adobe Cloud, which is such a less functional experience than the browser extension.
I wouldn't mind this if there was an option to open in the desktop app LIKE THE EXTENSION ALLOWS!
Honestly, the easiest suggestion now would be to add "open in desktop app" to the Adobe Cloud version.